Paid Gig Mod Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for the Paid Gigs mod.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 6 Jun 2013

Dolphin 7.1 - Patch 2.0.3 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.3 folder in zip file)

Layout adjustments made.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 6 Jun 2013


have four concerns about Gigs module. Help from anyone is appreciated.


1) After having ordered through Paypal the user can either wait or click on a link after 10seconds if the page isn't loaded.

a) if user wait then he's taken back to the Gigs page and get to see the Instructions to Buyer (see pic that layout is a bit off)
b) if user clicks on the link direct he's taken back to Gigs page but there is no instruction from the buyer.

If user would go away from the instruction page then he may loose that. Same as if he is to eager and clicks on the link. A solution could be that the instructions are also MAILED to the user.

2) Sending an invitation to an individual e-mail, that never reach that email. I've seen the same issue on other mods so maybe it's a setting thing?

3) On the Gigs homepage I have Recent Gigs block. That is however not showing the latest Gig. If I use the menu and go to Recent Gigs then  I see that latest. Why isn't it showing up on Gigs homepage?

4) After a buy is made the user don't see any instruction and doubts he has bought the products.
He therefor hesitates and buy the same Gig one more time.
The seller is now having 2 orders for the same item. 
He then Cancels one of the orders and delivers the other.
Admin however still seems to have only the option to process payment for BOTH orders.
What is the intended correct process for admin and seller when buyer has made two purchases by misstake?

Instructions to buyer.bmp · 903.9K · 359 views
7.1 My favorite number
Quote · 11 Oct 2013

Asking for support on this mod.

7.1 My favorite number
Quote · 24 Oct 2013

Message above is noted and will be addressed. Currently working on mod support issues for other mods.

Asking for support on this mod.


Paypal email is -
Quote · 24 Oct 2013

Hi Jerome,


In your Gigs module 7.1, there is a file named latest_featured_gig.html

Does this file actually work?

I can't see any difference between the featured gigs unit and the recent gigs unit on your demo site, and it seems to serve no purpose on my site.




This is my signature, there are many like it but this one is mine...
Quote · 13 Mar 2014

@RichardBishop - The mentioned file is not currently in use.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 13 Mar 2014

Thanks for the quick reply - do you have any plans to get it to work?

It would be great to change the styling for featured gigs, putting them in their own css class.

This is my signature, there are many like it but this one is mine...
Quote · 13 Mar 2014


I see there's a block called top contributors, but it's not installed - did you just miss this out or does it not work?

Can you also please respond to my previous question regarding the featured gigs?


This is my signature, there are many like it but this one is mine...
Quote · 18 Mar 2014

Top Contributors block is not used in current version. There are no immediate plans to modify the functionality of the featured listing, however I have made a note of your suggestion.


I see there's a block called top contributors, but it's not installed - did you just miss this out or does it not work?

Can you also please respond to my previous question regarding the featured gigs?



Paypal email is -
Quote · 19 Mar 2014


I have basically same comments as 6 months ago. Are these things being addressed please?

Thank you :)

1) After having ordered through Paypal the user can either wait or click on a link after 10seconds if the page isn't loaded.

a) if user wait then he's taken back to the Gigs page and get to see the Instructions to Buyer (see pic that layout is a bit off)
b) if user clicks on the link direct he's taken back to Gigs page but there is no instruction from the buyer.

If user would go away from the instruction page then he may loose that. Same as if he is to eager and clicks on the link. A solution could be that the instructions are also MAILED to the user.


2) Sending an invitation to an individual e-mail, that never reach that email. I've seen the same issue on other mods so maybe it's a setting thing?


3) After a buy is made the user don't see any instruction and doubts he has bought the products. 
He therefor hesitates and buy the same Gig one more time. 
The seller is now having 2 orders for the same item. 
He then Cancels one of the orders and delivers the other.
Admin however still seems to have only the option to process payment for BOTH orders.
What is the intended correct process for admin and seller when buyer has made two purchases by misstake?

7.1 My favorite number
Quote · 15 Apr 2014

is it possible to get the gig image displayed rather than the members avatar / photo?

Quote · 1 May 2014

Grosman - Some of those issues are resolved already. I think there is one item left to be addressed.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 1 May 2014

deanhowell - Check the Admin Settings for the mod. There is an option to switch this.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 1 May 2014

Thanks Modzzz, love this mod :)

Quote · 2 May 2014

Database query error after clicking "Add" to add a gig, this mod isn't working :(


A fix please.

Quote · 26 Sep 2014

 I am waiting on your PM response with details of the error.

Database query error after clicking "Add" to add a gig, this mod isn't working :(


A fix please.


Paypal email is -
Quote · 26 Sep 2014

Gigs module is now compatible with Dolphin 7.2. Download the zip file and check the upgrade folder for instructions.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 29 Sep 2015

Feature request:
Having the option of making purchases and getting payments in points. Ideally, an "either or" option per gig with amounts set by seller (e.g. $5.00 or 750 points), but even having transaction in just points would be appreciated.

 Thanks for your consideration!

7.3.5 with responsive UNI
Quote · 28 Mar 2018
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.