Profile Composer from AntonLV

Hello everybody.

This is a support forum for our Profile Composer module.

If you have some questions or suggestions regarding it feel free to post them here or contact us directly.

Related products:

1. Blogs Page Composer - You can empower your site possibilities: latest news, flash games, rss feeds and any html block now is available for you and your members on Blog Post Pages.

2. Groups Page Composer - You can empower your site possibilities: latest news, flash games, rss feeds and any html block now is available for you and your members on Groups Home Pages.

3. My Account Composer - You can empower your site's possibilities: latest news, flash games, rss feeds and any html block now are available for you and your members on My Account Pages.

Best Regards AntonLV -
1 Feb 2012


I am curious about how well this module plays with the IBDW modules (spywall, photodeluxe, etc). For instance, if I wanted a user to have the ability to hide their spywall from everyone else, would that be possible with your module?


13 Jun 2012


We are not familiar with IBDW modules, but if you can move these blocks on Profile builder page in admin panel and these blocks are not hard-coded to template, then members also can make all available actions using Profile Composer.

Best Regards AntonLV -
13 Jun 2012

Hello Anton,

I love Profile Composer Smile

Block Removal-

If Member Removes a block, is there a way to get that block back on their page?

For Instance- On one of my profiles, I removed the Custom RSS Feed block.

Later, I find that having that block is very important for me.

How do I get that block to appear on my profile again?


29 Jun 2012


Thanks :)  

If you delete any block from profile page, you can find it among other blocks from Profile Blocks page. You can see link on Profile Blocks page in profile's page menu. On Profile Blocks page you may see Standard site's blocks and Shared member's blocks links. If  you click on Standard site's blocks you will see all available blocks which exist in Dolphin for profile page and which you have not on your profile page yet or removed. If you click on Shared member's blocks you will see all available blocks which were created by members. You need to search deleted block in appropriate section.

Best Regards AntonLV -
29 Jun 2012

Is it possible to restrict use of your mod to certain membership levels?  I would like to make it available to "premium" members :)

26 Sep 2012

Hi, meljaxx!


In default version there is no this feature, but we plan to include it to the next version.

If you like, we can perform it for you now as modification for additional price.

Best Regards AntonLV -
27 Sep 2012

And may I ask how much this additional fee would be? :)

27 Sep 2012


And may I ask how much this additional fee would be? :)

 Answered via PM.

Best Regards AntonLV -
27 Sep 2012

Will this module work on 7.1?  Has it been tested on 7.1?

Geeks, making the world a better place
30 Sep 2012



Yes, it will be compatible with new 7.1

Best Regards AntonLV -
30 Sep 2012

Hey Anton,

Do you have any idea when you plan to have the next update release available?



30 Sep 2012

Hi, Jerry!


We will try to release new version during a month.

Best Regards AntonLV -
30 Sep 2012


Hi, Jerry!


We will try to release new version during a month.

 Great News Anton...Thanks! Profile Composer is such a awesome mod- one of the most unique and user-friendly feature on our site, and I love telling people about it! Being able to allow it only to certain membership levels will add value when some members see that other members have a much cleaner, well organized profile! Again- Thanks!

30 Sep 2012

Excuse me for asking so many questions, I am new to the world of buying modules.  I want to buy this module for the site I am building.  However, I don't understand how upgrades to modules work.  Do I get the upgrade for free, or for a reduced price, or do I have to purchase the upgrade at full cost?  I am wondering if I need to wait for the next release since I am interested in having the profile composer as a premium membership offering.

Geeks, making the world a better place
30 Sep 2012

I'm finding the best thing to do is of course subscribe to all the forums that go with my modules, and then typically the developer will post in the forum when they update the mod (bug fixes, new enhancements, etc)

Typically if there is something that costs additional, it's called a plugin or something, and made clear it's going to cost more. but stuff like we're talking about her are free, unless in this case you want it installed early.

That's how I understand it anyway ;)

30 Sep 2012


Excuse me for asking so many questions, I am new to the world of buying modules.  I want to buy this module for the site I am building.  However, I don't understand how upgrades to modules work.  Do I get the upgrade for free, or for a reduced price, or do I have to purchase the upgrade at full cost?  I am wondering if I need to wait for the next release since I am interested in having the profile composer as a premium membership offering.

 You don't have to're fine. And most definitely well-worth it :)

When a mod is updated, you just re-download from the market, saving in a new sub-folder with that update number or something that helps you keep track. Typically there are instructions for updating as opposed to new install.

30 Sep 2012



Jerry  thanks for the answering! 


  We provide our clients with updated versions and support for our mods for free. Profile Composer includes one free installation. 


But we don't provide free installation service for each updated version or free fixing if you overwrite or break our installation changes.

Well, we have individual approach for each client and of course if you have any problems with our mods we will help you to solve them :)

Best Regards AntonLV -
1 Oct 2012

I thought I would pass this along from a user; and I will admit that I had a similar thought on this as well.  We have to remember that users are not always at a, uh, normal level of intelligence Smile


"Instead of "Block owner YYYY" in the Shared Blocks, it might be a good idea to change the wording to YYYY owns this block or made this block or something, so that it's not interpreted as a way to block user YYYY."

edit: I decided to change it to "Created by" in the language file.

Geeks, making the world a better place
8 Oct 2012

Hello, geek_girl!


Thanks, we will correct it in default version. Also there are will be several other features for this part in the next version: such as categories and search for blocks by owner and content.

Best Regards AntonLV -
8 Oct 2012

Would it be possible in the next release to control whether or not the privacy setting (edit privacy) of each block can be prohibited or allow?  This would tie in with some of the forum posts about the fact the action menu, which contains the "block" and "report spam" action buttons.  While the pop-up does compensate, it would be nice if we could block the user from setting some blocks to "me only" view.

Geeks, making the world a better place
11 Oct 2012


Would it be possible in the next release to control whether or not the privacy setting (edit privacy) of each block can be prohibited or allow?  This would tie in with some of the forum posts about the fact the action menu, which contains the "block" and "report spam" action buttons.  While the pop-up does compensate, it would be nice if we could block the user from setting some blocks to "me only" view.

Yes, by default you can not prohibit to change privacy for each block (цe will add to the next version), but you can prohibit to change privacy for all blocks in Profile Composer settings and change privacy as admin for members profile blocks as you like.

Best Regards AntonLV -
12 Oct 2012


Profile Composer is availabel now for 7.1 version. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
20 Nov 2012

Dolphin 7.1

OK, normally I use the page builder to change the layout and add/remove blocks in the admin for the profile page.  Then I notice a profile builder in the Profile Composer mod.  Now I am noticing that neither the Boonex profile page builder or the Profile Composer Profile Builder is working; I can not add blocks or move them.  Clearing all the caches, both admin and cache and cache_public does not help.

How is this suppose to work?  Once the mod is installed, does the Boonex profile page builder no longer works and I have to use Profile Composer?  Do I need to un-install Profile Composer?  I followed the install instructions to the letter; is it possible that there is a problem with this module on 7.1?

Geeks, making the world a better place
22 Nov 2012


Dolphin 7.1

OK, normally I use the page builder to change the layout and add/remove blocks in the admin for the profile page.  Then I notice a profile builder in the Profile Composer mod.  Now I am noticing that neither the Boonex profile page builder or the Profile Composer Profile Builder is working; I can not add blocks or move them.  Clearing all the caches, both admin and cache and cache_public does not help.

How is this suppose to work?  Once the mod is installed, does the Boonex profile page builder no longer works and I have to use Profile Composer?  Do I need to un-install Profile Composer?  I followed the install instructions to the letter; is it possible that there is a problem with this module on 7.1?

 AntonLV just released the 7.1 version of Profile Composer a couple of days ago.  If you have not downloaded that version you need to.  If you ARE using that version then you need to report your problem to him so he can make it right for you (and he will)....

22 Nov 2012

Yes, I did download the 7.1 version and I am reporting my problem here in the support forum; hopefully he will monitor this support forum and respond in a couple of days.

Geeks, making the world a better place
23 Nov 2012


OK, normally I use the page builder to change the layout and add/remove blocks in the admin for the profile page.  Then I notice a profile builder in the Profile Composer mod.  Now I am noticing that neither the Boonex profile page builder or the Profile Composer Profile Builder is working; I can not add blocks or move them.  Clearing all the caches, both admin and cache and cache_public does not help.

How is this suppose to work?  Once the mod is installed, does the Boonex profile page builder no longer works and I have to use Profile Composer?  Do I need to un-install Profile Composer?  I followed the install instructions to the letter; is it possible that there is a problem with this module on 7.1?


After Profile Composer installation, Profile's structure gets under owner's control.


Two builders (Dolphin's page builder and Profile Composer's builder) are working after installation, but for different purposes.
In Dolphin's Page builder you can create block and remove them (blocks from active area will be available on Standard section on member's Profile Blocks page). Also you can change number of columns here, but this structure will not be applied for members profiles' pages. All blocks from Active area of Dolphin's page builder, will be available on Profile Composer's -> page builder and you can use them for creating default Profile's page structure.


If you like to change members' profile page structure, you need to go to administration panel-> Aqb Profile Composer -> Profile Builder (http://yourdomain/m/aqb_pcomposer/administration/page). Here you can see all blocks which were create in Dolphin's page builder and in Profile Composer.


On Profile Composer's builder page you may see two sections. First with current Profile structure (Active Blocks area) and Second with Inactive blocks ( inactive blocks available on in member profile -> Profile Blocks page). You can move blocks from Active Blocks area to Inactive and vice versa and result Active Blocks area will be used for profiles structure for new member's profiles.
If you want to apply current Active Block’s area structure for all existing Profiles, you need to click on "Apply current settings to member's profiles" button.


Best Regards AntonLV -
23 Nov 2012

Thanks for your reply.  So if I go to Dolphin's Page Builder and remove all blocks to the inactive section; I can then go to Profile Composer's Builder and design the user's profile page using that builder and blocks will show up when I add them.  Good Smile.

When I used this on 7.0.9, it was AFTER I had already built the user's profile pages so there was no need for me to use Profile Composer's builder so I was a little confused on 7.1.

Geeks, making the world a better place
23 Nov 2012


So if I go to Dolphin's Page Builder and remove all blocks to the inactive section; I can then go to Profile Composer's Builder and design the user's profile page using that builder and blocks will show up when I add them.  Good

No, If you place blocks on Dolphin's page builder to inactive section, they will not be available any more on Profiles Composer page builder and you will not able to use them on Profile Composer's builder. 

In Profile Composer's builder page available only blocks from Active Section of Dolphin's Page builder.

Best Regards AntonLV -
23 Nov 2012

I have a question about the privacy settings.  If someone has hidden the actions block on their profile page using the default Dolphin yellow key, if I install this mod and set the actions block so it can not be removed and can not be moved, and set the privacy level to members, will it override them setting the privacy level of the actions block to "me only"?  I have had members hide their action block and want it to show to all members when they view someone's profile page.

Geeks, making the world a better place
1 Dec 2012


I have a question about the privacy settings.  If someone has hidden the actions block on their profile page using the default Dolphin yellow key, if I install this mod and set the actions block so it can not be removed and can not be moved, and set the privacy level to members, will it override them setting the privacy level of the actions block to "me only"?  I have had members hide their action block and want it to show to all members when they view someone's profile page.

If you install profile composer, all members' settings will be lost and they will have the same privacy for blocks as admin has in profile composer's -> page builder area.

If  members changed privacy after Profile Composer installation and you want to change them now, then it will not influence on privacy settings of already created profiles, but if you click on Apply to all members profile button, then members will have again the same privacy settings as administration of the site in Profile composer -> page builder area.

Best Regards AntonLV -
3 Dec 2012

I went to profile builder and then added a block to the page.  I did not see the block show up on the profile page so I clicked on "apply current settings to member's profiles"  This added the block when I went to view the profile page but it caused all the members blocks to be reset.  This is not what I wanted to do.  Is there a way for me to add a block without resetting the member's setting?  Even if it is editing the database directly, that is better than resetting the members pages because they really give you grief off such things and complain very loudly.

Geeks, making the world a better place
3 Feb 2013


I went to profile builder and then added a block to the page.  I did not see the block show up on the profile page so I clicked on "apply current settings to member's profiles"  This added the block when I went to view the profile page but it caused all the members blocks to be reset.  This is not what I wanted to do.  Is there a way for me to add a block without resetting the member's setting?  Even if it is editing the database directly, that is better than resetting the members pages because they really give you grief off such things and complain very loudly.

 Did you check first to see if it was located in "shared blocks" page? I haven't checked this yet, but I have been through your scenario, and- yeah, members don't like that all too well X~

3 Feb 2013

OK, I will expand on this.  I added a site announcement module to the site.  I added the announcement block to the home page, the account page and the profile page.  It was not showing up on the profile page even though I had place it in the page builders.  Then with a smack to the head I remembered with the Profile Composer I had to go to the Profile Composer page and add the block there; which I did.  However, it still did not show up.  So I clicked on the "apply" button and it did show up.  However, that reset the member's changes and they were not too happy with me.  So what I wanted to know was how I could do it in the future and not reset the member's pages even if I had to manually do it in the database.

Geeks, making the world a better place
4 Feb 2013

OK, new problem, new question.  I went into the shared blocks section and could not navigate due to the mess; blocks on top of other blocks.  The problem is that people had added code and that code was destroying the page layout of the shared blocks page.  The thought occurred to me that if each shared block for the shared block page were in a division with overflow hidden that maybe it would keep the page from being a jumbled mess.  I could set a width and height for each division with overflow hidden and that could possibly eliminate the mess.  I should have took a screen shot but I did not and I deleted all the blocks because members could not access them anyway.

Where would I try to add this code for the display (display only, not on the profile page) for the shared blocks so they will all align nicely on the page?

Geeks, making the world a better place
4 Feb 2013

Hello, !

OK, I will expand on this.  I added a site announcement module to the site.  I added the announcement block to the home page, the account page and the profile page.  It was not showing up on the profile page even though I had place it in the page builders.  Then with a smack to the head I remembered with the Profile Composer I had to go to the Profile Composer page and add the block there; which I did.  However, it still did not show up.  So I clicked on the "apply" button and it did show up.  However, that reset the member's changes and they were not too happy with me.  So what I wanted to know was how I could do it in the future and not reset the member's pages even if I had to manually do it in the database.
In current, version there is no possibility which allows to add only one block on the all profiles, you can only refresh all profiles’ pages.

Also If you add only one block on all pages, it will also can break members' profiles, because they may don’t want to see it on their pages or it will be not in the right position. After profile composer installation members can add new blocks from Profile Blocks page by themselves.  

OK, new problem, new question.  I went into the shared blocks section and could not navigate due to the mess; blocks on top of other blocks.  The problem is that people had added code and that code was destroying the page layout of the shared blocks page.  The thought occurred to me that if each shared block for the shared block page were in a division with overflow hidden that maybe it would keep the page from being a jumbled mess.  I could set a width and height for each division with overflow hidden and that could possibly eliminate the mess.  I should have took a screen shot but I did not and I deleted all the blocks because members could not access them anyway.
Where would I try to add this code for the display (display only, not on the profile page) for the shared blocks so they will all align nicely on the page?

In default version you can see how block looks in admin panel. Near each block you can see edit and view links. They were added specially for such kind of situations to prevent bad blocks’ content. You can see block’s code and edit it here if needed.

Best Regards AntonLV -
4 Feb 2013


In default version you can see how block looks in admin panel. Near each block you can see edit and view links. They were added specially for such kind of situations to prevent bad blocks’ content. You can see block’s code and edit it here if needed.

This question is about the member's viewing the "shared blocks" to add to their page.  With some of the code the "shared blocks" page is sometimes all jumbled up; sometimes the pagination disappears or is placed strange.  See the images to understand what I mean.

shared_block_view_1.jpg · 89.3K · 613 views
shared_block_view_2.jpg · 73.7K · 674 views
shared_block_view_3.jpg · 134.1K · 641 views
Geeks, making the world a better place
4 Feb 2013


If member creates simple text block or RSS block, you don't need to worry about them, because there are special filter and checkings in the code, it means member will not be able to break the page.

But if member creates HTML block and he/she can see how it looks before posting - I think it is not secure, because member can put any html code here. That is why we don't recommend to admin to enable auto approving for such kind of blocks and you as admin can check how it looks before approving.   

Best Regards AntonLV -
5 Feb 2013

I am noticing that some of the members blocks affect the "shared blocks" page. How is that page created? I was wondering if maybe I can use css to prevent the page from breaking as you can see in the image attached.  Maybe using overflow hidden or some such thing.

profile_blocks.jpg · 247.8K · 1064 views
Geeks, making the world a better place
5 Apr 2013

Hello, !

You can use iframe for each block to prevent breaking the page, but if member chooses the invalid block and places it on his/her profile page, it will be broken as well.

We've added the possibility which allows you to check the content of each block in admin panel before making it available for members.

Best Regards AntonLV -
6 Apr 2013

Hmmm....Not sure what I've done here, but just recently installed Profile Composer on my new 7.1 site, and I am missing the "Page Blocks" menu option which is typically located at the far right end of the sub-menu navigation bar on the profile page...

In Navagation Menu Builder, the block isn't there either (in the active area in line with all the sub-menu items for the Member's Profile Page)....

BUT- It is there in the active area among the list of menu items which drop down from the MAIN Navigation Menu....

AND on 7.1 I don't have or use that "Profile" menu or drop-down sub-menu....not sure why really LOL...I guess I never noticed it wasn't there....

But that's all ok, because this go-round I'm working hard to reduce the number of menu items as it causes to much confusion and disorder when you have so many modules.

So, trying to stay on track here- Any Ideas on the best way to add that "Profile Blocks" to Member's Profile Page?

I've never really messed with adding blocks over in that area where blocks are RED (on the Navigation Menu Builder)

Dumb question- Can I simply drag the "profile blocks" block from the inactive section and drop it over there in the "red block" area where it is missing?

To be honest- I would rather make/add a button somewhere.....or maybe create a permanent block which cannot be removed, with a button leading to the elusive "Profile Blocks" page...with some text/info that better helps members know- "Here is where you'll find the blocks you've removed and other blocks which aren't currently on your Profile Page"

geek_girl- Your members seem to use the Profile Composer....Do you have any special setup to help them with with it?


7 Apr 2013

Hello, UnderDog4All!

By default, Profile blocks link is located on My Profile page and you can see it via admin panel -> Builders -> Navigation menu. Provide me with your access info, I'll check it.

We plan to add several additional features for Profile blocks page in the next Profile Composer version and It will have dynamic structure as other pages from page builder.
If you want to change the page in current version, you need to edit function getBlocksPage in modules/aqb/pcomposer/classes/AqbPCTemplate.php file

Best Regards AntonLV -
11 Apr 2013

 I love hearing this......Profile Composer- The Freedom Mod Wink

We plan to add several additional features for Profile blocks page in the next Profile Composer


14 Apr 2013


Hello, !

You can use iframe for each block to prevent breaking the page, but if member chooses the invalid block and places it on his/her profile page, it will be broken as well.

We've added the possibility which allows you to check the content of each block in admin panel before making it available for members.

I am not sure how using iframe would help this block page view error.  There is nothing wrong with the blocks as I check each block before allowing them to be placed.  The problem is in the shared blocks page as you can see in the image I posted.  iframe is <iframe scr=  so how is that going to fix the page view issue?  All I want to do is to figure out why the page view breaks up.  It is useless the way it is because the page is mangled .  I think there is a communication problem here;  that is NOT the members profile page I showed, that is the page view for the shared blocks; it becomes mangled as shown.

Geeks, making the world a better place
15 Apr 2013

Hello, !

As far as can see from your image the page was broken because of invalid HTML code(or may be it contains some css styles which are broken the page). If to wrap each block on the shared block page (like it’s done in admin panel for the view function) the page wouldn't be broken.

Best Regards AntonLV -
16 Apr 2013


Updated version 3.0.1 is available now for 7.1.x Dolphin

Several corrections for new jquery were done. 


Best Regards AntonLV -
28 May 2013


Is there any patch or a quickest way to upgrade from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1?

According to Readme I should uninstall and then manually go back and edit step 3-5.

Then I should upload 3.0.1 and do editing again?

Or is there just a few files that needs to be re-uploaded or edited?

7.1 My favorite number
29 May 2013

Hello, !

If you have no modifications in default Profile Composer's version, you just need to upload new files to modules/aqb/pcomposer/ folder on your server and clear Dolphin's cache.

Best Regards AntonLV -
30 May 2013


Updated version 2.1.1 is released.

Bugfix for admin area was added and version number was corrected.


Best Regards AntonLV -
1 Aug 2013


some challenges with Profile Composer.


1. One column on Profile page

  • Even though I have two columns in the "Profile Builder" and "Pages Builder-Profile" the profile page looks like it has only one column.

2. The use of Profile Builder

  • I've created a universal block that I wanted to use on all members profiles. I add that in "Profile Builder" but it doesn't stick. Instead it wipes out all individual blocks that members have created.
  • I would assume that I could add a universal block but wouldn't interfere with already created individual blocks by the users.

3. Shared blocks

  • Under 'Shared Members block's" I've clicked "place this block under my profile".
    The block then disappears from the "Shared Members block's" but isn't added to the Profile
  • "Standard site's blocks Shared member's blocks "That text is a bit off. Padding perhaps? 
7.1 My favorite number
3 Sep 2013
4 Sep 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.