1. If you want to annoy them, then that is easy, install a right click disable into your templates/tmpl_uni/_header.html file. Just imagine the look on their faces as they see the embed code right there, but they can't copy paste it. That would be so much fun wouldn't it!!!!
2. You could use your Admin Panel Builders => Page Builders and just turn the block off. It's right there, I swear it is, just take a look.
3. You could start playing around with inc/classes/BxDolSharedMediaView.php & BxDolSharedMedia.php by commenting sections out until you find the right solution.
****Keep this in mind though, unless you watermark it, it can be stolen and reused. How? Well, do step 1 and disable the right click, they disable java and can right click again = stolen photo.
Next, you remove the url & embed codes, that will cut down on your server bandwidth, but again they just right click and grab the url for it anyways, save it to their own system or embed it on another site as an image source.
Finally, let's say they don't disable right click and you do remove the codes, well then they just hold down the left mouse button on the image and drag it outside the browser and drop it on the desktop. Voila, they have the photo anyways.
So, you see whatever we do to protect it they will just circumvent anyways.