Really confused about access.

am I being stupid or have I missed the point?

In the feilds builder i have several options for each type of profile view - for admin, member, moderator, visitor.

seems to make sense - until i try and find out how to view or edit a profile as an admin.

If i try and view anybody elses profile as the admin (the one with access to the dashboard) i only get guest access.

so i made an admin member, with full priveleges - and this time I only get member access to others profiles.

there seems to be no way to access a page with the admin_controls feilds on it - for either type of admin.

I assumed that seperate feild options for some kind of admin was possible, but it seems not - I am really confused?

even though I am by now fairly familiar with the php code and databases that dolphin uses.

or am i missing a secret login area - like that for the moderator?

which leads me to another point - is it really the case that all a moderator can do is edit profiles and evict people ?
when I login as a moderator all I can access at all is the various users join forms - is this right?

seems like I am left in a position that I can not actually police or edit any user contributed data - If I get an offensive profile comment how do I edit it?

I am aware that I have probably overlooked something really simple - either that or my brain is addled with trying to format a multi checkbox with css. but thanks for any light you could throw on this for me.

Quote · 1 Apr 2009

they are for profile views, so you or staff can see other info that normal members cant view

Yes Sammie, That much I had gathered. except Neither Me or my staff can view them either.

I also noticed today that the admin can no longer access any way of editing or adding blog categories. whereas every plain user can - yes I have checked the user privileges section.

Quote · 1 Apr 2009

I've Just done a quick scoot around looking at what my dashboard admin can access and it seems that they are logged in as a guest, apart from having access to the backend.

In other words, when logged in to the admin panel, I get the left side menu, page builder etc. but any links that send me to an actual page of the site, (such as 'blogs' in 'content') I arrive there with visitor privileges only - so no edit, create or delete options, and even worse no access to any page blocks that are set to member only in page builder.

Any Ideas?

Quote · 1 Apr 2009

Sammie what i mean is - when i am logged in to the back end, if i visit a users page i have no access at all, to anything that i have given only members access to.

For instance - as a visitor no-one can see the members link in the top menu, they can once they join. my backend admin seems to be counted as a visitor whenever he views a page, so has no access to anything that only members can access - like the whole members menu.

this is also the case for all the admin fields that I have set up, the backend admin cannot see them at all.

So I made a front end member, who i have called admin and given every privilege on the membership levels backend screen - but that whole set of dropdowns only gives access to various features (like upload etc) it doesn't mark him out to have special viewing or editing rights to other members content.

Ok so I can edit peoples profiles either as a mod, or as the admin, but I have no way of editing any other content that they add. because i cant access the menus that take me there.

I have probably missed something really simple - like the moderators special login page (thats a point. is there a front end admins login page?). and what is more I'm getting really confused with what the roles are throughout - I really wish there was a users guide to this sometimes absolutely infuriating script.

I have a more pressing problem now though - none of my members have any friends showing up in their 'my friends boxes' even though some are well befriended.

and then I've got to sort out why about 60% of my visitors cannot get past the date of birth field on the registration page.

Quote · 3 Apr 2009

Ok. I should probably apologise in advance for being so slow on the uptake, especially to you sammie - but I have just run across a real example of how the above is a problem.
Someone has made an offensive group on my site, and I can only view it - how does the admin get to suspend it? I understand that there is no way to delete it (without buying a mod) but I seem to have absolutely no way of controlling what groups are created or if they remain on my site.

any ideas are very welcome - need to make the group dissapppear in a hurry.


Quote · 11 Apr 2009

Ok. I should probably apologise in advance for being so slow on the uptake, especially to you sammie - but I have just run across a real example of how the above is a problem.
Someone has made an offensive group on my site, and I can only view it - how does the admin get to suspend it? I understand that there is no way to delete it (without buying a mod) but I seem to have absolutely no way of controlling what groups are created or if they remain on my site.

any ideas are very welcome - need to make the group dissapppear in a hurry.


of course i have not had anybody create a group on one of my sites, but i would think you could delete the group if not from anywhere else, you can delete the group from your database. if you need help with this just give me a shout, i can see if i have the time to get you sorted?



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Quote · 11 Apr 2009

thanks dosdawg.

I can manage the task of deleting from the db. Just seems a bit primitive to do it that way, felt sure that there must be an admin area for groups that wasnt just about assigning categories.

Quote · 12 Apr 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.