Page columns

I know how to add a page column in to profiles page in the navigation page builder.

Is there a way I can add in a second page row???

This would be copying the php code and using it twice on eg: the profile page (me thinks)

Quote · 16 May 2009

profile page:





Column1     |     Column2

Coluffffmn1 |     Column2

Coluffffmn1 |     Column2

Cofffflumn1 |     Column2

Colffffumn1 |     Column2

Colffffumn1 |     Column2





Quote · 16 May 2009

any one?

Quote · 17 May 2009

You can test this

Edit templates/tmpl_uni/page_7.html


__include _header.html__

<div id="divUnderCustomization">


<div class="clear_both"></div>


__include _footer.html__


__include _header.html__

<div id="divUnderCustomization">

<div class="clear_both"></div>

<div class="disignBoxFirst">
<div class="boxFirstHeader">Female Members</div>
<div class="boxContent">
<div class="clear_both"></div>
<div class="clear_both"></div>

<div class="clear_both"></div>


__include _footer.html__

Edit profile.php

Add this code $_page_cont[$_ni]['female'] = getFemaleUser();

after this line $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = $oPPV -> getCode();


add code below after this line $aUser = array(); //global cache array

* Female members on profile page above footer
function getFemaleUser() {
global $site;
global $aPreValues;
global $getBlockCode_Female_db_num;
global $max_thumb_width;
global $max_thumb_height;
global $oTemplConfig;

$female_num = '7';

if ( $female_num )
$female_res = db_res( "SELECT `ID`, `NickName`, `DateOfBirth`, `Country`
FROM `Profiles`
WHERE `Sex` = 'female' AND `Couple` = '0' AND `Picture` = '1' AND `Status` = 'Active'
LIMIT $female_num" );
$ret .= '<div class="clear_both"></div>';

if( mysql_num_rows( $female_res ) > 0 )
while( $female_arr = mysql_fetch_assoc( $female_res ) )

$female_country = _t($aPreValues['Country'][$female_arr['Country']]['LKey']);                              
$female_flag = '&nbsp;<img src="'. ($site['flags'].strtolower($female_arr['Country'])) .'.gif" alt="flag" />';

$ret .= '<div class="featured_block_1">';
$ret .= get_member_thumbnail( $female_arr['ID'], 'none' );
$ret .= '<center>';
$ret .= '<a href="' . getProfileLink( $female_arr['ID'] ) . '">';
$ret .= process_line_output( $female_arr['NickName'] );
$ret .= '</a>';
$ret .= ", ";
$ret .= age( $female_arr['DateOfBirth'] );
$ret .= '<br />';
$ret .= $female_country;
$ret .= $female_flag;
$ret .= '</center>';
$ret .= '<br />';
$ret .= '</div>';

$ret .= '<div class="no_result">';
$ret .= '<div>';
$ret .= _t("_No results found");
$ret .= '</div>';
$ret .= '</div>';
$ret .= '<div class="clear_both"></div>';

return $ret;

Quote · 17 May 2009


You are a tireless helper here at the forums.

Thank you.

Quote · 17 May 2009

lol this code you posted looks like it is for showing only female members on your profile page!?!?!?!?! lololololo

whhhhhyyyyy did you put that??? lololol sorry i just think its funny is all its like the casanovas perfect fix lololololSealed lolololol!!!!!

ahhhh lol sorry i am being a git

Quote · 18 May 2009

How about this for templates/tmpl_uni/page_7.html    ????

__include _header.html__

<div id="divUnderCustomization">


<div class="clear_both">

<h3>This is a header</h3>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>



__include _footer.html__

Quote · 18 May 2009




How about this for templates/tmpl_uni/page_7.html    ????


__include _header.html__


<div id="divUnderCustomization">


<div class="clear_both">



<h3>This is a header</h3>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>




__include _footer.html__

It's up to you how you want it, everything depends on what you shall have here.
If you only use page_7.html, you can only add html code.
If you shall use php code you must do it like I did in my example.
You have the steps,
imagination to change code to what you will have is completely up to you...




Quote · 18 May 2009

Sorry, wrong thread :)

Quote · 18 May 2009

Well i am grateful to you for the clarification because it has workedLaughing thank you!

Quote · 20 May 2009

Hi okweb - you seem to be extremely helpful ;)

Any chance you could tell me how to add a row to the homepage?

If you could specify the actual file names I have to change (the ones that have the PHP or CSS that I have to modify) it would be a HUGE help.  All I know is that it involves the clear_both call in CSS.

I want to do the same thing Bamben did - but just on the homepage...

Thanks so much in advance!

If anyone else can help - I am grateful to whomever may provide an answer ;)

(My site is:


Quote · 9 Oct 2010

Posting again - can anybody help me?




Any chance you could tell me how to add a row to the homepage?

If you could specify the actual file names I have to change (the ones that have the PHP or CSS that I have to modify) it would be a HUGE help.  All I know is that it involves the clear_both call in CSS.

I want to do the same thing Bamben did - but just on the homepage...

Thanks so much in advance!

If anyone else can help - I am grateful to whomever may provide an answer ;)

(My site is:


Thanks!! Jay

Quote · 14 Oct 2010

Same thing. Instead of page_7.html it's page_1.html
Quote · 14 Oct 2010


Same thing. Instead of page_7.html it's page_1.html

 Does this apply to 7.0.3

Quote · 14 Oct 2010



Same thing. Instead of page_7.html it's page_1.html

Does this apply to 7.0.3

It might. You never know until you try.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 14 Oct 2010

Hey guys - thanks so much for multiple gestures of help! ;)  I am grateful - I hope you don't mind helping me clarify here - but the code above from okweb has a lot of 'female' calls in it.  As I read further I saw that Bamben posted a different batch of code and okweb says you can do it in the php or html.

So, to clarify, I understand I must modify page_1.html.  I have found it in a folder called 'base' inside my templates folder.

When I open it - I see this:

<bx_include_auto:_sub_header.html />
<bx_include_auto:_sub_footer.html />

Can some please literally post the right code for me to copy and paste over this in order to add the bottom row?  I know it has something to do with the 'clear_both' command (or at least I think) - I am not a CSS pro, just familiar with it and html for many years.

I would be super-grateful if someone could:

1. Confirm that I have the right html page

2. Paste the right code here so I can copy it and paste over my html code for page_1.html


Thanks again guys - I am really appreciative of your time and attention.


Quote · 15 Oct 2010

i'd like to use this solution, but if i use it, will it only display female members on my profile page? i just want to be able to have 2 rows, so i can add add a block that can go across the bottom then 3 at the top

Quote · 15 Oct 2010

HI buzzpaul - I agree, that's what I want to do as well!


Hopefully someone will copy and paste here for us to get the right code/clarification.


We would appreciate the help if anyone can give us some assistance here ;)



Quote · 15 Oct 2010

Anyone?  Some help please? ;)

Quote · 16 Oct 2010

This change will add a row at the top of the homepage,
you can change code inside the function to what you will have here.

open file templates/base/page_1.html

add this code: __my_promo_code__

all code on the file page_1.html

<bx_include_auto:_sub_header.html />
<bx_include_auto:_sub_footer.html />


add the code bellow after this code $_page_cont[$_ni]['promo_code'] = getPromoCode();

$_page_cont[$_ni]['my_promo_code'] = getMyPromoCode();



add the code bellow after function getPromoCode()

(You can change how many members you will have inside the box here: $mypromo_num = '12';)

function getMyPromoCode() {       
global $site;
global $aPreValues;
global $getBlockCode_MyPromo_db_num;
global $max_thumb_width;
global $max_thumb_height;
global $oTemplConfig;

$mypromo_num = '12';

if ( $mypromo_num )
$mypromo_res = db_res( "SELECT `ID`, `NickName`, `DateOfBirth`, `Country`
FROM `Profiles`
WHERE `Couple` = '0' AND `Status` = 'Active'
LIMIT $mypromo_num" );
$ret .= '<div class="clear_both"></div>';

$ret .= '<div class="disignBoxFirst">';
$ret .= '<div class="boxFirstHeader">My Promo Code</div>';
$ret .= '<div class="boxContent">';

if( mysql_num_rows( $mypromo_res ) > 0 )
while( $mypromo_arr = mysql_fetch_assoc( $mypromo_res ) )

$mypromo_country = _t($aPreValues['Country'][$mypromo_arr['Country']]['LKey']);                             
$mypromo_flag = '&nbsp;<img src="'. ($site['flags'].strtolower($mypromo_arr['Country'])) .'.gif" alt="flag" />';

$ret .= '<div class="featured_block_1">';
$ret .= get_member_thumbnail( $mypromo_arr['ID'], 'none' );
$ret .= '<center>';
$ret .= '<a href="' . getProfileLink( $mypromo_arr['ID'] ) . '">';
$ret .= process_line_output( $mypromo_arr['NickName'] );
$ret .= '</a>';
$ret .= ", ";
$ret .= age( $mypromo_arr['DateOfBirth'] );
$ret .= '<br />';
$ret .= $mypromo_country;
$ret .= $mypromo_flag;
$ret .= '</center>';
$ret .= '</div>';


$ret .= '</div>';
$ret .= '</div>';
$ret .= '<div class="no_result">';
$ret .= '<div>';
$ret .= _t("_No results found");
$ret .= '</div>';
$ret .= '</div>';
$ret .= '<div class="clear_both"></div>';


return $ret;

homepage.jpg · 15.1K · 389 views
Quote · 16 Oct 2010

Hi okweb - I am very, very grateful for your help!

Before I make all of these changes - you said it will add a row at the top of the homepage?  Can I still achieve this result by implementing this code?




Column1     |     Column2

Coluffffmn1 |     Column2

Coluffffmn1 |     Column2

Cofffflumn1 |     Column2

Colffffumn1 |     Column2

Colffffumn1 |     Column2





Quote · 16 Oct 2010

Again - I am very grateful for your time and attention okweb.

Quote · 16 Oct 2010

this is probably the easyest way to add a box above the footer,
hope it will help you

Add a custom Block with help of a language Key:


Click on add a new Language Key

Key name: _Custom Footer Block
Category: System
String text for English language: Add your own HTML code here, edit your code later with help of this language key.


open file: inc/

find function getPromoCode()

add the code bellow above this function

function getCustomFooterCode() {
global $site;
global $oTemplConfig;

$show_customFootercode = '1'; //Edit to 0 and you will hide the Custom Footer box
if ( $show_customFootercode == 1)
$ret = '';
$ret .= '<div class="clear_both"></div>';
$ret .= '<div class="disignBoxFirst">';
$ret .= '<div class="boxFirstHeader">Custom Footer Block</div>'; //Edit title here
$ret .= '<div class="boxContent">';
$ret .= _t("_Custom Footer Block");
$ret .= '</div>';
$ret .= '</div>';
return $ret;

open file: templates/base/page_1.html

add this code: __custom_footer_code__

like I have done bellow

<bx_include_auto:_sub_header.html />
<bx_include_auto:_sub_footer.html />

open file: index.php

Find this code: $_page_cont[$_ni]['promo_code'] = getPromoCode();

Add this code bellow: $_page_cont[$_ni]['custom_footer_code'] = getCustomFooterCode();

5) DONE :)

Quote · 22 Oct 2010

and what if you only want it on the profile page? i assume this would make it on all pages?

Quote · 22 Oct 2010


and what if you only want it on the profile page? i assume this would make it on all pages?

1) and 2) will be equal

open file: templates/base/page_5.html

add this code: __custom_footer_code__

like I have done bellow

<bx_include_auto:_sub_header.html />
<div id="custom_block">
<div id="divUnderCustomization">
<div class="clear_both"></div>
<bx_include_auto:_sub_footer.html />

open file: profile.php

Find this code: PageCode();

Add this code above: $_page_cont[$_ni]['custom_footer_code'] = getCustomFooterCode();

Like this:
$_page_cont[$_ni]['custom_footer_code'] = getCustomFooterCode();

Quote · 22 Oct 2010


You can test this



Edit templates/tmpl_uni/page_7.html




__include _header.html__


<div id="divUnderCustomization">


<div class="clear_both"></div>



__include _footer.html__




__include _header.html__

<div id="divUnderCustomization">

<div class="clear_both"></div>


<div class="disignBoxFirst">
<div class="boxFirstHeader">Female Members</div>
<div class="boxContent">
<div class="clear_both"></div>
<div class="clear_both"></div>

<div class="clear_both"></div>



__include _footer.html__




Edit profile.php

Add this code $_page_cont[$_ni]['female'] = getFemaleUser();

after this line $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = $oPPV -> getCode();




add code below after this line $aUser = array(); //global cache array


* Female members on profile page above footer
function getFemaleUser() {
global $site;
global $aPreValues;
global $getBlockCode_Female_db_num;
global $max_thumb_width;
global $max_thumb_height;
global $oTemplConfig;

$female_num = '7';

if ( $female_num )
$female_res = db_res( "SELECT `ID`, `NickName`, `DateOfBirth`, `Country`
FROM `Profiles`
WHERE `Sex` = 'female' AND `Couple` = '0' AND `Picture` = '1' AND `Status` = 'Active'
LIMIT $female_num" );
$ret .= '<div class="clear_both"></div>';

if( mysql_num_rows( $female_res ) > 0 )
while( $female_arr = mysql_fetch_assoc( $female_res ) )

$female_country = _t($aPreValues['Country'][$female_arr['Country']]['LKey']);                              
$female_flag = '&nbsp;<img src="'. ($site['flags'].strtolower($female_arr['Country'])) .'.gif" alt="flag" />';

$ret .= '<div class="featured_block_1">';
$ret .= get_member_thumbnail( $female_arr['ID'], 'none' );
$ret .= '<center>';
$ret .= '<a href="' . getProfileLink( $female_arr['ID'] ) . '">';
$ret .= process_line_output( $female_arr['NickName'] );
$ret .= '</a>';
$ret .= ", ";
$ret .= age( $female_arr['DateOfBirth'] );
$ret .= '<br />';
$ret .= $female_country;
$ret .= $female_flag;
$ret .= '</center>';
$ret .= '<br />';
$ret .= '</div>';

$ret .= '<div class="no_result">';
$ret .= '<div>';
$ret .= _t("_No results found");
$ret .= '</div>';
$ret .= '</div>';
$ret .= '<div class="clear_both"></div>';

return $ret;

 HI, thank you for your help so far. I would also like to do this but instead of showing only women, I would like somthing like ....'you may also like' and for some members of the opposite sex to show. Like, if its a male, to be shown women from his country. If it's a woman, to be shown men from the same country. Basicaly what ever the member chose at registration 'looking for' men or woman, to be shown that.


Please help me out as I think this would be a very good thing to do.

Thank you

Quote · 26 Dec 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.