Remove Get E-Mail Button

I removed mine a while ago, cant remember if i edited it out or not.... but there is a box you can check in Admin advanced settings - anonymous mode, try that first.


Quote · 16 Oct 2008

help!!! hi um i tried this just now i have 7.0 all i did was checked anonymous mode and saved and the button went away but now no java works nothing loads and i cant click buttons also there is no arrows to click in advanced settings. can this be fixed ????plz be lite on me im a nooby still ps i searched i didnt find nothin on it. ive also tried to get into advanced settings on both firefox and ie

Quote · 25 Feb 2010

any help here would be greatly appreciated :(

Quote · 25 Feb 2010

I removed mine a while ago, cant remember if i edited it out or not.... but there is a box you can check in Admin advanced settings - anonymous mode, try that first.


To disable the function edit freemail.php, comment out following lines

$send_form = send_form();


$mail_ret = sendMail( $aRecipientArr['Email'], $subject, $message, $recipientID, $aPlus );

Don't think disabling button in admin panel is 100% - seem to remember a bug where members could still get the info even if the button was removed. Not sure if this was fixed in 6.1.6

Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation
Quote · 25 Feb 2010

help!!! hi um i tried this just now i have 7.0 all i did was checked anonymous mode and saved and the button went away but now no java works nothing loads and i cant click buttons also there is no arrows to click in advanced settings. can this be fixed ????plz be lite on me im a nooby still ps i searched i didnt find nothin on it. ive also tried to get into advanced settings on both firefox and ie

Wrong forum for D7 stuff Wink

Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation
Quote · 25 Feb 2010

thx for the reply i did what u said and it didnt bring anything back or was that to disable the button? if so thx for that but how do i get my pointer arrows back so i can edit advanced settings again nothing onn my site is working while this anonymous mode thing is clicked for some reason

Quote · 25 Feb 2010

The mod is to stop the get email function from being called.

Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation
Quote · 25 Feb 2010

That's close DeeEmm and it might work, but here is how we totally killed it across the board from every functioning or even appearing as an option, regardless of what that little button or membership level permissions say:



1.  Remove freemail.php or rename it.  This will kill the get mail function for the hackers who know the dolphin URL's and try just typing it in.


2.  Go to templates/base/BxBaseProfileView.php and locate the following code:

function showBlockActionsMenu( $sCaption, $bNoDB = false ) {
        global $p_arr;

  // init some user's values
  $iMemberID = ( isset($_COOKIE['memberID']) && isMember() || isAdmin() ) ? (int) $_COOKIE['memberID'] : 0;

        $iViewedMemberID = (int)$p_arr['ID'];

        if( (!$iMemberID  or !$iViewedMemberID) or ($iMemberID == $iViewedMemberID) )
   return null;
        // prepare all needed keys
        $p_arr['url']     = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT;
  $p_arr['window_width']  = $this->oTemplConfig->popUpWindowWidth;
  $p_arr['window_height'] = $this->oTemplConfig->popUpWindowHeight;
  $p_arr['anonym_mode'] = $this->oTemplConfig->bAnonymousMode;

  $p_arr['member_id']  = $iMemberID;
  $p_arr['member_pass'] = getPassword( $iMemberID );
  //--- Subscription integration ---//  
  $oSubscription = new BxDolSubscription();
  $sAddon = $oSubscription->getData();
        $aButton = $oSubscription->getButton($iMemberID, 'profile', '', $iViewedMemberID);
        $p_arr['sbs_profile_title'] = $aButton['title'];
  $p_arr['sbs_profile_script'] = $aButton['script'];
        //--- Subscription integration ---//
        //--- Check for member/non-member ---//
        if(isMember()) {
         $p_arr['cpt_edit'] = _t('_EditProfile');
            $p_arr['cpt_send_letter'] = _t('_SendLetter');
            $p_arr['cpt_fave'] = _t('_Fave');
            $p_arr['cpt_befriend'] = _t('_Befriend');
            $p_arr['cpt_greet'] = _t('_Greet');
            $p_arr['cpt_get_mail'] = _t('_Get E-mail');
            $p_arr['cpt_share'] = _t('_Share');
            $p_arr['cpt_report'] = _t('_Report Spam');
            $p_arr['cpt_block'] = _t('_Block');
        else {
         $p_arr['cpt_edit'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_send_letter'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_fave'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_befriend'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_greet'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_get_mail'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_share'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_report'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_block'] = '';


Replace it with:


function showBlockActionsMenu( $sCaption, $bNoDB = false ) {
        global $p_arr;

  // init some user's values
  $iMemberID = ( isset($_COOKIE['memberID']) && isMember() || isAdmin() ) ? (int) $_COOKIE['memberID'] : 0;

        $iViewedMemberID = (int)$p_arr['ID'];

        if( (!$iMemberID  or !$iViewedMemberID) or ($iMemberID == $iViewedMemberID) )
   return null;
        // prepare all needed keys
        $p_arr['url']     = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT;
  $p_arr['window_width']  = $this->oTemplConfig->popUpWindowWidth;
  $p_arr['window_height'] = $this->oTemplConfig->popUpWindowHeight;
//$p_arr['anonym_mode'] = $this->oTemplConfig->bAnonymousMode;

  $p_arr['member_id']  = $iMemberID;
  $p_arr['member_pass'] = getPassword( $iMemberID );
  //--- Subscription integration ---//  
  $oSubscription = new BxDolSubscription();
  $sAddon = $oSubscription->getData();
        $aButton = $oSubscription->getButton($iMemberID, 'profile', '', $iViewedMemberID);
        $p_arr['sbs_profile_title'] = $aButton['title'];
  $p_arr['sbs_profile_script'] = $aButton['script'];
        //--- Subscription integration ---//
        //--- Check for member/non-member ---//
        if(isMember()) {
         $p_arr['cpt_edit'] = _t('_EditProfile');
            $p_arr['cpt_send_letter'] = _t('_SendLetter');
            $p_arr['cpt_fave'] = _t('_Fave');
            $p_arr['cpt_befriend'] = _t('_Befriend');
            $p_arr['cpt_greet'] = _t('_Greet');
            //$p_arr['cpt_get_mail'] = _t('_Get E-mail');
            $p_arr['cpt_share'] = _t('_Share');
            $p_arr['cpt_report'] = _t('_Report Spam');
            $p_arr['cpt_block'] = _t('_Block');
        else {
         $p_arr['cpt_edit'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_send_letter'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_fave'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_befriend'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_greet'] = '';
            //$p_arr['cpt_get_mail'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_share'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_report'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_block'] = '';


Note:  All we have done here is deleted freemail.php and commented out the links that apply to get mail and it's language key.  This is the one I wrote a few weeks or so ago and was tested out by a couple members, they found it to work well.  You can read the whole discussion here in regards to pulling it from D7

Quote · 26 Feb 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.