When I use the TinyMCE editor built into Dolphin (7.3.1) to write an article, I use bullet point and numbered sequences which show up nicely in TinyMCE with paragraphs and structure, but when displayed on the front end structure is lost ie. no point form or number point form is shown, no bold on items, no italics on items, no "ENTER" at the end of lines and paragraphs, etc.
I have to go back into TinyMCE and edit the Article again adding a "CTRL-ENTER" to most of the end of lines to actually have it show up on the front end, and the bullet/number point forms, bold items, italic items, never show up.
I have tested this with both Dolphin Articles module and third party modules using TinyMCE, they all do the same thing.
Any one have any ideas on how I can fix this?
Thank you.