Okay, you want a modification to the script that makes it so if they change text fields you would like to be notified via admin panel so that you can go check the profile for approval/disapproval. In addition, you also want us to modify the script so that when you approve/disapprove a photo/video/audio file it alerts the user to the approval/disapproval and states the reason for the disapproval.
Tell you what, go over to the Jobs section and make these requests. Keep in mind they are 2 seperate Jobs your requesting and each is going to take a considerable amount of work, or at least those of us who know how to do this will tell you that.
Now please quit littering the forms with your job requests and trying to get people to do those parts for free. Instead, learn the difference between a question/bug that is what these forums were designed for and asking us to build your site for you for free.