Profile Importer Module Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for Profile Importer the module.  

Paypal email is -
Quote · 18 Aug 2016


We bought your "Profile Importer" module. We installed it on our portal, but it does not work. Could you tell us how ... we import the CSV file, but we do not find the users created. Thank you by vance for your help. Thanks Christophe

Quote · 12 Dec 2016

 Please send a sample of the CSV file to my support email.


We bought your "Profile Importer" module. We installed it on our portal, but it does not work. Could you tell us how ... we import the CSV file, but we do not find the users created. Thank you by vance for your help. Thanks Christophe


Paypal email is -
Quote · 12 Dec 2016


Thank you for your return ... I added an attachment the file CSV that we want to be able to insert ... The problem is that we do not manage to integrate a password and a identifier that works ... we would like Have the following columns to be registered in the profile by the PROFILE IMPORTER module: identifiers, name, first name, password, E-mail. Only this criterion there, no need for sex or other criterion because we develop a professional network. We tried to save the password, but when we connect with the items to enter the CSV file, the platform does not recognize the information. Thanks in advance. Christophe 

fichier2.csv · 101B · 400 downloads
Quote · 12 Dec 2016

There are a couple problems here :

a) Sex is a required input for Dolphin so even if you will not use it you have to enter some value

b) In your sample, you have a Column header for "Photo" but you do not have the name of the photo. Instead you have the value for "Sex" in the "Photo" column.

c) Presently the module automatically assigns Passwords. I will release an update shortly that will allow Password entry.


Thank you for your return ... I added an attachment the file CSV that we want to be able to insert ... The problem is that we do not manage to integrate a password and a identifier that works ... we would like Have the following columns to be registered in the profile by the PROFILE IMPORTER module: identifiers, name, first name, password, E-mail. Only this criterion there, no need for sex or other criterion because we develop a professional network. We tried to save the password, but when we connect with the items to enter the CSV file, the platform does not recognize the information. Thanks in advance. Christophe 


Paypal email is -
Quote · 12 Dec 2016

Version 2.0.1 released. (See patches/version 2.0.1 folder)

Added more flexibility to Password for Profiles.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 12 Dec 2016

Some doubts:

What should be the column heading? Is that system name or caption? ex: Sex or Gender

What should be the value ? Are thes Predefined values? ex: male, female, intersex

Date format: I assume yyyy-mm-dd as in profile fields builder

And whether or not mandatory fields and values  should be compulsory in comma delimited csv?

Thank u.


Quote · 28 Mar 2017

What should be the column heading? Is that system name or caption? ex: Sex or Gender

RESPONSE : You should use the system name.

What should be the value ? Are thes Predefined values? ex: male, female, intersex

RESPONSE : The value should exist in the prefedined list.

Date format: I assume yyyy-mm-dd as in profile fields builder


And whether or not mandatory fields and values  should be compulsory in comma delimited csv?

RESPONSE : mandatory fields should be included.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 29 Mar 2017


What should be the column heading? Is that system name or caption? ex: Sex or Gender

RESPONSE : You should use the system name.

What should be the value ? Are thes Predefined values? ex: male, female, intersex

RESPONSE : The value should exist in the prefedined list.

Date format: I assume yyyy-mm-dd as in profile fields builder


And whether or not mandatory fields and values  should be compulsory in comma delimited csv?

RESPONSE : mandatory fields should be included.


Quote · 29 Mar 2017

I tried to import a csv containing 100's of profile.

A blank screen is appearing during import of profiles without any message or loading symbol etc.

After blank screen, getting back to members section in admin panel, only 50 members were seen (pending) out of 100's of profiles in csv.

what could be the issue?

Quote · 5 Apr 2017

 Please send the CSV to my support email.

I tried to import a csv containing 100's of profile.

A blank screen is appearing during import of profiles without any message or loading symbol etc.

After blank screen, getting back to members section in admin panel, only 50 members were seen (pending) out of 100's of profiles in csv.

what could be the issue?


Paypal email is -
Quote · 5 Apr 2017

 I have sent it to j..r... mail, please check it.

 Please send the CSV to my support email.

I tried to import a csv containing 100's of profile.

A blank screen is appearing during import of profiles without any message or loading symbol etc.

After blank screen, getting back to members section in admin panel, only 50 members were seen (pending) out of 100's of profiles in csv.

what could be the issue?



Quote · 7 Apr 2017


Please let me know, once you checked the file and issue.

Quote · 11 Apr 2017

@sureandhraindia - It seems the site is timing out due to the time taken to process all the entries. I will look at rewriting the module to use a cron job to process behind the scenes instead. In the meantime, you can break up the master list into smaller portions (eg. 50 profiles each) and import.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 13 Apr 2017


Thank u

@sureandhraindia - It seems the site is timing out due to the time taken to process all the entries. I will look at rewriting the module to use a cron job to process behind the scenes instead. In the meantime, you can break up the master list into smaller portions (eg. 50 profiles each) and import.


Quote · 13 Apr 2017

Hi there


I want to purchase your mod to use to import 9000 profiles from our old site.


Could you possibly give me a sample of what the csv fiel should look like and which columns are absolutely required?


Does the import create the "Salt" and "Password" fields automatically?



Quote · 11 May 2017

Ok got it to work and all profiles updated, thank you.


However, why are the Site Stats not updating? They have all been activated

Quote · 12 May 2017

 I will look into that but if you login to admin panel and clear cache the Site Stats should refresh.

Ok got it to work and all profiles updated, thank you. 

However, why are the Site Stats not updating? They have all been activated


Paypal email is -
Quote · 14 May 2017



I just bought this module. One question: should I install the module first then run the sqlupgrade.php or vise versa? Thanks!

Quote · 3 Jun 2017

Please indicate where in the module you are seeing a sqlupgrade.php as I do not recall including such a file in this module. There are patches folders but those are for existing installation. For fresh installation, only follow the instructions found in the readme.txt



I just bought this module. One question: should I install the module first then run the sqlupgrade.php or vise versa? Thanks!


Paypal email is -
Quote · 3 Jun 2017

Got it. The sqlupgrade.php is in the patches folder. I was confused as how would I install it properly.

Quote · 3 Jun 2017

how to disable sending emails for a while during importing profiles.

Like email confirmation, membership status,

Quote · 9 Jun 2017

 Presently the module uses the same notification settings as a regular profiles so if you disable email sending, it will also affect the Profile created via the normal join process.

how to disable sending emails for a while during importing profiles.

Like email confirmation, membership status,


Paypal email is -
Quote · 9 Jun 2017

When membership assigned as promotion, email of membership changed is going twice.

Quote · 9 Aug 2017

For anyone experiencing this issue, re-download the module and update your site with the latest files.

When membership assigned as promotion, email of membership changed is going twice.


Paypal email is -
Quote · 10 Aug 2017

Now hardly able to upload 25 profiles a time without error.

Say if I upload above 40 chances of getting 500 or some 504 error webpage is more.

Is this due to notification emails sending from site during profiles uploading?

Is that a server setting issue or dolphin admin setting issue or any setting need to be changed in profile importer?

The program should be easy to upload in a single file for 1000 profiles rather than uploading 40 batches of 25 each.



Quote · 13 Aug 2017

I am having a issue importing the profiles with a Photo.  If Import a single profile with picture it works fine, If I import 4 at a time it only puts a single Image to the profile.  I have tried all sorts of combinations but I can not get it to correctly process multipule Profiles with pictures.


I have attached the following files.

1)  My Import File

2)  Screen print showing the Images Files in the Server tmp folder

3)  Screen shot of the Module after the loads, show success.

4)  Screen print showing the Images gone from the Server tmp folder.

5)  Screen Print of site showing missing Pictures.


Not sure what else I can give you.


I think that since the profiles do all load and I get atleast one Photo then my format shoud be correct.



File-After-TMP.jpg · 66.5K · 395 views
File-In-TMP.jpg · 98K · 364 views
Site-No-Pictures.jpg · 131.8K · 389 views
Site-No-Pictures.jpg · 131.8K · 370 views
ProfilesBasic-Photo.txt · 317B · 356 downloads
Quote · 17 Aug 2017

 Is there any fix for this, since only able to upload 25 profiles at one time. Thanks in advance.

Now hardly able to upload 25 profiles a time without error.

Say if I upload above 40 chances of getting 500 or some 504 error webpage is more.

Is this due to notification emails sending from site during profiles uploading?

Is that a server setting issue or dolphin admin setting issue or any setting need to be changed in profile importer?

The program should be easy to upload in a single file for 1000 profiles rather than uploading 40 batches of 25 each.




Quote · 14 Oct 2017

is there a way to create a CSV file from my currant profiles SQL?

Quote · 2 Dec 2017

 PM me the SQL file so I can take a look.

is there a way to create a CSV file from my currant profiles SQL?


Paypal email is -
Quote · 2 Dec 2017

Sent mate thank you

as always your a super star

Quote · 3 Dec 2017

This module is updated for Dolphin 7.4

Paypal email is -
Quote · 1 Mar 2019
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.