Pages Mod Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for the Pages mod.

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Quote · 22 Aug 2013

Patch 2.0.1 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.1 folder in zip file)

Added Youtube Videos Special block.

Added ability to embed Website in Pages.

Other miscellaneous improvements made.

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Quote · 14 Oct 2013


Patch 2.0.1 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.1 folder in zip file)

Added Youtube Videos Special block.

Added ability to embed Website in Pages.

Other miscellaneous improvements made.

 Very Nice.....update was smooth and easy.

And I like that when you add a YouTube Video Special Block, it's basically a YouTube Video Gallery Block, keeping each new YouTube Video added together with the other YouTube videos- Awesome!

I added a Website, and it automatically embedded to the width of the main body- simple cool and user-friendly...Awesome!

Much Thanks!

Quote · 16 Oct 2013

An issue with uploading media to offers is resolved, re-upload the modules\modzzz\page\classes folder.

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Quote · 1 Nov 2013

Patch 2.0.2 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.2 folder in zip file)

Fixes issue where action button to add custom blocks was only viewable to site administrators.

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Quote · 20 Nov 2013

Does Patch 2.0.2 Released fix the issue of other members being able to not only access another Page's Widgets, but actually change them?  This is a major problem as it it giving others the ability to control anthers Widgets. 

Moreover,  why would a non-administrator need to even see a button that they should not be able to use? A non-administrator should NOT be able to add custom blocks. It should not even be an option.

Quote · 23 Nov 2013


Does Patch 2.0.2 Released fix the issue of other members being able to not only access another Page's Widgets, but actually change them?  This is a major problem as it it giving others the ability to control anthers Widgets. 

Moreover,  why would a non-administrator need to even see a button that they should not be able to use? A non-administrator should NOT be able to add custom blocks. It should not even be an option.

 Yes, this baffled me a bit as well...I wondered if I was just missing something here...I want others to see the widgets but not be able to interact with them.

Also wanting to be able to re-arrange blocks on the page as well when possible.

Quote · 24 Nov 2013

Does Patch 2.0.2 Released fix the issue of other members being able to not only access another Page's Widgets, but actually change them?  This is a major problem as it it giving others the ability to control anthers Widgets.

RESPONSE : This issue has been addressed.

Moreover,  why would a non-administrator need to even see a button that they should not be able to use? A non-administrator should NOT be able to add custom blocks. It should not even be an option.

RESPONSE : It is a major feature of the module to allow page administrators to add custom blocks (Youtube Videos etc)

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Quote · 24 Nov 2013

Patch 2.0.3 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.3 folder in zip file)

Added Client and Employee sections to Pages.

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Quote · 24 Nov 2013

Hey Modzzz.

Just tried to update and I got this:

Database error in Chamber Theory


INSERT INTO `sys_page_compose_pages` (`Name`, `Title`, `Order`) VALUES ('modzzz_page_clients_view', 'Page Client View', 395);

Mysql error: Duplicate entry 'modzzz_page_clients_view' for key 'PRIMARY'

Found error in the file '/home/chamber1/public_html/sqlupdate.php' at line 191.
Called 'db_res' function with erroneous argument #0.

Quote · 24 Nov 2013

@truckingspace - You could have only received that error if you ran the sqlupdate.php more than once which means you have created some duplicates in your database. I would have to manually clean up the duplicates and finish the update for you.

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Quote · 24 Nov 2013

I just downloaded it and ran it once? So I need to give you my cPanel? Will PM you the info.. Thanks Modzzz..

Quote · 25 Nov 2013

Never mind.. I just un-installed and installed it again.. There were only three pages listed..

Quote · 26 Nov 2013

I have just made my first page and am testing features. I have a couple issues so far running version 2.0.4.


#1. When you upload a video on the page creation form it gives you the default boonex video screen shot icon thumbnail below your actual video.  I would rather it just be graphic that says "video" rather than the Boonex video screen capture.

#2. The CSS for all the +Manage Blocks options are controlled elsewhere in Boonex rather than being adopted by my template or by the mods own CSS file.  Form to add a new Youtube video and Special Field Box are the pink-ish background color and my text is invisible because my template text is white so it does not show up (image attached). My only fix right now is adding html to the language string to turn the text black.

#3. Lastly, as a suggestion I think it should be more clear if a page is already claimed or not. Some sort of very visible label stating the pages status. I think 2 issues will occur otherwise members will think the page is owned and operated by the name brand or person not knowing the page is unclaimed.  Also, the actual person or organization finds the page and thinks someone is attempting to manipulate their identity.  Also claiming a page needs to consist of sending and communicating an email that ends in the web address extension (.com).  However, a lot of pages might not have web addresses to send from.  There needs to be some criteria for claiming a page or people who do not own a page can impersonate another which is a huge problem MySpace had when they launched was so many people pretending to be famous people.  At the point a page is claimed it needs to be updated Claimed.  Even big red letters at the top of every unclaimed page would be fine for me personally though that might not fit everyone.  Thanks.


Without further testing that is it for issues. I hope the pages features catches on and thanks for a great mod.

invisible text.png · 7.5K · 358 views
Quote · 9 Dec 2013

It would be possible to modify the module that could for page set multiple categories or subcategories? With the option to limit the number of categories.
For many companies or persons who would take advantage of this module, it is difficult to choose only one sub-category from the selection. Maybe suggestion for the next upgrade?

Quote · 28 Dec 2013

An issue with the Recommend block not appearing on the Sub-Pages (Offers, Employees etc) has been resolved.

Re-upload the modules/modzzz/page/classes folder.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 2 Feb 2014

Hello Mr.  Modzzz.  I just now got back around to giving a little more attention to this module on my site.  A select and very odd issue I am having right now is in the pages builder. I can manage and move blocks on "pages home" and other areas but not "pages view".  For some reason it does not matter what block I move nothing happens on that page. I've tried clearing all cache items etc but it is just this one page I can not change anything.  Is this something you can replicate?

Quote · 13 Mar 2014

Pages module allows individual Page Owners to manage which blocks appear on their page therefore Admin cannot manage the blocks in the regular page builder. If Admin was allowed to manage the blocks then that would override the individual configuration of Page owners. I will add functionality to the mod in the future to allow each Page owner to re-arrange the blocks on their page.

Hello Mr.  Modzzz.  I just now got back around to giving a little more attention to this module on my site.  A select and very odd issue I am having right now is in the pages builder. I can manage and move blocks on "pages home" and other areas but not "pages view".  For some reason it does not matter what block I move nothing happens on that page. I've tried clearing all cache items etc but it is just this one page I can not change anything.  Is this something you can replicate?


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Quote · 14 Mar 2014

Sounds even better Modzzz thanks!

Quote · 15 Mar 2014

"I will add functionality to the mod in the future to allow each Page owner to re-arrange the blocks on their page"


That will be great!  When do you anticipate doing so?

Quote · 31 May 2014

Hey Modzzz, love this module. I have run into a strange issue, not sure if it is Pages related but it is only affecting "My Page" layout. I have resized my entire sites width. When I resized the Pages only one will not resize and that is "Page My". The width stays the same and I moved "Rate" to the top of the side bar and when i look at the Page Rate is still where it was originally. So I tried moving the blocks around on that page an it did not affect anything. Any suggestions? It only does it on the "Page My". Thanks in advance

Quote · 10 Aug 2014

My post earlier mentions that I couldnt size or order blocks on "Page My" I meant on "Page View"

Quote · 10 Aug 2014

Hi Modzzz

I just installed your pages mod all seems fine so far except i cant seem to figure out the invitation to company page

Invite went out when i accept it and i am logged in takes me to page and nothing happens no link to  join here/fan/etc when i check manage fans nothing there. If i am logged out the accept invitation redirects to login page for username and password is it supposed to go there ?? because then they would need to join first then get redirected again to page to become a fan??

Maybe i am stupid not doing something correctly but i thought they could become a fan without signing up ?? as i have set up my  site for business to sign up not people but maybe i have to go back to people sign up then create business page so it will work correctly ??

sorry if this sounds stupid just need some clarification

Quote · 16 Dec 2014

 The fan mechanism in Dolphin modules is designed for members only.

Hi Modzzz

I just installed your pages mod all seems fine so far except i cant seem to figure out the invitation to company page

Invite went out when i accept it and i am logged in takes me to page and nothing happens no link to  join here/fan/etc when i check manage fans nothing there. If i am logged out the accept invitation redirects to login page for username and password is it supposed to go there ?? because then they would need to join first then get redirected again to page to become a fan??

Maybe i am stupid not doing something correctly but i thought they could become a fan without signing up ?? as i have set up my  site for business to sign up not people but maybe i have to go back to people sign up then create business page so it will work correctly ??

sorry if this sounds stupid just need some clarification


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Quote · 16 Dec 2014

thanks for the clarification would your sub profiles work for this or would i need to get your friend inviter ?

Quote · 17 Dec 2014

The way Dolphin is designed, a personal profile must be created. You could get the business signup page customized so that it creates both business and personal profile at once.

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Quote · 17 Dec 2014
In the Pages Mod there is a block that says  " Pages in United States " is there a user way to alter that to display Canadian Provinces ?
Quote · 28 Jan 2015

 In the Admin, there is a Setting for "default country for location". Change the value of that setting to "CA"

In the Pages Mod there is a block that says  " Pages in United States " is there a user way to alter that to display Canadian Provinces ?


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Quote · 28 Jan 2015

Is there a way we could have the main page block editable ? . Like being able to change txt size and force the txt to always display under the logo-picture ??

Quote · 27 Feb 2015

why can not I
not the blocks move or edit
everywhere I can edit only because not
What's going on there

moddz.jpg · 238.2K · 403 views
Quote · 25 Mar 2015

Hi. Does the Pages module work ok with 7.2.1 ?


I just purchased it and installed on test server, but the formatting of the columns in page view is squashed, trying to change in module builder doesn't save it or fix it.


I also can't do much when creating a page, for example I can't adding events, the widgets are all active but how do you add items?

Anyone have this module working with 7.2.1 ?
Quote · 12 Dec 2015

Hi. Just as an update to the "columns in page view is squashed", I found the problem with the Pages module alignment.

When going into that page view in admin, I noticed it showed "column3, column4" with no "column2".

This seems to be a bug with the module as it was like that when entering it.

I added a new column, column5, then deleted column5, then the column numbering changed column3 and column4 to column2 and column3.

Weird, but that fixed the problem and the alignment is working again.

I still don't know how to create events in the Page module, add testimonials, etc. None of those items seem to be available. Please advise.
Thank you.
Quote · 13 Dec 2015

What's going on?  Hope all is well.  Are you going to upgrade to 7.3? links for sub-sections no longer appears.

Quote · 16 Apr 2016

Hi Modzzz. Been emailing but maybe you aren't getting the emails.

Just wondering if you intend on making this mod work on 7.3 ?

I've evaluated Pages by AntonLV and he installed it in his demo for me to test, and it works fine on 7.3.

I do need "Pages" to work on 7.3, but if you're not going to update it to work on 7.3 (which is fine, as you may have other priorities), please just let us know so we know what to do our end.

Thank you.

Quote · 31 May 2016

Hi Modzzz. I noticed on the mod title it's now been changed to:

Product isn't selling, further product support and update maybe unavailable.

I'm just wondering why, with such an array of great mods, what ever happened to this mod? why has it not been something you're pursuing?

Lastly, should I now uninstall it from Dolphin?


Quote · 29 Jun 2016

@micoots - There are no plans to permanently get rid of the mod. It is temporarily disabled until some significant updates are done to it.

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Quote · 29 Jun 2016

Hi Modzzz i was checking on this mod as i have this and few other of your mods and wondered if you will be updating it to work with 7.3.3 or should i consider by another pages mod?



Quote · 23 Oct 2017
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.