Thanks Dos! This is the first time I use Dolphin but it has a lot of promising features!
yes it does. please remember this is an exceptional script, and with that prior to making any changes or adjustments, backup your work that you have which is functional. i think the smarter thing to do is create a subdomain, use that as your testing ground, make sure the changes you are planning on making are goin to work. if you are not familiar with php, i will just tell you that just one small mistake, as simple as missing a (.) period, or using (') single quotes instead of (") double quotes can make you pull your hair out. so please pay attention. the other thing i like to suggest is commenting your work, if you are working in the source. this makes it somewhat easier to track when things go wrong, and you need to modify something you have done. so to summarize:
1. backup always
2. create subdomain testing ground
3. comment your changes
4. create a change log
5. backup
6. backup
ok you get the point. and you need to make sure you are getting not only the files backed up but also your dbase. an excellent tool for remote access to your mysql databases which allows you to schedule backups can be found
need a utility to help you with all the chmods, please review ---> CHMOD Angel
this great little tool will do all the file chmods for you and you do not need shell access. just fill in a couple of parameters and all the work will be done for you.l
one more great tool that i am fond of is an editor that is open source as well NOTEPAD++
i plan on one day making a complete list of all the tools i have found that i believe are useful. since i deal mostly with open source languages and open source tools, i try to find all that are open source.
if you need help with anything, please dont hesitate to come in here and post, this community is great and the support of volunteers is extremely strong.
and there are more i am sure, but these are the ones that come off the top of my head. look forward to seeing your post your successes with this script as your site.
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