I need a little help with a line of code to redirect a user from pedit, after undtating their profile, back to the profile. I am working with DeeEmm code where he put in the line in the pedit.php:
if( empty( $this -> aErrors[0] ) and empty( $this -> aErrors[1] ) ) { // do not save in ajax mode
if (!$this -> bAjaxMode or $this->bForceAjaxSave) {
$this -> saveProfile();
$sStatusText = '_Save profile successful';
header(‘Location: index.php”);
I have change the location to profile.php and it works, but it’s ugly. Instead of getting:
I get
So I have 2 questions, is this the correct way to do this in 7.1 and am I even using the correct file? Thanks in advance for you time.