Hello fellow Dolphins,
I need some help with this weird bug I got. When I tried to insert a FB Like code into my homepage block, my whole home page width got messed up. When I tried to correct it in my admin settings (Page Builder - Pages Block: Homepage) by removing the HTML block where I saved the iframe code for a like button, I noticed that my page width was over 5000px with all columns combined. In total it was 1000%.
I checked all the other pages and it has the same values, but because I didnt touched the sliders they all appear as they where. But still have in total a value of 741%
The screenshot of my homepage page builder settings is now what it have done to make the website look normal for the time being. Anybody have any idea how I can solve this?
I have tried to set the max page width with different settings and put back. Uninstalled modules (everything that s something to do with changing layouts, like for example "Deanos Tools" and "Profile Customize") Nothing worked for me.
My website is http://www.cu2.co.nz/