Premium Groups - Events+News+Venue+Sponsors+Maps Mod Support (Modzzz) - part 3

21 Jan 2014

Hello, I install the module on a new installation of Dolphin, no problem found.

Just when I go to a group that I created for my tests, I became a fan, and when I click on "Forum" I am redirected to the index page of the site.

Can you help me solve this problem.

The site is currently hosting at 1and1 for the url works I just do a modification on the file. Htaccess, I add this line "RewriteBase /"

You went to the test site at this address Login: qwerty - CDM: qwerty

I also looking how to disable module option that I do not need, like adding a sponsor, a blog, etc..

We should be able to have the choice in the admin module.

Thank you for your help.

Dolphin 7.1.4 - Hosting My server -
21 Jan 2014

please help me.

Dolphin 7.1.4 - Hosting My server -
21 Jan 2014

You have reported a similar issue in the Tutorial forum which suggests that the forum has stopped working in all your modules.

Restore the original .htaccess then check if your forum is working. There is no issue in default dolphin with the Group forum and the Premium Group does not make any changes at all to the forum integration.

Paypal email is -
21 Jan 2014

Well I'll give you the details of what I do.

     Installing dolphin.
     Installation Forum
     Premium Installation Group
     Creating a test group
     Modification. Htaccess file to add the line "RewriteBase /" otherwise Permalinks do not work on 1and1

When I go to the groups I am a fan and I click on "Forum" I arrived on the homepage and in the address bar of the browser I have this: http://www.semacol .fr/forum/groups/forum/Ordre-De-L-hermine-0.htm

It actually do the same thing with the tutorial module event.

I really do not understand what does not work, this is a new installation.

Dolphin 7.1.4 - Hosting My server -
21 Jan 2014


I managed to run the forum for groups, do not ask me how I did it, I just change the server.

There are two issues to me:

1 - How can I remove the red button 

2 - and how I can make the forums groups, invisible to non fans?

Thank you for your help.

Dolphin 7.1.4 - Hosting My server -
27 Jan 2014


In the module/boonex/groups/classes/BxGroupsPageView.php file, you can remove the actions you do not want in the getBlockCode_Actions function .

For example, if you do not want the Events :

Find :

         'TitleEventAdd' => ($this->_oMain->isAdmin() || $this->_oMain->isEntryAdmin($this->aDataEntry)) ? _t('_bx_groups_action_title_add_event') : '',

Replace with :

        'TitleEventAdd' => '',


I also have an Actions Manager module that allows you to easily disable buttons in Action block for any module without touching any code.

Paypal email is -
28 Jan 2014

Buy Laughing Module

For private not an idea forum.

Dolphin 7.1.4 - Hosting My server -
28 Jan 2014

Premium Groups Version 2.1.7 released (see patches/version 2.1.7 folder)

-> Added the ability for Group Admins to determine who can view the Group forum.

Paypal email is -
1 Feb 2014

I want to know if I buy andrewP's module, it will work fine with your premium groups? 

Guynuked -- Dedicated server and Dolphin-friendly hosting with
23 Feb 2014

Yes, it should work without issues because Premium Groups is an extension of the default groups, therefore the database and file structure has not changed.

I want to know if I buy andrewP's module, it will work fine with your premium groups? 


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23 Feb 2014

THanks modzzz. 


I may have found a possible bug. When you add videos (from add video button in actions block) it shows up in group. Good. Now when you uncheck video to remove video. The video is not deleted from server.

I tested default group on fresh install of dolphin and it does delete video file from server. 

Guynuked -- Dedicated server and Dolphin-friendly hosting with
26 Feb 2014

Would it be possible for there to be a notification for members of a group when a new event is added using the simplified events of this mod? 

17 Aug 2014

 This functionality does not presently exist but can be done as customization.

Would it be possible for there to be a notification for members of a group when a new event is added using the simplified events of this mod? 


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18 Aug 2014

Version 2.1.8 released. (See patches/version 2.1.8 folder)

Added comments view permission separately from comments post permission.

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22 Sep 2014

can we get premium groups added to dolphin outline block?

I cant see any option in outline for any group content since installing premium groups

30 Dec 2014

Premium Groups is just an extension of the default dolphin Groups that is already integrated with outline. Keep in mind that online items posted on the site with 'public' viewing status show up in outline.

can we get premium groups added to dolphin outline block?

I cant see any option in outline for any group content since installing premium groups


Paypal email is -
30 Dec 2014

Hello Jerome,

Purchased and installed the mod today.  Installation went well .. however, whenever I edit an existing group or try to create a new group I get a database query error. You should still have admin and cpanel login details if you would like to take at look at

7 Feb 2015

This is typically caused if you forgot to upload and run the sqlstates.php as stated in the readme.txt.

Hello Jerome,

Purchased and installed the mod today.  Installation went well .. however, whenever I edit an existing group or try to create a new group I get a database query error. You should still have admin and cpanel login details if you would like to take at look at


Paypal email is -
7 Feb 2015


we can take this to Private messages but I followed the instructions to the letter.

In particular, see results of sqlstates.php run attached and then resulting db error. let me know if I need to resend login details to the server so you can have a look.

2015-02-07_18-10-55.jpg · 24.5K · 422 views
2015-02-07_18-12-44.jpg · 35.4K · 404 views
8 Feb 2015

Thanks for fixing the problems for me.  This is a great addition to my site and I am glad it is working properly now thanks to you.

8 Feb 2015

 You are welcome.

Thanks for fixing the problems for me.  This is a great addition to my site and I am glad it is working properly now thanks to you.


Paypal email is -
8 Feb 2015

Will a 7.2 version be released?

12 Aug 2015

I installed this module to my 7.2 site and most of it seems to be working fine (although I had to make a couple small adjustments to the sqlupdate file), with the exception of one thing:

In the group actions menu, for both admin and a normal group fan, there's a button labeled {TITLEACTIVATE} that does nothing when clicked on. It doesn't crash the page but inspect element says it generates a (500) internal server error. 

I am not even sure what the button is supposed to do when working properly. I even manually deleted the {TitleActivate} entry from the sys_objects_actions table in the database, recompiled languages and cleared my cache, and the button still appears and still does nothing. I have no idea how it is still there after I removed it from the database. 

If you have any advice on this issue, I would greatly appreciate it. Other than this strange issue, the module seems to work great!


12 Aug 2015

@C-X-H - All mods will be updated to Dolphin 7.2 when a stable version is available. The issue you mentioned will be resolved during update.

Paypal email is -
13 Aug 2015

Thank you. If it helps in your development of the update, there's another bug: Allowing users to join a group based on membership group does not work. The "Join" option does not appear on the group page for a member of the user group that has been designated to join the group. 

18 Aug 2015


Since downloading this module, I have not been able to have any permissions working correctly. I have your other module, Group Privacy, and this is now not working, when it was working before. When I set viewing permissions of a file to a user group, it is now inaccessible even to the specified group. I have tried this in 7.1.6 as well so it is not a problem with the upgrade. 

I am trying to implement this in 7.1.6 right now. It seems that the two modules are intertwined and now neither of them is working. Do you have any advice on how to go about fixing this? Thank you. 

19 Aug 2015

I'm sorry to keep posting on here but the module simply doesn't seem to work. I did a completely fresh install of Dolphin v1.6, followed the exact module installation instructions, and set up a group that allowed joining to a specific created member level, and these members still do not have the ability to join the group.

19 Aug 2015

An issue with join access based on membership level is resolved. The following file is updated :


Paypal email is -
20 Aug 2015

Thank you for the quick update. That worked!

I am however now having difficulty with the privacy groups module, not sure if it's related because I thought it had been working earlier but now it's not working even with the premium groups uninstalled...I guess this is related to the other module so I will post there. Sorry again for the barrage of posts.

20 Aug 2015

Premium Groups module is now compatible with Dolphin 7.2. Download the zip file and check the upgrade folder for instructions.

Paypal email is -
30 Sep 2015

Hi Modzzz,


I have installed the Premium Groups module and ticked 'integrate with defaults event module'.


I am having trouble finding out where and why I can create an event for a group. When I am in a group page I can find the 'group events' page (which is naturally empty) but nowhere can I add an event. If I am in 'Groups home' and I click on events I get the message 'page not found'.


I also noticed that when in the admin panel I go to 'predefined values' there is no field where I can change the categories of events as noted in an earlier comment.


9 Oct 2015

Fixed. For some reason the action buttons did not show up. I deleted and then re-installed premium groups, recompiled languages and now all the functions seem to work.

9 Oct 2015

The "Groups I have Joined" block shows up in the Admin Page Builder, "Groups My" page, but does not show up on the user's My Groups page.  What file controls this and do you have a fix?

4 Jan 2016

This module has been updated to show the "Groups I have Joined" block on the user's My Groups page.The following file is updated :


Paypal email is -
4 Jan 2016

Mod Works Great!


Suggestions: allow site admin disable video/sound uploads for all groups in settings.

My host, like most shared hosting providers, do not allow ffmpeg processes. So I can not upload videos/sounds, they just fail. 

embedding works fine.

4 Jan 2016

That did it.  Thanks.

5 Jan 2016



I purchased the Premium Groups module and I followed the installation for my 7.3 Dolphin to a "T".  After doing as such, the entire groups module does not work at all. There is no way to create a group, view the groups, there is no group page or anything, NONE of the Navigation blocks work to lead to any of the group pages correctly. Besides which, I LOST ALL of the groups that I originally had along with ALL their data. 

I tried to resolve the issue by "uninstalling groups" because Premium Groups never showed up at all in either the installed or uninstalled available mods. So, after uninstalling "Groups" it said that my uninstallation of "PREMIUM Groups" was successful. I never saw the word Premium ANYWHERE to begin with. 

Then I tried re-installing as if I were doing it from scratch and the very same thing happened. So, I basically have a NON-FUNCTIONAL Groups section on my website now.

What do I do to fix this???

15 Mar 2016

@adifabio - The module already has the ability to disable media upload for groups. This is done with the membership level actions.

Paypal email is -
15 Mar 2016

@mjthorn - The module has been properly installed on your site.

Paypal email is -
15 Mar 2016

Can we do the 7.2 upgrade while still on Dolphin 7.1.6 or do we need to upgrade Dolphin to 7.2.0 first?

I notice the module is still written as Version: 2.1.8 - The Online Guide to Travel
17 Mar 2016

 The site must be upgraded before the module can be upgraded.

Can we do the 7.2 upgrade while still on Dolphin 7.1.6 or do we need to upgrade Dolphin to 7.2.0 first?

I notice the module is still written as Version: 2.1.8


Paypal email is -
17 Mar 2016


Looks like I'll be going ahead with site upgrade shortly and then we'll see what's broken afterwards.

Embarassed - The Online Guide to Travel
17 Mar 2016


This module has been updated to show the "Groups I have Joined" block on the user's My Groups page.The following file is updated :


Is this for all versions or just for those on Dolphin 7.2.0 

As I couldn't upgrade Dolphin, this is all getting confusing and frustrating. - The Online Guide to Travel
22 Mar 2016


 The site must be upgraded before the module can be upgraded.

Can we do the 7.2 upgrade while still on Dolphin 7.1.6 or do we need to upgrade Dolphin to 7.2.0 first?

I notice the module is still written as Version: 2.1.8


Well thanks.

While trying to upgrade Dolphin 7.1.6 to Dolphin 7.2.0 (for the third time).

ALTER TABLE `bx_groups_main` ADD `allow_view_forum_to` varchar(16) NOT NULL AFTER `allow_post_in_forum_to`;: Duplicate column name 'allow_view_forum_to'

It appears not.

So how do we fix it now? I believe you were working on something.

Foot in Mouth

Upgrade Hell 7.1.6 to 7.2.0 - The Online Guide to Travel
26 Mar 2016


Premium Groups Version 2.1.7 released (see patches/version 2.1.7 folder)

-> Added the ability for Group Admins to determine who can view the Group forum.

ALTER TABLE `bx_groups_main` ADD `allow_view_forum_to` varchar(16) NOT NULL AFTER `allow_post_in_forum_to`;: Duplicate column name 'allow_view_forum_to'

Maybe I can edit that out of the Dolphin 7.1.6 to 7.2.0 Upgrade script and run again?

There's no other reference to 'allow_view_forum_to' in there.

When you updated yours in February 2014, you set a value

db_res("UPDATE `bx_groups_main` SET `allow_view_forum_to`=3");

Moving forward, is 'allow_view_forum_to' going to be the same for both boonex and modzzz, in that we don't need to rename your column and add another?

Does the `allow_view_forum_to` column need to be moved to appear AFTER `allow_post_in_forum_to`? - The Online Guide to Travel
27 Mar 2016

To solve a duplicate column issue which occurs when upgrading from Dolphin 7.1 to 7.2, see steps below. These steps should be performed before starting the Dolphin upgrade process. If the process was started and an error occurred, still follow these instructions :


1) Download module again and unzip then open  Premium Groups - Dolphin 

2) Open the Before_Upgrade folder and follow instructions within

Paypal email is -
27 Mar 2016

Dolphin 7.3 version has been released.

Paypal email is -
27 Mar 2016

I've upgraded to Dolphin 7.3.0 and things are 'sort of' working. Have a few creases to iron out and template css issues to look at.

I'll be going through all your modules one by one and and update to the 7.3 versions; maybe even uninstalling and making a new install where needed.

Having not yet looked at the Premium Groups - Dolphin 7.2 zip, the Groups Home page is currently not working but individual groups are:

Some items on the sub-menu don't resolve but I'm not panicking yet.

Group Blogs - Method(actionBlog) was not found in module(groups).

Events - Method(actionEvent) was not found in module(groups)

News - Method(actionNews) was not found in module(groups)

Sponsors - Method(actionSponsor) was not found in module(groups)

Venues - Method(actionVenue) was not found in module(groups)

Michel on - The Online Guide to Travel
27 Mar 2016

@TravelNotes - Those errors are basically saying that the files for my Premium Groups are not on your site (meaning they have not been uploaded). It seems as if you ran the sqlupdate.php but forgot to actually upload the files.

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27 Mar 2016
27 Mar 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.