Page builder not working - again in D7.1

I have this problem in ver.7.0.9 and it is described/solved here:

Well, same thing happend after I upgraded to Dolphin 7.1

I had to 'repair' that file (....../administration/templates/base/pbuilder_content.html) again and Pages Builder started to work.

Is it maybe that this is happening because in my:

Settings -> Templates  and then while in the List of Templates -> Settings in right top corner , on that Settings page

the fields for:

- Minimal/Maximal allowed page width (pixels): are both empty. Is that OK or there should be a value? If so what are the default values?

But then again, I checked original mentioned file (and it is attached as weel) and there are those mistakes in a file!

Regards, Mayki

pbuilder_content.html · 2.5K · 379 downloads
"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 15 Jan 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.