I am trying to install the ray medi server right now so that we can have video chat along with the other features that need this to function properly. Yes i have read the install page RMS INSTALL GUIDE Now I have to admit I find most of it very confusing I am installing for unix/linux I dont know what to say I guess I am simply not smart enough to install this =[ I was on the phone with My older brother who is really pc smart he was helping me but as soon as i gave him the link to the install guide he said his dog is barking and he has to go but i know the dog wasnt barking I think the installation frightened him so he took off. I am reading what other users have wrote in stating that they had this done in 3 minutes I have uploaded the rms files no prob but really find the instructions to be confusing as hell it seems like a lot of the terms used are not even relevant. Ports how do I open & close them I am using Cpanel? Also what exactly does not work with the rms.boonex.com server i initialy when i installed dolphin it said some widgets would not work properly until a rms is installed so far i noticed i do not have video chat! Koios at www.reviewnreport.com