There are a couple of profile cover mods in the market but after examining them and visiting the demo pages, they really were not whatt I was looking to accomplish. However, what I was wanting to accomplish was very easily done with the Boonex Profile Customizer module. To me, the perfect location for the profile cover would be the sub-menu block. I had already modified the Profile Customizer so members could add a background to the block. What was needed was a way for the member to set the height of the block; I decided to let them set it from 125 pixels up to 400 pixels. However, if you look at the admin menu of the profile customizer it does not include a height setting, only background, fonts, and borders. Easy enough to add in the extra menu item in the class BxProfileCustomizeTemplate
in the function: function getAdminPage($sType = '', $iUnitId = '')
just add in the height
$aMenu = array();
$aItems = array('background', 'font', 'border', 'height');
and in function: function _getCustomUnitForm($aUnit = array())
'type' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'name' => 'type',
'required' => true,
'values' => array(
'background' => _t('_bx_profile_customize_page_background'),
'font' => _t('_bx_profile_customize_page_font'),
'border' => _t('_bx_profile_customize_page_border'),
'height' => _t('_bx_profile_customize_box_height'),
Then add in the function to handle it:
function _customPageHeight($sPage, $sTarget, $aVars)
and in the class BxProfileCustomizeModule
function _compileHeight($aParam)
You will need to add in some language keys of course.
I also made some changes to my top_menu class to move the sub-menu to the bottom of the block.
While this is not a true tutorial on how to accomplish using the Profile Customizer to change the Sub-menu Block into a profile cover, it does outline what I did and anyone with some basic coding skills can do this.