I don't know if all of this will work, but here are my settings for 7.09
Some of it will surely help:
Full page Edit
* Name: body
* Caption: Full page
* Name of css: body
* Type: Background
Default box full Edit
* Name: boxfull
* Caption: Default box full
* Name of css: #divUnderCustomization .disignBoxFirst
* Type: Background
Default box content Edit
* Name: boxcontent
* Caption: Default box content
* Name of css: #divUnderCustomization .disignBoxFirst .boxContent
* Type: Background
Default box header Edit
* Name: boxheader
* Caption: Default box header
* Name of css: #divUnderCustomization .disignBoxFirst .boxFirstHeader
* Type: Background
Form Edit
* Name: form
* Caption: Form
* Name of css: #divUnderCustomization .form_advanced_table th, #divUnderCustomization .form_advanced_table td
* Type: Background
Main body Edit
* Name: main
* Caption: Main body
* Name of css: .main
* Type: Background
General info values Edit
* Name: infoval
* Caption: General info values
* Name of css: #divUnderCustomization .input_wrapper_value
* Type: Fonts
General info captions Edit
* Name: infocaption
* Caption: General info captions
* Name of css: #divUnderCustomization .caption
* Type: Fonts
Box header Edit
* Name: boxheader
* Caption: Box header
* Name of css: #divUnderCustomization .boxFirstHeader
* Type: Fonts
Active button on the top menu Edit
* Name: top_button_active
* Caption: Active button on the top menu
* Name of css: #divUnderCustomization div.dbTopMenu div.active
* Type: Fonts
Not active button on the top menu Edit
* Name: top_button_notactive
* Caption: Not active button on the top menu
* Name of css: #divUnderCustomization div.dbTopMenu div.notActive a
* Type: Fonts
Action button Edit
* Name: action_button
* Caption: Action button
* Name of css: #divUnderCustomization table div.button_wrapper input.form_input_submit
* Type: Fonts
Default box Edit
* Name: box
* Caption: Default box
* Name of css: #divUnderCustomization .disignBoxFirst
* Type: Borders
Form Edit
* Name: form
* Caption: Form
* Name of css: #divUnderCustomization .form_advanced_table
* Type: Borders
Cell in form Edit
* Name: form_cell
* Caption: Cell in form
* Name of css: #divUnderCustomization .form_advanced_table th, #divUnderCustomization .form_advanced_table td
* Type: Borders
Header box Edit
* Name: header_box
* Caption: Header box
* Name of css: #divUnderCustomization div.boxFirstHeader
* Type: Borders
The one in red is one I had to add to my 7.09 Template to be able to edit an extra layer that was in there.