Pages Cover from AQB Soft

Hello everybody.
This is a support forum for our Pages Cover plug-in for Pages module.
If you have some questions or suggestions regarding it feel free to post them here or contact us directly.

Related products:

  1. Pages - it's a basic module, a platform for plug-ins.
  2. Pages News - it's a plug-in for Pages module which allows to write News inside Pages.
  3. Pages Articles - it's a plug-in for Pages module which allows to write Articles inside Pages.
  4. Pages Blogs - it's a plug-in for Pages module which allows to write Blog Posts inside Pages.
  5. Pages Events - it's a plug-in for Pages module which allows to create Events inside Pages.
  6. Pages Timeline - it's a plug-in for Pages module which allows to show events Timeline inside Pages.
Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 14 Mar 2016

@AntonLV - noticed an admin issue regarding the covers. Any "fan" of the page is able to navigate to the cover management screen and delete/activate the covers. I assume they should be required to have admin status to do this. I haven't tested this with a member who isn't a fan but will later.


Thanks in advance for looking into and resolving this. Thanks.

Quote · 14 Jun 2017

@AntonLV - okay just confirmed anyone can navigate to that covers management page and delete existing covers.


Further, anyone can access the blocks management page as well and activate blocks too. 

Quote · 14 Jun 2017


@AntonLV - okay just confirmed anyone can navigate to that covers management page and delete existing covers.


Further, anyone can access the blocks management page as well and activate blocks too. 

The issue was fixed and the product was updated. You need to redownload the package and use updated pages_cover/classes/AqbPCoverModule.php file on your site. Don't forget to backup your currect AqbPCoverModule.php file before rewriting it.

The issue with blocks' management was fixed too. Pages module was updated. You need to redownload the package and use updated pages/classes/AqbPagesModule.php file on your site. Don't forget to backup your currect AqbPagesModule.php file before rewriting it.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 14 Jun 2017
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.