Can someone please help me. I need to remove one of the Sub Menu's on my site (Forum one). In the Admin, Navigation it only removes the Top Menu, Some of my Mods require Forum to be Installed, yet I do not wish ANY access to the Forums anywhere.
Any suggestions?
Click on the block within the Builders > Navigation Menu and remove the checkmark visible for Guests and Members. Nothing to see here |
It will not work, "Forum" still shows on the specific Mods. It must have to do with that particular Devs Mods. Of course there must be a way though.
Click on the block within the Builders > Navigation Menu and remove the checkmark visible for Guests and Members.
Sorry, I should have read your question better. You are correct, for 3rd part modules that 'require' the forum (and shows the link), there will have to be an edit the .php file(s) for that particular module. More than likely in the /classes directory for that module. Nothing to see here |
Thank you. I have sent a request to developer. Appreciate your time though,
Sorry, I showed have read your question better. You are correct, for 3rd part modules that 'require' the forum (and shows the link), there will have to be an edit of the .php file(s) for that particular module. More than likely in the /classes directory for that module.
Ok, developer answered question, and it was very simple. Admin>Builders>Navigation Menu scroll to the right most of the screen, you should see it there. At least for the mods I have. If that does not work contact your own Mod developer. |