Outline Photos disappearing

Before I start, this problem is on a friend's site I upgraded for him from 7.1.4 to 7.3.4 via the upgrade stream. Thanks to some input from  Zarconia the upgrade is stable, but I seem to be having a problem with the Outline.

My colleague never used the Outline or Timeline on his site so the problem didn't roll over from 7.1.4. On noticing the problem, I reinstalled the timeline module to no avail.

The problem:

Please see attached schematic. Uploaded photos are displayed in the Timeline and Outline okay. When a member posts additional photos after a break of an hour, they also appear okay.

When the member posts a third lot, the second batch disappears from the Outline only. The first lot is retained.

It almost looks like a setting is only allowing one batch of photos to appear every xxx hours, but I'm unable to locate such a setting.

Clicking the More button doesn't help.

Any clues anyone?

Outline Issue.jpg · 30K · 217 views
Quote · 8 Feb 2018

Hello johnk42!


It's very interesting problem, may you specify some details for better chcking from my side:

1) are there any limits for users tested by you in photos and timeline modules?

2) upload photos "after a break of an hour" - is it necessary condition?

With the best regards, Leonid

Quote · 8 Feb 2018

Thanks for following up @Leonid. This is actually for a subscriber's site, but on testing my own site I've discovered the same problem.

I'm concerned that your question 1 may be an answer to the problem, however as far as I can see, all settings appear normal. I actually can't find a setting limiting the number of daily events or events per user for the Outline, so maybe this is the issue?

Being an hour or so apart isn't the problem, other than photos are still incorporated in the same block. This is probably by design so it doesn't worry me.

It seems the Outline is limited to three (3) photos a day but the Timeline isn't. That doesn't explain why the third photo sometimes vanishes.

Hopefully the attached PDF will help. It's very difficult to explain.

Problem.pdf · 52.4K · 290 downloads
Quote · 9 Feb 2018

Hello johnk42!


Thank you for detailed report, we're checking it.


With best regards, Leonid

Quote · 14 Feb 2018

Hello johnk42!

Sorry for delays. So about your request, i've reproduced your situation according your manual but didn't get vanishing of 3rd picture. So i have several recomendations to add more conditions to your tests:


1) If you use new template then please switch to one from default set (una, evo, alt) and check results

2) try to change "Number Of Events Are Displayed In Outline On Home Page" parameter to another numbers

3) try to disable all css which included to index page from not default modules


Will wait your results


With the best regards, Leonid

Quote · 21 Feb 2018

Hi Leonid, I'm very busy at present and I need to start a fresh site to do the test. Once the outline fills up it seems to sort itself out, but maybe I'm wrong. I'll get back to you.

Thanks for following up.



Quote · 23 Feb 2018

Hi Leonid,

Sorry to take so long to get back to you.

Regarding your suggestions:

1.1) If you use new template then please switch to one from default set (una, evo, alt) and check results

The attached example is on a new install. I used ALT, but the results are the same on all default templates

2) try to change "Number Of Events Are Displayed In Outline On Home Page" parameter to another numbers

All settings have been set to 30. I think events refer to each block and not bulk items within the same block. For example, if a member uploads 4 photos at once, this is seen as a single event.

3) try to disable all css which included to index page from not default modules

There are no third party modules running. The site only has two default modules installed: Photos and Timeline.

I get this on every install so it should be easy to replicate on a clean install.

See attached document



Issues.pdf · 323.1K · 264 downloads
Quote · 21 Mar 2018
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.