Theres also been a lot of talk about being able to hide DOB completely in Dolphin.
As far as I know (and I am told this also by Dolphingeeks) there is no way to hide it SAFELY even in the lates Dolphin version.
Even better for me would be not to have it in the registration form in the first place.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
In case you dont know - unlike other fields you cannot turn off displaying it or collecting it in the join form without potentially creating major problems.
I discovered that the hard way in 6.0003 , and I am NOT happy that it appeared to be a built in feature to hide the field and yet it stuffed everything up !
So one would think that Boonex would have solved this problem in 6.1 - no?
But from what I gather there isnt even a mod available that will just let you hide all referances to DOB, especially on profile and search pages, and preferably not collect DOB at all anyway.
Anyone have any other info about this or any instructions on how to do it safely ?
Dan V