I am trying to get some understanding of the changes in profile photos. I see a new Profile Photo Switcher thingy. However, it can be put on the profile page but not the account page. You basically end up with two profile blocks on your profile page, one is used to change the profile photo, the Profile Photo Switcher. It would make more sense to add that to the account page where the user could use it to change their profile photo but not have it where others would see. I guess the way one could use it is to hide it from members so they are the only one to see it. It just doesn't make much sense to have it on the profile page. If the ideal was to allow visitors to your page to go though and see each of your profile photos; which can be done by just visiting the profile photo album, then instead of the large photo under the thumbnails, you should just have a list of the thumbnails. Can that big photo on Profile Photo Switcher be hidden or removed, perhaps by CSS? And why would the switcher have a rating thing?