Relocate Status Message/Updater

Hey guys.

I've been searching for an answer for this for some time, but have finally given in to ask.

As I am using a custom template which converts the top menus in a way that the status updater bubble is no longer visable, I would like to move it to the top of the wall/newsfeed colum on profile pages so people can update their status without having to use the updater in the member menu. (I would rather have the member menu diabled).

Would the best way to do this be using one of Deanos PHP blocks or is there a way I can create a profile item block for it?

I have attempted to create a PHP block but can't write the code correctly.

I also have an unrelated question that I won't clutter up the forum by creating another topic, on the off chance someone can help me in here, but is there any mods available that allow users to annonomously ask other users questions that they can then can approve and answer should they wish too, similar to Formspring? It would be a great tool to use to allow other members to be interviewed.

Appreciate any help, thankyou. :)

Quote · 23 Apr 2011

Update: Managed to track down an external Formspring type plugin. It might be something worth one of the developers heres time to put one together to sell, I imagiine their is some demand for it.


Still looking for an answer regarding moving the status message to the top of my newsfeed/wall on profile pages.

Quote · 24 Apr 2011

Hey guys,

I've decided to just allow members to use the Status Message updater in the Member Menu, but I would still like to create a PHP block so that their status message can be displayed on their profile, at the top of the center colum.

Could anyone tell me what the PHP code is to just display status messages?

Cheers guys

Quote · 27 Apr 2011

Does anybody have an answer for this? I would really, really appreciate it. It's the only thing I've needed to know since using Boonex. I know no one gets paid to answer any questions.

On another note. Does anyone offer a paid service to work on Boonex? I need a few new features built into my site and am looking for someone to do it for me. Preferably in Australia, but location doesn't matter that much. I've approached some of my other coders to do it, but would feel more comfortable with someone who is familiar with this platform.

Cheers guys

Quote · 5 May 2011

The status message is in totally the wrong place - no one ever "views their own profile.   I have a post about this around here somewhere where a Boonex employee seemed to agree, but I doubt they will do anything about it.

Quote · 5 May 2011

where would you like to move it to? account page or any spec.. area

Quote · 5 May 2011

Account page is what would make sense to me.

Quote · 5 May 2011

I have decided against moving it now and would just like to know the lines of code i need to use in a PHP block to simply display the status of a user.

I just want to place a PHP block titled Status Message at the top of the profile page which displays whatever uses type into the Status Message on the member menu.



Quote · 5 May 2011


I'm that desperate for some help I will pay or beg, which ever is required.

Also, does anyone know of a TAG PEOPLE IN POSTS mod?

Cheers :D

Quote · 10 May 2011


This should work fine in a PHP Block.... file also attached

To display your status or the currrent status of the logged in user anywhere on site.



$result=mysql_query("SELECT UserStatusMessage FROM Profiles WHERE ID = '$memberID'");

while($r=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {



echo $statmessage;



Or to display the status of the profile that you are looking at...




$result=mysql_query("SELECT UserStatusMessage FROM Profiles WHERE ID = '$memberID'");

while($r=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {



echo $statmessage;



Have Fun...


statmessage.txt · 740B · 330 downloads
Quote · 10 May 2011

Edit to above post (seeing as I can't edit it directly)

Please also see new attachment for correct code

To display the status of the profile that you are looking at... Should Be....



$result=mysql_query("SELECT UserStatusMessage FROM Profiles WHERE NickName = '$memberID'");

while($r=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {



echo $statmessage;


statmessage.txt · 746B · 340 downloads
Quote · 10 May 2011

That works great. I use Deano Tools to insert a php block on the member account page and profile page and it shows up great. Thanks for the tip!

The Earth is the LORD's and the fullness therof, the world and they that dwell therin... Psalm 24:1
Quote · 16 Jul 2011

I am finding that members are finding it very hard to locate the update status message tab in the menu member at the bottom of the page, although lancashiredates code works great for people that can find the bubble, I think I need to actually put the stock bubble/status updater in the top of every members profile page.

Does anyone know what code I could use to insert into a PHP block so I can place the Status Updater bubble anywhere I require?

Appreciate any help as always, thanks guys. :)

Quote · 26 Jul 2011


desperate.bmp · 610.2K · 311 views
Quote · 27 Jul 2011

To answer this, this is what I did.



Add user status message to HOMEPAGE as well as PROFILE page



in file /inc/


around line 268 find



$sLoginSection = '';

$aInfo = getProfileInfo();

$sWelcomeElement = '<div class="label_thumbnail">' . get_member_thumbnail($aInfo['ID'], "left", false) . '</div><div class="label_thumb">' . _t('_Hello member', $aInfo['NickName']) . '</div>';




$sMemberStatus = '';

$sProfStatusMessage = process_line_output($aInfo['UserStatusMessage']);

$sRealWhen = ($aInfo['UserStatusMessageWhen'] != 0) ? $aInfo['UserStatusMessageWhen'] : time();

$sProfStatusMessageWhen = defineTimeInterval($sRealWhen);


$isButtonNotify = true;

$sProfStatusMessage = ($sProfStatusMessage=='') ? _t('_Click_here_to_update_your_status') : $sProfStatusMessage . '<font style="color:#999;font-size:9px;margin-left:5px;">'.$sProfStatusMessageWhen.'</font>';

$sProfStatusMessage = <<<EOF

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

function InloadStatusMessageEl() {






<div id="StatusMessage" onclick="InloadStatusMessageEl(); return false;">{$sProfStatusMessage}</div>

<div id="inloadedStatusMess" style="float:left;"></div>




if ($sProfStatusMessageWhen != '' && $sProfStatusMessage != '') {

$sProfStatusMessageEl = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->genNotifyMessage($sProfStatusMessage, 'left', $isButtonNotify);




$sCode = '';

if($iImages > 1) {


$sCode .= <<<EOF

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready( function() {

$('#indexPhoto').dolPromo(8000, 1500);

} );





        around line 328 find


        <div id="indexPhotoLabel">{$sWelcomeElement}{$sLoginSection}


    <div id="indexPhoto" onclick="location='{$sPromoLink}'">





            CHANGE TO THIS


            <div id="indexPhotoLabel">



<td valign=center>


<div class="sys_tm_title_addon" style="line-height:61px; margin-bottom:12px;">






    <div id="indexPhoto" onclick="location='{$sPromoLink}'">





   adjust your CSS styles as needed!


This mod works on mine, I have modded that section slightly tho, so I am not sure how it will work on yours.

You MUST backup your files before proceeding!!  If you mess this section up, your entire site will go down. (ask me how I know).


I performed this mod on my TEST site 1st before implementing it on my actual site.
Quote · 25 Sep 2011

You're a beast! Thankyou!!! I'll try this now. Cannot thank you enough. Will let you know how it goes. :) :) :)

Quote · 26 Sep 2011

thank you very much it works I have hours trying

passionate BoonEx Dolphin
Quote · 29 Jun 2012

 Hello but would this work for D 7.1.4?

because i was unable to find the string $sLoginSection = '';

in file /inc/

To answer this, this is what I did.



Add user status message to HOMEPAGE as well as PROFILE page



in file /inc/


around line 268 find



$sLoginSection = '';

$aInfo = getProfileInfo();

$sWelcomeElement = '<div class="label_thumbnail">' . get_member_thumbnail($aInfo['ID'], "left", false) . '</div><div class="label_thumb">' . _t('_Hello member', $aInfo['NickName']) . '</div>';




$sMemberStatus = '';

$sProfStatusMessage = process_line_output($aInfo['UserStatusMessage']);

$sRealWhen = ($aInfo['UserStatusMessageWhen'] != 0) ? $aInfo['UserStatusMessageWhen'] : time();

$sProfStatusMessageWhen = defineTimeInterval($sRealWhen);


$isButtonNotify = true;

$sProfStatusMessage = ($sProfStatusMessage=='') ? _t('_Click_here_to_update_your_status') : $sProfStatusMessage . '<font style="color:#999;font-size:9px;margin-left:5px;">'.$sProfStatusMessageWhen.'</font>';

$sProfStatusMessage = <<<EOF

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

function InloadStatusMessageEl() {






<div id="StatusMessage" onclick="InloadStatusMessageEl(); return false;">{$sProfStatusMessage}</div>

<div id="inloadedStatusMess" style="float:left;"></div>




if ($sProfStatusMessageWhen != '' && $sProfStatusMessage != '') {

$sProfStatusMessageEl = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->genNotifyMessage($sProfStatusMessage, 'left', $isButtonNotify);




$sCode = '';

if($iImages > 1) {


$sCode .= <<<EOF

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready( function() {

$('#indexPhoto').dolPromo(8000, 1500);

} );





        around line 328 find


        <div id="indexPhotoLabel">{$sWelcomeElement}{$sLoginSection}


    <div id="indexPhoto" onclick="location='{$sPromoLink}'">





            CHANGE TO THIS


            <div id="indexPhotoLabel">



<td valign=center>


<div class="sys_tm_title_addon" style="line-height:61px; margin-bottom:12px;">






    <div id="indexPhoto" onclick="location='{$sPromoLink}'">





   adjust your CSS styles as needed!


This mod works on mine, I have modded that section slightly tho, so I am not sure how it will work on yours.

You MUST backup your files before proceeding!!  If you mess this section up, your entire site will go down. (ask me how I know).


I performed this mod on my TEST site 1st before implementing it on my actual site.


Quote · 30 Aug 2014
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.