Just wondering what you might require shell access for? Maybe I'm just misreading this or don't totally gather what you are after. You don't need shell access to just install any of the ray widgets. Maybe if you were going to install the ray media server (rms) on your own site/account. Maybe this is what you are referring to or after.
Otherwise you don't need shell access, just any kind of ftp to upload and change file permissions. Most hosting control panels provide an online gui for setting up crons and creating a database.
Depending on what you are after, you could always go with a 3rd party media server(rms).
Orca I couldn't tell you. I'm not a big fan of orca.
You could also transfer your site to another host if necessary potentially without having to re-install. If you choose a host that uses the same control panel there is usually an option to create a backup, download it, then upload it to the new host and have them restore it. A little confusing but it does work and well if they have the same control panels like cpanel to cpanel the process is fairly simple