I am looking at every possbile old folder and can't find them so can you please point me to where the folder that houses these elusive photo's for all the main categories of the "AD Module" for 7.1 an exact path would be very helpful please...
See attached to see the ones I need to change...
Csampson |
This is where they say they are and obvioulsy they are not...see attached... Csampson |
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Hmmm OK so they are part of the TEXT? Is that the idea? Just if you could tell me how to change just one and then I can do the rest. I assume they text driven? Grr...:) only because I understand the other way...
Csampson |
Further I like the color of the icons that are photo driven and give a better vision of what a category is all about. SO if I want to use pictures can I still do that? Csampson |
Folks are going here and selecting the ones they want.
I have not replaced any..
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
See these as an example... Csampson |
See these as an example...
I would think your going to have to change the core files yourself.
That's kinda why I loosing faith in the "new" format. They seem to catering to iPads and the like, super Hi RES displays,(look at Unity) I know it's the fad, but I never have owned an Apple product my whole life.
Maybe someone more savvy with those changes will chime in.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
I don't mind that I prefer that as a matter of fact. A FAD, would be a bit much to swallow. I have both an Ipad and Iphone and so do most of my clients. I do however beat my head against the wall when I try to do something I can't do. One of the hardest thing to accept is change when you understand the other way and spent so many hours learning the other way. Yes it is a process but I really don't want to go to school to change an icon so if anyone can PLEASE just post an example of how to do this just one it would be very helpful...
I am sure I am not the only one who could use the help...Perhaps a post for Icon's for dummies when dealing with the new format... I understand the purpose of the other way but really prefer the aesthetics of the pictures...Let me deal with the size and type yada, yada...
Csampson |
did you look here? modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons
perhaps change that one to what you want using the same name..
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Please see attached for that...
I saw another post from another showing the exact same issue verbatim...
Csampson |
Let me say this though the page speed is now up to 94 out of 100 and if this is because of this type of programming than so be it...I just need to know how to change the icon if it is a text Icon well OK but still need to change it... Csampson |
Maybe they will make this a feature. I do not like the icons as well.. ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
OK I posted a new picture to the path suggested and it works I just wonder if there is a conflict in the logic on the page because of it...But I did just put the picture into the folder and renamed it in the drop in box but I had to add the .png Csampson |
admin > modules > ads > category manager > select category and change "picture" to desired awesome icon name. save. good to have the awesome site open in another tab while doing so.
took me a long time to find the answer for that simple process!
PLZ....now i need help changing the "my ads" button (and any other instances where the cheesy dollar bill is present). :P seriously exhausted, wrestling this program from the front, back, and server end. so..........plz keep it simple :?
It helps if you post a picture at least for me... Csampson |
Take a look at what I did with my ads section and icons and let me know if this is the kind of change you want to do to your icons. http://www.http://weareprogun.com/ads
It helps if you post a picture at least for me...
To use images instead of text icons:
admin --> modules --> ads --> Category Manager --> Edit --> Picture
Add name of image file here, then upload image to /modules/boonex/ads/templates/base/images/icons
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Tony yes that is what I want to do...
HL...I uploaded the yahoo smushed photo's which worked and the page speed went from 94 to to 91 with just 1 picture change. I don't think I have my cache settings right for the sub-domain yet. I am going to work with the pictures but don't want to burn up that kind of speed at all...
Take a look at what I did with my ads section and icons and let me know if this is the kind of change you want to do to your icons. http://www.http://weareprogun.com/ads
It helps if you post a picture at least for me...
Csampson |
okay.....but don't ask for a video tutorial. not happening.
as usual, it's a very simple thing. once you know where it's at.
would still like help with changing the icons on buttons if anyone can help. thank you.
Man do I need to work on my communication skills LOL the picture I was talking about was for the icon you wanted to change...I think this is what you want to change but not sure...
I tried the great picture you showe me earlier but the picture didn't change is there a download involved in that as well? 2.jpg · 63.1K · 392 views Csampson |
see the attached...Do I need to download that icon as well? Csampson |
that is SO not funny, but it's making me laugh. at this hour...i'm accomplishing very little. surprised i managed to put together that screenshot collage for you. :P it was very nice of me!! ;) should at least humor me, and let me believe i was being helpful!
yeah...at least were kinda on the same page. lol. it's good to know that's there, cuz i'm sure i'll be needing it sooner or later. i tried adding a fontawesome icon to profile view > profile ads...but i don't see where it changed anything. will have to play around i guess.
definitely a love-hate relationship with dolphin. feels like one of word search puzzles from hell.....i know the answers are right in front of me, and i'm just staring at it all like an idiot. everyone here should have to use a profile pic of themselves with that "3 am dazed & confused" look!
Kim it was very well done and welcome to the insanity... It can drive you a bit insane but you get use to it after about the first 6 months...:) The part of always wondering if you just do this or that... Now they changed the game a bit...So at least you don't have to suffer the two different types. There are some that have been here for many years and many different versions...I often wonder how they do it... Hang in there you will get it... Csampson |
No, no need to download the icon. Leave off the word "icon-" because that is assumed. Just type in the rest such as "leaf" or "open-eye" or "arrow-right" without the word "icon" in front. Your site will fetch the text icon for you.
see the attached...Do I need to download that icon as well?
i'm better after some sleep. thanks. i don't know how they do it either. i'm still in that romantic phase...it's wearing off (too) quick though, which scares me. and, i am grateful that i wasn't here for the BIG change. telling me i'll "get use to it after the first 6 months", was a wake-up call. lol. gonna have to start pacing myself!
what sort of concerns me is that a lot of links i click on (take a look at my site).....are dead. so, it's great to see a successful working site. thx!
just thought i'd share this link for icomoon app.
they have a larger selection of font icons, and a generator? not sure, haven't tried it out. just reading. an ever expanding library anyway. would have to download customized package and move into folder, to be able to call on them (as you already know) :)
and.........your suggestion is working for all items except "my ads" button, which........i guess i can live with for now.
appreciate your help.
Such a pesky detail...:) Thanks I will try that...
No, no need to download the icon. Leave off the word "icon-" because that is assumed. Just type in the rest such as "leaf" or "open-eye" or "arrow-right" without the word "icon" in front. Your site will fetch the text icon for you.
see the attached...Do I need to download that icon as well?
Csampson |
What is the URL to your site??
what sort of concerns me is that a lot of links i click on (take a look at my site).....are dead. so, it's great to see a successful working site. thx!
um.....misfitmeetup.com seriously just a few days old, so no critiquing! ;)
i forgot how careful one has to word things in forums. cuz...i see what you thought i meant. what i really meant, was all the links here in the boonex forum that have links to dolphin sites...seems like 95% of them are defunct. maybe that's a good thing? less competition? i want to see other dolphin sites that are running along successfully with a few thousand members at least. would give me hope.
with that said....i'm really not diggin' this boonex forum setup. it's not user-friendly. it's working for finding solutions to problems, so i'm not complaining. but it sucks for things like "users site reviews", "test out my site", "my dolphin success story"....that sort of thing. more child topics under each main forum category. me thinks.
seriously just a few days old, so no critiquing! ;)
Your site is performing great for me.. cute idea!!
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
awhh.........shucks. that's sweet. thanks! the site is looking a little dull to me this morning. was going for subtle, but....lol. ended up with "blah" i think. will have to work on that. right now i'm caught up in testing/learning.....as a graphic artist....it's not the fun part. :/
i want to start a topic "dolphin for dummies" and just post all my questions there...in one place. problem is i get here (to the forum) and i can't remember what they all are.
it was VERY VERY sweet of you to stop by and test for me! THANK YOU :-*