This has been confirmed with Rayzzz today. i have posted in the blogs on this matter as well because this should not have happened, as there were changes made to the fileset and this is not recorded in trac or anywhere else that anybody would know.
Issue: logged in users could not use the chat | admin chat loads and works, visitor chat loads and work
Browser: FF-3.6 IE
Flash Plugin Version: 10,0,32,18
Modification short term, although the fileset that is now available for download does not have this same issue, because this has been fixed, and there is no record of it being repaired. My download was from December 23,2009, which is where the break is evident, and you are welcome to download that fileset. I will be providing a DIFF on these files later today.
File Modified by Rayzzz: "flash/modules/global/inc/"
this is short term because he set it to load the default male female icon. the issue on this set of files is that the call for the users profile image was wrecking the url and stopping the flash chat from working.
As stated, the files that are downloadable now do not have this same issue, but what the bug is, is that we need to know what was changed in this set of files versus the set of files that were downloaded December 23, 2009?
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