I have a community website called www.meetwebclub.com and these days some people are register
with names like vtq5swq19 or o8imwsgpsx and for me its terrible to have users with these names what can I do
to avoid these kind of people and to dont register names like that or other things ?
If you passed for these please give me a tip.
The user name field can be set so that certain characters are not allowed; you do this in the join form builder in the admin. If you click on advance, you will see this:
return ( preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/', $arg0 ) and !file_exists( $dir['root'] . $arg0 ) );
You can look up preg_match on the internet.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
These are real people? With these names appear to be spam-bot. Keep an eye on their activities to see if they are real people or are spam-bots.
If they are spam-bots, you will need some anti-spam module. Or adopt any anti-spam solution in the register. For example, placing a field that the user need to delete all the contents, proving to be a real person.
Well, its seems like i have to use both resolutions I think, but how can I adopt these anti-spam solution on the register ? Where I can do the changes ? because its better to these kind of anti spam-bots or people be automaticaly refuse to be users of the website.
If you have more solutions with code I will apreciate.
Thank you.
I think most of these users are doing Blogs with these usernames too so I have to got something to control the Blogs they did, like to dont use the same name for several posts and so on.
If you know how to do that I will apreciate your help.
Human spammers are hard to stop. Most of my spammers are humans that come in, confirm emails, add the blog and then post some blog selling knock-offs. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Yes GeekGirl, its whats happens to me too.
The people use the Blogs to sell things with theire websites links without pay anything about it.
Some always use the same title on the Blogs instead to do them unique to atract more people, its terrible.
There are modules in the market to deal with the spammers. Not to toot my own horn, but mine is one of the better ones.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
Deano's mod has a maintained blacklist of spammers, so you get that out of the box. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Hi Dino.
Your antispam its really nice but first I have to save to buy a prime license for my website and change for the last Dolphin and then I could buy your antispam solution but it takes some time to do it but I will. Thks.
I added you as a contact GeekGirl. Whats your website ? Do you have a lot of users there too ? Do you know the type of server to have if you get more users ? like how many memory per user you will have to know what server to use, because if a website begins to get bigger with all the modules that have on the dolphin I think here that we have to plan the grow of our websites.
You always want as many CPU cores as you can afford, as the number of users increase, then you can look at increasing the server power. Rule of thumb is 2 gigs of ram for every CPU core. So if you have four cores, you want to have 8 gigs of ram. Since it costs more, you want to look at providers that will make it easy to scale up with minimal downtime; if the server has to be pulled, it usually means your site will be down for many hours; maybe even a day. You have to look at your server load, not just users, to know if you are OK in resources or need to start looking at increases. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Yes I will look how the server increases taking in account with the users spammers too now and if I can afford to change for a prime account and antispam software I will refine my website server and CPU needs with the tips you gave me here.
Thank you.