New Event & Location Modul D7 Support (ue30)

This is the Support Forum for my New Event & Location Modul D7

ue30 Mods -
Quote · 9 Feb 2011

mod is updated for dolphin 7.0.6

ue30 Mods -
Quote · 6 Apr 2011


our demo site wasn´t working correct because we changed our host and forgot to change the domain in a file...


now the location add and event add site of this modul works again.



ue30 Mods -
Quote · 7 May 2011


it look like facebook made an update of their "Comments app" and now it is not working properly in your module.

(it just show the last comment, it is always loading,...)

The same problem are also on your demo page.

I try different configuration on my "app" by facebook developers (Iframe, page tap type) but I could not get any better results.

Can you help me ( and certainly others users) with that ? I know this come from facebook and not your mod but maybe you have a solution.

Thank you in advance


Quote · 10 May 2011



now it look like facebook went back to his old version of comments and it is working normaly again.

So it must have be their "comments module".

Thanks anyway

Quote · 11 May 2011


the 2 last "new location" added on my site, doesn't appear correctly in the google map.

It doesn't show correctly when I click on the "Get direction".

My version of your module is 1.0.0 and I saw that the version in the market is 1.0.16.

Will it make a difference if I make an update ?

Or do you have any other tip to help me with this issue ?


Quote · 4 Jun 2011



if you have no other changes made to my event and location modul,

then download the new version and just overwrite all files.

ue30 Mods -
Quote · 10 Aug 2011

Hi, Went to download the update but a box appears over the download button so I can't download the update. Any idea why?

Quote · 19 Aug 2011

Chris,  we had to move the site to new host and hardware on a dedicated server, and when you get to the Add Event and start to type in the Location field,  you get the following error:

Fatal Error: Class 'mysqli' not found in home/server/public_html/plugins/ue30-map/rpc.php on line 12

Any hint as to what will cause this?

Even Monkeys and Retards get it right with repitition! - Author Unknown
Quote · 19 Aug 2011

after a few month google started now showing from my mod the rich snippets.

location ratings

events single listed

adresses · 86.3K · 261 views
ue30 Mods -
Quote · 30 Dec 2011


When will be the next update to add recurring events?  I know you already have on your website, can this be possible for the module soon?

Even Monkeys and Retards get it right with repitition! - Author Unknown
Quote · 12 Jan 2012

I'm looking for a mod to replace "ultimate events & locations" because it is working less than stellar for me..does your mod allow people to "check in" at a place? there is another mod that allows some functionality like "checking in" but it is not real time. I see yours has fans and participants but I want is the ability for users to (eventually) hop on their phone, open my app and see how many other people are at local establishments. If this is not something your mod can do currently, are there future plans and/or is this something you can do for me? At what cost?


Also, I'd like to make sure that your categories can be deleted or renamed. Thanks!

Quote · 30 May 2012


, i have question here ,

maybe you can answer it, i don't know if ur module can solve my problem; i need a search form like the age form

for finding members in x km distance, without inputt  my own localisation( when logged)


thanks for any help,

regards, jessica

Quote · 20 Jun 2012

Hi Chris,


I know that you are busy, but any chance of you adding in "Claim location" to locations at some point? as I have "Claim listing" on the listings (modzzz) that form part of the same directory as your locations module.


I also think this would be a gioos way for site owners to get signups and business. It would be a good addition....




Nathan : )

Quote · 19 Sep 2012

Hi Chris.


I have an event that I have made in my city, but it is not showing in city events on the events home page when I log in. Am i missing something obvious?





Quote · 21 Sep 2012

Is it work with 7.1 ?

Quote · 22 Nov 2012


Congratulations : really great module.

I'm wondering how to display location icons on the Map, like on your demo site. I can't find any in the module's folder.

Secondely, I would like to disable to creation of categories of locations for users.

And a last one : how to change the calendar template ?

Thank you for helping

Quote · 11 Jan 2013

is definitely one of the best forms of BoonEx, I'm going to 7.1

when there will be an update?

Gianfranco D'agostino
Quote · 17 Jan 2013

the new version for 7.1 is online, but the update file for 7.1 needs a few more days.

if you don´t need old entries you can use it already

ue30 Mods -
Quote · 7 Feb 2013

Hi Chris.


I have an event that I have made in my city, but it is not showing in city events on the events home page when I log in. Am i missing something obvious?




Quote · 25 Apr 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.