Since my Original 'Personality Matchmaker' was reproduced by another member copying my algorithm code , questionnaire code, matchmaking code, and style, which nothing is being done about this copyright infringement, and my sales stopped the day the look alike came out and people ask me if we are working together the answer is NO definitely not. I apologize for the confusion this has caused you, but I have done my best to have something done about this without results.
I have dropped my price to match his from $96 to $50. The other may look like mine and has same algorithm and questionnaire, but it is not the same module nor does it have 2 years of work put into it or the in-depth information regarding Personality Types nor is it integrated with Dolphin Cupid Match.
If you have questions please use the support forum for Personality Matchmaker at or email me at I will gladly answer any questions you have..
Jennifer Bogan