What are the chances of moving the file: /modules/boonex/wall/js/outline.js
To --> /modules/boonex/wall/templates/base/outline.html ?
It's only 2KB, and it works just fine adding the js to outline.html
My reason for asking this, is that the functions in outline.js determine the right position of outline units, according to a width set here:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#bx-wall-outline .wall-outline-items').masonry({
itemSelector: '.wall-oi-item',
columnWidth: 170,
gutterWidth: 20
If a person wanted to make those columns wider, for a mobile template, or any other template for that matter, it's just not possible the way it is now. If however, this js is moved to the template, as opposed to being loaded from within BxWallModule.php, it is an easy matter to completely restyle the outline via templates.
If there's a different or better way to do this, I sure can't figure it out. In any case, 170px wide outline units will never look good on a mobile device, nor will 420px wide units look good on a desktop browser. We really need control over this with a template.