New top menu item to include other top menu items

How can i make a NEW TOP MENU, which then includes other Top Menu Items?

The goal is to reduce the number of modules (top menu items) into a few broader categories.

As i am using many different modules, most test users mentioned that it looks messy at the first place. So i think to cluster some modules would be a good idea.


In the navigation menu in the admin section of the "Builders", i can add a NEW ITEM, but what to do next?


How can i now insert other Top Level items into the NEW Menu item so that they still work?

Quote · 13 Apr 2020

I'll be interested to hear if anyone has a solution for this. Evo doesn't use drop-down sub-menus for a very good reason. Being mobile responsive, the EVO sub-menus would be too small to touch properly. You can prove this to yourself by testing ALT. There are ways to do what you want from from an  EVO site, but a properly written module would be better.

Have you considered Anton's Mobile Friendly Responsive Menu? I have it, but haven't used it yet because the site is still in development. It can do what you want by changing the code for each menu item, but you would then lose the sub-menus such as Featured, Recent, Latest etc.

You've given me something to think about and I'll test it on a running site. Maybe it will do exactly what I need, but it will involve a lot of shuffling.














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In the above example, 4 menu items cover 13 items.

Quote · 14 Apr 2020

Yes i thought about Antons module. And  the example you showed, is exactly what i would like to have. But also for the standard menu. The sub menu could be reached when user selected the module he wants. That would be totally ok for me.

Quote · 14 Apr 2020

I'm having a play with it now. Unfortunately it looks like it requires some work to rebuild the Navigation Menu list, then I'll have to add a HTML or PHP block on each page to supply the sub-menus. I've done the latter before and I know that part works provided the link paths are correct. This may take a day or two.

Quote · 14 Apr 2020

'Day Mrtn. It's getting late, but I'm pretty excited about the results thus far and I wish to thank you for raising the question and motivating me to try something different. This is actually working out to be exactly what I need because the EVO horizontal menu was getting ridiculously long. I figure that by using the method I'm using here I can have less than 9 main menu items with about 35 sub-menus (maybe a lot more). My current site has 30 menu items which is driving everyone mad.

Here's what I've done so far. It only encompasses the Profile, but it should give you some idea where I'm headed.

Image 1 shows Anton's Side menu pretty much as it comes out of the box. Thanks to Anton, I've added the words Main Menu next to the graphic.

What I plan to do is place all media items under the heading of Media for example. In the case of the Profile, I've grouped all associated Profile items under that header. You may wish to add more:

These are a mixture of sub-menu items and other main menu items. For example, Private Profile is my member's account page.

With very careful planning, Main menu items and some Sub-menu items can be combined as can be seen in the example above.

It allows you to put things in some kind of meaningful order, but some links may be difficult to achieve. Everything I've done works perfectly so far and I'm taking notes which anyone is welcome to.

I still have a long way to go, but it's something worth your consideration. Please let me know what you think.




Original Menu.jpg · 42.3K · 326 views
Profile 2 Sub menu.jpg · 50.9K · 271 views
Quote · 14 Apr 2020

This looks very promising. Could you show a link where it can be seen in live action?

Quote · 15 Apr 2020

I'm not able to give you a link at present because I'm trying to repair several sites and I keep changing things. Even if I did, it would only be a mockup. Anton's menu is fine, it's just the sub-menus that are causing problems. I'm sending you an email.

Quote · 15 Apr 2020
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