Offline Payments Mod Support (Modzzz)

This is the Support forum for the Offline Payments mod.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 20 Jul 2014

Hi modzzz,

I get this error quite often, do you think you can fix this?:

Just changed a few details like site name & database name.  Happy to provide full error in PM if you'd like?

Database error in bimbo life


SELECT `id` FROM `modzzz_money_main` WHERE `author_id` = '3280'

Mysql error: Unknown column 'author_id' in 'where clause'

Found error in the file '/home/admin/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolTwigModuleDb.php' at line 72.
Called 'getPairs' function with erroneous argument #0.

[3] => Array
            [file] => /home/admin/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolTwigModuleDb.php
            [line] => 72
            [function] => getPairs
            [class] => BxDolDb
            [object] => BxMoneyDb Object
                    [_sTableMain] => main
                    [_sTableMediaPrefix] => 
                    [_sFieldId] => id
                    [_sFieldAuthorId] => author_id
                    [_sFieldUri] => uri
                    [_sFieldTitle] => name
                    [_sFieldDescription] => desc
                    [_sFieldTags] => tags
                    [_sFieldThumb] => thumb
                    [_sFieldStatus] => status
                    [_sFieldFeatured] => featured
                    [_sFieldCreated] => created
                    [_sFieldDesc] => desc
                    [_sFieldFansCount] => fans_count
                    [_sTableFans] => fans
                    [_sTableAdmins] => admins
                    [_sFieldAllowViewTo] => allow_view_to
                    [_sPrefix] => modzzz_money_
                    [error_checking] => 1
                    [error_message] => Unknown column 'author_id' in 'where clause'
                    [host] => localhost
                    [port] => 
                    [socket] => 
                    [dbname] => admin_****
                    [user] => *****
                    [password] => *****
                    [link] => Resource id #28
                    [current_res] => 
                    [current_arr_type] => 1
                    [oParams] => BxDolParams Object
                            [_oDb] => BxDolDb Object
                                    [error_checking] => 1
                                    [error_message] => 
                                    [host] => localhost
                                    [port] => 
                                    [socket] => 
                                    [dbname] => admin_****
                                    [user] => *****
                                    [password] => *****
                                    [link] => Resource id #28
                                    [current_res] => 
                                    [current_arr_type] => 1
                                    [oParams] => BxDolParams Object
                                    [oDbCacheObject] => BxDolCacheAPC Object
                                            [iTTL] => 3600
                                            [_error] => 

                                    [_error] => 

                            [_oCache] => BxDolCacheFile Object
                                    [sPath] => /home/admin/public_html/cache/
                                    [_error] => 

                            [_sCacheFile] => sys_options_0451878d110bb7795a7c55ac7e7f840c.php
                            [_aParams] => [truncated]
                            [_error] => 

                    [oDbCacheObject] => 
                    [_error] => 
                    [_oConfig] => BxMoneyConfig Object
                            [_sCurrencySign] => $
                            [_sCurrencyCode] => USD
                            [_sIconsFolder] => media/images/membership/
                            [_iId] => 156
                            [_sVendor] =>
                            [_sClassPrefix] => BxMoney
                            [_sDbPrefix] => modzzz_money_
                            [_sDirectory] => modzzz/money/
                            [_sUri] => money
                            [_sHomePath] => /home/admin/public_html/modules/modzzz/money/
                            [_sClassPath] => /home/admin/public_html/modules/modzzz/money/classes/
                            [_sHomeUrl] => http://www.***.com/modules/modzzz/money/
                            [_error] => 

                    [sTablePrefix] => modzzz_money_
                    [_sTableTransactions] => transactions
                    [_sTableCron] => cron
                    [_sFieldProfileId] => profile_id
                    [_sFieldIP] => ip
                    [_sFieldVoucherId] => voucher_id
                    [_sFieldTransDate] => trans_date
                    [_sFieldType] => type
                    [_sFieldMembershipId] => membership_id
                    [_sFieldAmount] => amount

            [type] => ->
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => SELECT `id` FROM `modzzz_money_main` WHERE `author_id` = '3280'
                    [1] => id
                    [2] => id

Quote · 3 Aug 2014

An error that occurs when members unregister has been resolved.

Re-upload modules/modzzz/money/classes folder.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 3 Aug 2014


Says I don't have the licence.

Could you load that onto my profile and I'll try again.



Quote · 3 Aug 2014

 The licence has been created for you.


Says I don't have the licence.

Could you load that onto my profile and I'll try again.




Paypal email is -
Quote · 3 Aug 2014


Quote · 3 Aug 2014

Hello, I just watched this mod on your demo site. Payment by bank transfer is a very interesting option and really missing dolphin ..

However, if your idea is great, and if I saw something missing.

For example, when you choose the payment option by bank transfer, you complete and submit the request form, you are redirected to the page manual payments, but nothing tells the client that the operation went well and that that control been taken into account.

That surprises me a bit, if I am a customer and I'm paying via this option, I am frustrated and I am directly Worried about what happens after. I do not find my order anywhere.

Is it not possible to display a customizable message to tell the client eg "Your order has been taken into account and will be finalized upon receipt of your payment."

Then I find it unfortunate to have apart from these very interesting possibilities of payment, but will be used only for the membership level.

What about your other modules? Purchase points spotligth etc ...?

So yes I am very interested, but either I do not understand everything, is this module is incomplete.

You understand?

Quote · 5 Aug 2014

@baloo - A patch will be released shortly to make the checkout more friendly as suggested. Integration with my other modules will come into place as time goes on. 

Paypal email is -
Quote · 6 Aug 2014

Version 2.0.1 released. (see patches/version_2.0.1 folder)

Added option to automatically process voucher payments and assign new membership immediately. Admin can decide whether to do this or to manually review the voucher payment first. 

Checkout process has been made more user friendly.



Paypal email is -
Quote · 6 Aug 2014

 Thank you for your answer, so I stay tuned ....

@baloo - A patch will be released shortly to make the checkout more friendly as suggested. Integration with my other modules will come into place as time goes on. 


Quote · 7 Aug 2014

Version 2.0.2 released. (see patches/version_2.0.2 folder)

Some miscellaneous improvements have been made.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 29 Oct 2014

Modzzz...I see your description of the module says "The Administrator will then flag the payment as completed and the member is upgraded to the membership level paid for."  

Will the module also automatically downgrade the membership level after the purchased membership period has expired?  Or will the Administrator have to manually downgrade the membership level?

And if it is manual...any thoughts to adding an automatic downgrade feature as well?



Quote · 26 Dec 2014

The upgrade is automatically done through the normal membership module of Dolphin so you will have all functionality of that module. After a membership expires, Dolphin automatically downgrades a member.

Modzzz...I see your description of the module says "The Administrator will then flag the payment as completed and the member is upgraded to the membership level paid for."  

Will the module also automatically downgrade the membership level after the purchased membership period has expired?  Or will the Administrator have to manually downgrade the membership level?

And if it is manual...any thoughts to adding an automatic downgrade feature as well?




Paypal email is -
Quote · 26 Dec 2014

The price of this mod has been reduced.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 29 Jun 2015

Installed okay, but does not seam to do anything. If someone buys a membership, you only have PayPal as an option to pay. If you go to the "Checkout Cart" you only have PayPal.  And yes I set-up a couple of Payment Methods.

Do you have any docs for this module?

Thank you!

Quote · 25 Jul 2015

When you setup Payment Methods (Cash, Wire Transfer etc.), The module create page blocks for those payments bit the blocks are initially inactive so you have to go to the Page Builder section in your Admin Panel and activate the blocks on the Pages that you desire them to show.

Installed okay, but does not seam to do anything. If someone buys a membership, you only have PayPal as an option to pay. If you go to the "Checkout Cart" you only have PayPal.  And yes I set-up a couple of Payment Methods.

Do you have any docs for this module?

Thank you!


Paypal email is -
Quote · 26 Jul 2015

Hi, I'm trying to test your module at but PayPal is the only payment method available. Could you activate the other payment methods?

Thank you!

2015-09-10_13-29-13.jpg · 165.3K · 334 views
Quote · 10 Sep 2015

Out of the top of my head the module doesn't work with the default cart + payment options. If you want to buy something you must visit 

Quote · 15 Oct 2015

Version 2.0.3 released. (see patches/version_2.0.3 folder)

Added missing name field.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 26 Oct 2015

Yep , I just got this module and I was under the impression that it will add an option to the Cart + Payment module. However it just works with membership levels and since I have no membership level there is no use for me. Now that I purchased this module , is there anyway to add this as an option to the payment + cart modules?   Then this mod becomes really handy .... thanks for any help on this issue.


Quote · 16 Dec 2015

No mention was made in the product description about integration with Cart+Payment. In cases like this where you are not sure of the module functionality, please use the demo link provided to test the module or make further inquiries from the Author before purchasing. Integration with Cart+Payment will not happen. You can get a refund for the purchase or you can use the credit to get another module. Please PM me with your decision.

Yep , I just got this module and I was under the impression that it will add an option to the Cart + Payment module. However it just works with membership levels and since I have no membership level there is no use for me. Now that I purchased this module , is there anyway to add this as an option to the payment + cart modules?   Then this mod becomes really handy .... thanks for any help on this issue.



Paypal email is -
Quote · 16 Dec 2015

Dear Modzzz, I was not accusing you of misleading, I am really happy with all the mods I got from you. As I said it was my mistake to purchase the mod before reading the desciption. I am to be blamed and not you. Please read your PM.

Quote · 16 Dec 2015

I perfectly understand, my response was not meant to be a rebuttal, just informational :)

Dear Modzzz, I was not accusing you of misleading, I am really happy with all the mods I got from you. As I said it was my mistake to purchase the mod before reading the desciption. I am to be blamed and not you. Please read your PM.


Paypal email is -
Quote · 21 Dec 2015


I've just tried to manually enter a transaction and got a Database error with the following:


INSERT INTO `modzzz_money_transactions` SET `uri` = '',`type` = 'wire',`membership_id` = '266',`trans_no` = '1',`admin_notes` = '',`full_name` = '',`telephone` = '',`country` = '',`state` = '',`city` = '',`zip` = '',`amount` = '15',`profile_id` = '35',`voucher_id` = '',`uri` = '315-TAZ-U41J',`ip` = '',`trans_date` = '1475693597'

Mysql error: Column 'uri' specified twice

Any ideas?

Quote · 5 Oct 2016

An update has been made to this module to fix an issue mentioned in the post above. 

Re-upload : modules\modzzz\money\classes\BxMoneyPaymentFormAdd.php

Paypal email is -
Quote · 5 Oct 2016

How about the purchase process for credits? 

Is it possible to buy your credits using your offline payment?



Walter -
Quote · 11 Jan 2017

 Sorry, there is no integration with Credits.

How about the purchase process for credits? 


Paypal email is -
Quote · 11 Jan 2017

I am testing the module and made 3 different transactions by bank wire.  I completed 1.  When clicking the other 2 transactions it always brings me back to the first completed one, so I can't complete them!  


Could you please tell me what I did wrong?



Quote · 17 Jan 2017

@brunel - I have sent you a PM

Paypal email is -
Quote · 20 Jan 2017

The mod is updated to resolve an issue with accessing transaction records that are created. Please re-upload the files.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 22 Jan 2017


There is a error about my site. Could you give me a suggestion to fix this?

 The error is like this:


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Walter -
Quote · 4 May 2017


Can you find some time to fix this error?

thank you very much.

Walter -
Quote · 31 May 2017


I found an issue about your demo site:


There is error on the front side: It should only available to purchase silver with voucher.

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Walter -
Quote · 5 Jun 2017

@1265116616 - Noted, I will seek to investigate and resolve before the end of the week.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 6 Jun 2017

Offline Payments - Issues mentioned in the post above have been resolved. Please re-upload the modules/modzzz/money/classes folder.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 9 Jun 2017

Thank you.

Now user can use this payment to pay.


I found an issue on your demo site:

in this page:

When add transaction, I can not select payment type. the select area is empty.


Screenshot_3.jpg · 65.2K · 487 views
Walter -
Quote · 14 Jun 2017




1- Membership is being automatically upgraded only from Standard to whatever other level the customer buys first when paying by check or other offline methods. Then it get stuck!  I tried on the demo site, it does the same thing. 


2- Each time a membership is bought, there is new entry added to the table "sys_acl_levels_members" For the same user, instead of one line being updated (see picture). Is that how it is supposed to be?  When I manually modify that database table for the first entry, the membership change is reflected on the site.  Is that the only place membership level is managed in the database?




Quote · 11 Nov 2017

@brunel - Currently the module is designed so that after the existing membership is expired, the new membership purchased will be activated. I will modify it so that the new membership is immediately activated.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 13 Nov 2017

The following file is updated :


Paypal email is -
Quote · 13 Nov 2017

Ok. Thank you.

I had fixed the problem with some custom coding in  that file:



The difference is that the code I put does not allow someone to downgrade to a lower level membership if the actual membership did not expire.  That option is still present in the cart and there is no way to keep someone from paying for a lower membership (maybe by accident).  


I had done some integration with the Points module where a customer get X points according to the membership he pays for.  So here are 3 situations and how I handle them automatically with the custom code upon completing the transaction:


1- The person pays for a lower membership:  He gets the points and no change is made in his current higher membership level.

2-The person pays for the same membership:  He gets the points and the membership is extended for the term he pays for

3-The person pays for a higher level membership:  The membership get upgraded to higher level and for the term he pays for + he gets the points


That fits my needs, but that is very specific and might not work for someone else.  However,  I don't see why someone would pay for a lower membership while holding an active (not expired) higher membership level.  If there was an option to keep lower membership levels off the cart for any given member, that could be a good idea...






Quote · 13 Nov 2017

Having real trouble getting this mod to work at all, which is very unusual for Modzzz (Best plugin guy there is!)


i have built all of the payment types and activated the blocks in page builder but I do not get the options to settle offline.


Tried to create a batch of vouchers however when I try to open the excel filethis is an error m/money/excel/1 dors not exist

Happy to share admin password if you can DM me.


Steve E
Quote · 14 Mar 2018

@serskine - Please PM me your Site Info.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 14 Mar 2018

An issue with the options to pay not appearing in some instances has been resolved.

The following file is updated : modules/modzzz/money/classes/BxMoneyDb.php

Paypal email is -
Quote · 17 Mar 2018

 Darn.. I didnt do my research either and purchased before realizing it does not integrate with the shopping cart... Is there a similar module that can integrate with the cart? I am attempting to accept payments directly to my Ethereum wallet using cryptocurrency.


I perfectly understand, my response was not meant to be a rebuttal, just informational :)

Dear Modzzz, I was not accusing you of misleading, I am really happy with all the mods I got from you. As I said it was my mistake to purchase the mod before reading the desciption. I am to be blamed and not you. Please read your PM.



Quote · 3 Sep 2018
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.