I am trying to remove profile videos and profile music from the actions block. After following instructions I found on another topic I managed to remove them but it messes up the page and I get the following accross the top of the page
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/today1/public_html/templates/base/scripts/BxBaseProfileView.php:1541) in /home/today1/public_html/inc/design.inc.php on line 521
And by reverting the commented section is does not fix it unless i
restore the original file (lucky I backed it up first)
I changed the following lines:
$ret .= $oTemplMenu ->
getActionsMenuItem( 'action_videos.gif',
$this->getLinkStat('prVideo', _t('_ProfileVideos'), $profileID), ";",
'', '', "openRayWidget( 'video', 'player', '$profileID' );" );
// $ret .= $oTemplMenu -> getActionsMenuItem(
'action_videos.gif', _t('_ProfileVideos'), ";", '', '',
"openRayWidget( 'video', 'player', '$profileID' );" );
$ret .=
$oTemplMenu -> getActionsMenuItem( 'action_music.gif',
$this->getLinkStat('prMusic', _t('_ProfileMusic'), $profileID), ";",
'', '', "openRayWidget( 'mp3', 'player', '$profileID', '" . getPassword(
$memberID ) . "', '$memberID');");
// $ret .= $oTemplMenu
-> getActionsMenuItem( 'action_videos.gif',
$this->getLinkStat('prVideo', _t('_ProfileVideos'), $profileID), ";",
'', '', "openRayWidget( 'video', 'player', '$profileID' );" );
// $ret .= $oTemplMenu -> getActionsMenuItem(
'action_videos.gif', _t('_ProfileVideos'), ";", '', '',
"openRayWidget( 'video', 'player', '$profileID' );" );
// $ret
.= $oTemplMenu -> getActionsMenuItem( 'action_music.gif',
$this->getLinkStat('prMusic', _t('_ProfileMusic'), $profileID), ";",
'', '', "openRayWidget( 'mp3', 'player', '$profileID', '" . getPassword(
$memberID ) . "', '$memberID');");
Am I missing something?
(I'm using Dolphin 6.1.6)