Paid License showing TRIAL error

I have had a paid monthly license since I started the site in November. I have been getting the POPUP asking if I want to Buy a license of continue Trial when I have not changed the license one time. 


This is has happened before but "somehow" fixed itself and showed the proper license when I click on the license tab in the admin panel.


Has anyone had this issue before? 

How can I make it ALWAYS show the license I paid for?

kind of embarassing when members or guest come to the Site and see my site watermarked because the license isn't staying in a proper licensed state.

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Quote · 29 Jan 2017

Please make sure that the license is entered in Admin Panel > License, try to remove it (enter anything as new license) and add your license again again.

Rules →
Quote · 30 Jan 2017

There is no license showing when entering the license tab of admin panel. When I try to add my active license it just quickly disappears after I press the "Register" button. I have searched and haven't found one person with this issue. Any ideas how to fix?

Quote · 31 Jan 2017

Go to your Boonex account and make sure to carefully copy the license key.  Also check and make sure the domain is entered correctly for the license; if the domain is wrong in your Boonex account for the license, it won't register.  Then go to your Dolphin admin and try entering the license key pasting it in instead of typing it in.  Hopefully it will register and you will be set.  The system is designed so that once you register your license, even if Boonex's license server goes down, your site will continued to be registered; it does not call home to Boonex to continued to be registered, it is a one time process.  If you continue to have issues with the license, then contact Boonex support.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 1 Feb 2017

Also the license will not register if it's already registered on another domain, in this case you need to login to your BoonEx account and reset license domain from your Dashboard > Licenses

Rules →
Quote · 4 Feb 2017

I have tried the above options. After resetting the license in my boonex account, I still cannot update in admin panel by copying and pasting the code into admin panel. It will not let me set the license whatsoever. I have contacted Boonex on this and get no response on the matter. I am not totally incapable so I think this is just a sign that the platform is not very well supported by boonex themselves. The only way I know to contact boonex is via a support email which I get no response to.


Any other help would be appreciated. I have purchased many modules. I really would hate to have to essentially start over :(

Quote · 9 Feb 2017

It appears that the communication between your site and the Boonex licensing server is not happening; this could be a problem with the firewall on your server.  How knowledgeable are you on servers?  When your site sends the info over to the Boonex licensing server and it confirms that all the bits and pieces are correct, it then send info back over to your site that completes the licensing; certain bits and pieces are written to your database; this helps in keeping your site licensed.  It very much appears that the communication is breaking somewhere.

Don't abandon Dolphin yet, this will be sorted out.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 9 Feb 2017

Please check under the Admin Panel => Tools => Host Tools for any errors. This can sometimes happen because allow_url_fopen is disabled in PHP. Dolphin needs it on to be able to communicate with the license server.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 10 Feb 2017

I was having the same problem and  my allow_url_fopen was disabled.  I found the correct switch under MultiPHP INI editor in the WHM console. Easy to enable once one knows where to look.


Thanks for that info, Nathan!

7.3.5 with responsive UNI
Quote · 11 Feb 2017

Despite url fopen is on I have the same problem and so far no solution in sight.

Also I can not log on to the Admin after the installation.

Quote · 22 Jun 2017


Despite url fopen is on I have the same problem and so far no solution in sight.

Also I can not log on to the Admin after the installation.

Make sure the license isn't registered and isn't an old free license - those no longer work.


As for the login issue, can you try the forgot password form? That should send a new password to the admin's email address. If it's still not working, that suggests an issue with your install or setup.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 23 Jun 2017


Despite url fopen is on I have the same problem and so far no solution in sight.

Also I can not log on to the Admin after the installation.


I went through the same thing, url fopen was on, and still the license did not stick. My solution to the problems was to go to root, Linux centos 6.5, via putty, I disabled the iptables, then re-inserted the license and it worked. I then restarted iptables. Im not sure what port it was blocking which prevented the communication to the boonex servers. I have my firewall very strict, blocking all ports except 80, and 443. For those that dont know, iptables is your linux server firewall. If you have any type of firewall enabled, it could be blocking the port needed to communicate with boonex servers.




service iptables stop


service iptables restart

Quote · 5 Nov 2017

I have the same problem.
My provider ist tmdhosting

I have tried it many times. No license code will be accepted - it always shows "trial"


Boonex Support? NO ANSWER

Quote · 1 Feb 2018


I have the same problem.
My provider ist tmdhosting

I have tried it many times. No license code will be accepted - it always shows "trial"


Boonex Support? NO ANSWER

Please check under the Admin Panel => Tools => Host Tools and make sure allow_url_fopen is enabled. It needs to be on for the license check to work. I think TMD still has it off by default on some servers.

Also make sure the license hasn't been registered before. Under make sure it shows as unregistered. If it doesn't, click on the license code and a window should appear with a Reset button - click the button to reset it back to unregistered status.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 1 Feb 2018

Hello Nathan,


thank you very much & thanks to all sharing your help.

The settings where reconfigured and now the license is activ. YES! :-)


I am soooo happy - thank you very very much!


Quote · 2 Feb 2018
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.