Pagination in groups

Pagination in Groups doen't work. So, when there are more than 30 group members, on "show all" pagination doesn't work.

Please if anyone knows whick code I have to change....

Quote · 5 Feb 2009



Quote · 4 Mar 2009

There's a bug in the inc/classes/BxDolGroups.php script for version 6.1.4.  In the code block (at line 988), in function PCShowGroupMembers, there's a typo, an ampersand in the query string has the wrong encoding:

f( $iPagesNum > 1 ) {
$sPagesUrl = "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?action=group_members&{$sEditModeReq}ID={$iGroupID}&page={page}";
$sGenPagination = genPagination( $iPagesNum, $iPage, $sPagesUrl );

should be

if( $iPagesNum > 1 ) {
$sPagesUrl = "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?action=group_members&{$sEditModeReq}ID={$iGroupID}&page={page}";
$sGenPagination = genPagination( $iPagesNum, $iPage, $sPagesUrl );

Quote · 22 Mar 2009

tanx david!

Quote · 23 Mar 2009

There's a bug in the inc/classes/BxDolGroups.php script for version 6.1.4.  In the code block (at line 988), in function PCShowGroupMembers, there's a typo, an ampersand in the query string has the wrong encoding:

f( $iPagesNum > 1 ) {
$sPagesUrl = "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?action=group_members&{$sEditModeReq}ID={$iGroupID}&page={page}";
$sGenPagination = genPagination( $iPagesNum, $iPage, $sPagesUrl );

should be

if( $iPagesNum > 1 ) {
$sPagesUrl = "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?action=group_members&{$sEditModeReq}ID={$iGroupID}&page={page}";
$sGenPagination = genPagination( $iPagesNum, $iPage, $sPagesUrl );

I am having difficulty with groups and wonder if this is the only typo in this bxDolGroups.php file.

Nearly all the query strings in this file have an escaped ampersand & rather than a plain '&' - could anyone confirm that when used inside a query string the ampersand should be just & (not &) - but when included in html code it should be & (not just &)?

if so are they all typos?

could it be this that is forcing the groups page to name a css div class


in all dolphin installs (including this one at unity)

Quote · 11 Apr 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.