Ahhh Grasshopper, now you come looking for the Games modules. One must be very patient as they travel through their site if they are going to find this very wise yet elusive creature. Let me help you out on your hunt. First, you must go and put on a pink and yellow polka dot bikini as the Games module refuses to show itself to anyone who does not wear the bikini.
Next, take your laptop out to your front lawn with a large 1 liter bottle of prune juice. This will help to clear the body. Now, guzzle the prune juice in under 20 seconds, let it run down your body as you stand in the front lawn, the Games modules is attracted to prune juice soaked bikinis.
Now you are ready.
Go to: http://yoursite.com/admin
Plugins => Ray => Please note at the top the little box in the window that opens, within there you will find the elusive games module just waiting to be installed by you.
***Please note: Asking stupid questins will always result in being forced to locate the answer in a stupid manner. I hope you have enjoyed this episode of overaged geeks in bikinis.