SoOooOo im trying to get the the profile info like nickname, headline, age, etc to show up inside the action window beside profile pic show up. Here's where i'm confused.
im in '/templates/base/scripts/BxBaseProfileView.php'
and i see on on line 83 the code:
'function getBlockCode_Topest($iColumn, $sContent) {
return '<div id="PFP" class="page_block_container">' . $this->oProfileV->showBlockPhoto($iColumn, true) . '</div>'</div>';
which returns the action block with the profile picture (i have the profile gallery feature on)
i added 2 dividers into the string as so:
function getBlockCode_Topest($iColumn, $sContent) {
return '<div id="PFP" class="page_block_container"><div class="PFPPBlock">' . $this->oProfileV->showBlockPhoto($iColumn, true) . '</div>' . $this->oProfileV->showBlockPFBlock('', $sContent, true) . '</div>';
i see showBlockPFBlock pulls the info and display it into to tables and so forth: heres the code:
function showBlockPFBlock( $sCaption, $sContent, $bNoDB = false ) {
$iBlockID = (int)$sContent;
if( !isset( $this -> aPFBlocks[$iBlockID] ) or empty( $this -> aPFBlocks[$iBlockID]['Items'] ) )
return '';
$aItems = $this -> aPFBlocks[$iBlockID]['Items'];
$sRet = '<table class="profile_info_block" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">';
foreach( $aItems as $aItem ) {
$sValue1 = $this -> oPF -> getViewableValue( $aItem, $this -> _aProfile[ $aItem['Name'] ] );
if( !$sValue1 ) //if empty, do not draw
if($aItem['Name'] == "DateOfBirth")
$sRet .= '<tr>';
$sRet .= '<td class="profile_info_label">' . _t( "_Age" ) . ':</td>';
$ageValue1 = age($sValue1);
if( $this -> bCouple ) {
if( in_array( $aItem['Name'], $this -> aCoupleMutualItems ) ) {
$sRet .= '<td class="profile_info_value" colspan="2">' . $ageValue1 . '</td>';
} else {
$sValue2 = $this -> oPF -> getViewableValue( $aItem, $this -> _aCouple[ $aItem['Name'] ] );
$ageValue2 = age($sValue2);
$sRet .= '<td class="profile_info_value1">' . $ageValue1 . '</td>';
$sRet .= '<td class="profile_info_value2">' . $ageValue2 . '</td>';
} else {
$sRet .= '<td class="profile_info_value" >' . $ageValue1 . '</td></div>';
$sRet .= '<tr>';
$sRet .= '<td class="profile_info_label">' . htmlspecialchars( _t( $aItem['Caption'] ) ) . ':</td>';
if( $this -> bCouple ) {
if( in_array( $aItem['Name'], $this -> aCoupleMutualItems ) ) {
$sRet .= '<td class="profile_info_value" colspan="2">' . $sValue1 . '</td>';
} else {
$sValue2 = $this -> oPF -> getViewableValue( $aItem, $this -> _aCouple[ $aItem['Name'] ] );
$sRet .= '<td class="profile_info_value1">' . $sValue1 . '</td>';
$sRet .= '<td class="profile_info_value2">' . $sValue2 . '</td>';
} else {
$sRet .= '<td class="profile_info_value" >' . $sValue1 . '</td>';
$sRet .= '</tr>';
$sRet .= '</table>';
if ($bNoDB) {
return $sRet;
} else {
echo DesignBoxContent( _t($sCaption), $sRet, 1 );
now what im trying to do is just pull the main info (Nickname, headline, member ID, status, age, city and state) which i under General info block which i called the caption "Intro".
how can i just pull the info from the "Intro" block to put in the div beside the profile pic that i made for it?
$this->oProfileV->showBlockPFBlock('', ***what do i put here to call just the "Intro" caption and its info?*** $sContent, true)
will it work this way? plz heeelllppppp