I have a profile field tied to a list of predefined values. The list has 242 items. After I had added 70 or so items the interface wouldn't save items any more. I can add more empty slots and put values in them. When I hit "Save", the screen refreshes but doesn't display the "Success" message at the top, and any changes have been lost. There is no error message of any kind. The file error_log doesn't have anything related.
The values for the items are just numerical, in sequence. The labels are just text with no unusual symbols.
Another list I have already successfully entered had 120 items, so this issue isn't global.
I tried to get around the interface by adding items directly in the database using SQL commands like
INSERT INTO `sys_pre_values` VALUES ('saeChapters','73',73,'Illinois Psi-Omega','','','','','');
This worked soft of. The predefined values list shows all of these values. But when a site visitor tries to set this profile field the dropdown list only shows the first 70 values. I'm guessing that the system keeps a count of how many items a list has rather than counting rows in the "sys_pre_values" table each time. I've looked for such a counter but haven't found it yet.
I'm hoping for advice on...
1) where to look for errors that might come from the predefined values interface
2) where in the database a count is kept for how many items are in a predefined values list, so that I can manually adjust it.
Any suggestions are much appreciated.
- Brian