Pomotion Line (Paid) from eSASe

If you want to provide your site users with the ability to promote their profiles and get some money for this service - this is exactly for you!

User comes to the site and has an option to order some days to be at the top of the site in the promotion line
This  improves communication on your website.  It is very good for big websites.

This is similar to LiveLine  Live line but has some improvements:

1.This one is integrated with Credits, which allows to order credits using different payment providers.

2 Users can be added to the promotion line if the service is paid only!

3. User set up nimber of days and is able to type any promotion text , once payment is done, user is added to the line automatically.

4. Self promotion has a simple and attractive interface, it is based on AJAX. It allows to easilly list users , filter members by sex and all these do not require page reloading!

5. All users which are added to the promotion line will be listed in a carusell . If the list of users is more than it can be placed on the page, the list of users in the line will be automatically changed.

6. The administration side of the module is also very easy to use and has a bunch of settings:
    a. You are able to place promotion line at the top or bottom of the site
    b. You can de-activate promotion line option for the users without avatars.
    c. You are able ot set up a price for using promotion line per day.
    d. You are able to set up promotion line on particular site pages.
    e. You are able to set up a membership level which is allowed to use promotion line for free
    f. You are able to choose a thumb size to be used in a promotion line

view more details here:  http://www.boonex.com/m/pomotion-line-paid-2011-10-26

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 26 Oct 2011

Module is available for Dolphin 7.1

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 7 Jan 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.