The code below controls the handler that allows my members to send pics in my chatroom, it also allows members to send files to one another. The problem is chatters on my site have used it and exploited it to crash peoples flash, they are editing the packets they send to send other users 1000's of request to receive files... basically flooding them with request to receive or deny files being sent to them to the point it over loads the receivers flash and crashes.
I want my members to still be able to send pics inside of the chatroom, but do not want the handler to even recognise the ability to send other members files directly. I want to remove the files option completely.
this is the original
require_once( '../../../../inc/' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolModuleDb.php');
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_MODULES . 'flashcoms/flashcoms_chat/classes/FcChatModule.php');
$oModuleDb = new BxDolModuleDb();
$aModule = $oModuleDb->getModuleByUri('flashcoms_chat');
$oChat = new FcChatModule($aModule);
$answer = '<invalidParameters />';
case 'upload': $answer = fcUpload(); break;
case 'download': $answer = fcDownload(); break;
case 'image': $answer = fcUploadImage(); break;
header('Content-type: text/xml');
echo $answer;
function fcUpload()
if(!isset($_FILES['Filedata'])) return '<error msg="NO_FILE_SENDED" />';
$id = fcMakeFileName(fcGetParam('id'));
$name = fcMakeFileName(fcGetParam('name'));
if(!file_exists(FC_FILES_DIR) && !is_dir(FC_FILES_DIR)) return '<error msg="files dir not exists" />';
if(!is_writable(FC_FILES_DIR)) return '<error msg="files dir is not writeable" />';
chmod(FC_FILES_DIR.'/'.$id, 0777);
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], FC_FILES_DIR.'/'.$id.'/'.$name))
return '<uploaded />';
else return '<error msg="UPLOAD_FAIL" />';
function fcDownload()
if(!isset($_REQUEST['fileId'])) return '<error msg="NO_FILE_ID_DEFINED" />';
$dirName = FC_FILES_DIR.'/'.$_REQUEST['fileId'];
$fileName = $dirName.'/'.fcMakeFileName($_REQUEST['fileName']);
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($fileName));
function fcUploadImage()
if (!isset($_FILES['Filedata'])) return '<error msg="NO_FILE_SENDED" />';
if (!file_exists(FC_FILES_DIR) && !is_dir(FC_FILES_DIR)) return '<error msg="files dir not exists" />';
if (!is_writable(FC_FILES_DIR)) return '<error msg="files dir is not writeable" />';
$id = fcMakeFileName(fcGetParam('id'));
$ext = strtolower(array_pop(explode('.', $_FILES['Filedata']['name'])));
if(!in_array($ext, array('jpeg','jpg','gif','png', 'bmp'))) return '<error msg="invalid file type" />';
$image = FC_FILES_DIR.'/images/'.$id.'.'.$ext;
$thumbnail = FC_FILES_DIR.'/images/'.$id.'_s.'.$ext;
chmod(FC_FILES_DIR.'/images', 0777);
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $image))
chmod($image, 0666);
require_once 'imagelibrary.class.php';
$imgLibrary = new ImageLibrary();
$imgLibrary->Resize($image, $thumbnail, 62, 43, true, true);
chmod($thumbnail, 0666);
return '<uploaded />';
else return '<error msg="UPLOAD_FAIL" />';
function fcCheckInputParams($strParams)
$arrParams = explode(',', $strParams);
$len = count($arrParams);
for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
$param = $arrParams[$i];
if(!isset($_GET[$param]) && !isset($_POST[$param]))
die('invalid parameters - '.$arrParams[$i].' is undefined');
function fcClear()
if ( file_exists(FC_FILES_DIR) && is_dir(FC_FILES_DIR) && is_writable(FC_FILES_DIR) )
function fcRemove($dir)
if($objs = glob($dir.'/*'))
foreach($objs as $obj)
if( is_dir($obj) )
$files = glob($obj.'/*');
if (count($files) == 0) rmdir($obj);;
$diff = time() - filemtime($obj);
if($diff > 3600 * 2) unlink($obj);
function fcMakeFileName($name)
$name = str_replace("..", "_", $name);
$name = str_replace("/", "_", $name);
$name = str_replace("\\", "_", $name);
$name = str_replace(" ", "_", $name);
return $name;
i edited to this ... but there is still something there allowing them to hit them with "file" request
require_once( '../../../../inc/' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolModuleDb.php');
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_MODULES . 'flashcoms/flashcoms_chat/classes/FcChatModule.php');
$oModuleDb = new BxDolModuleDb();
$aModule = $oModuleDb->getModuleByUri('flashcoms_chat');
$oChat = new FcChatModule($aModule);
$answer = '<invalidParameters />';
case 'upload': $answer = fcUpload(); break;
case 'download': $answer = fcDownload(); break;
case 'image': $answer = fcUploadImage(); break;
header('Content-type: text/xml');
echo $answer;
function fcUploadImage()
if (!isset($_FILES['Filedata'])) return '<error msg="NO_FILE_SENDED" />';
if (!file_exists(FC_FILES_DIR) && !is_dir(FC_FILES_DIR)) return '<error msg="files dir not exists" />';
if (!is_writable(FC_FILES_DIR)) return '<error msg="files dir is not writeable" />';
$id = fcMakeFileName(fcGetParam('id'));
$ext = strtolower(array_pop(explode('.', $_FILES['Filedata']['name'])));
if(!in_array($ext, array('jpeg','jpg','gif','png', 'bmp'))) return '<error msg="invalid file type" />';
$image = FC_FILES_DIR.'/images/'.$id.'.'.$ext;
$thumbnail = FC_FILES_DIR.'/images/'.$id.'_s.'.$ext;
chmod(FC_FILES_DIR.'/images', 0777);
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $image))
chmod($image, 0666);
require_once 'imagelibrary.class.php';
$imgLibrary = new ImageLibrary();
$imgLibrary->Resize($image, $thumbnail, 62, 43, true, true);
chmod($thumbnail, 0666);
return '<uploaded />';
else return '<error msg="UPLOAD_FAIL" />';
function fcCheckInputParams($strParams)
$arrParams = explode(',', $strParams);
$len = count($arrParams);
for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
$param = $arrParams[$i];
if(!isset($_GET[$param]) && !isset($_POST[$param]))
die('invalid parameters - '.$arrParams[$i].' is undefined');
function fcClear()
if ( file_exists(FC_FILES_DIR) && is_dir(FC_FILES_DIR) && is_writable(FC_FILES_DIR) )
function fcRemove($dir)
if($objs = glob($dir.'/*'))
foreach($objs as $obj)
if( is_dir($obj) )
$files = glob($obj.'/*');
if (count($files) == 0) rmdir($obj);;
$diff = time() - filemtime($obj);
if($diff > 3600 * 2) unlink($obj);
function fcMakeFileName($name)
$name = str_replace("..", "_", $name);
$name = str_replace("/", "_", $name);
$name = str_replace("\\", "_", $name);
$name = str_replace(" ", "_", $name);
return $name;
so there is something that still needs to be removed.. but im not sure what it is