| If money is the problem i would suggest to include google ads on boonex website.
Quite possibly the worst idea I have ever heard concerning this site. It is the one thing that would stop me from frequenting this site. Why deface a company website by making it look cheap with a proliferation of someone else's advertising? Google ads all over a website make me want to barf.... even worse, I always click the little 'x' in the browser tab. If I'm ever so desperate for money that I need to resort to Google ads, I think I'd just have to kill myself.
| I was wondering if it will be a good idea for boonex to out source dolphin development?
They've already done this. Anyone can fork the Github repository and submit code for approval. If you mean they should pay someone else to develop Dolphin, you could probably search for a year, and not find someone as qualified as AlexT to develop Dolphin. You'd have Frankencode all over the place, by handing over things to some third party. The Boonex team would probably spend more time reviewing work than they would coding it themselves. From what I've seen in 7.2 so far, I believe all the right guys are working on Dolphin.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.