am I being stupid or have I missed the point?
In the feilds builder i have several options for each type of profile view - for admin, member, moderator, visitor.
seems to make sense - until i try and find out how to view or edit a profile as an admin.
If i try and view anybody elses profile as the admin (the one with access to the dashboard) i only get guest access.
so i made an admin member, with full priveleges - and this time I only get member access to others profiles.
there seems to be no way to access a page with the admin_controls feilds on it - for either type of admin.
I assumed that seperate feild options for some kind of admin was possible, but it seems not - I am really confused?
even though I am by now fairly familiar with the php code and databases that dolphin uses.
or am i missing a secret login area - like that for the moderator?
which leads me to another point - is it really the case that all a moderator can do is edit profiles and evict people ?
when I login as a moderator all I can access at all is the various users join forms - is this right?
seems like I am left in a position that I can not actually police or edit any user contributed data - If I get an offensive profile comment how do I edit it?
I am aware that I have probably overlooked something really simple - either that or my brain is addled with trying to format a multi checkbox with css. but thanks for any light you could throw on this for me.