Mysql error: Duplicate entry '_sys_module_poll'


I am new to Dolphin, and I am in no way a developer. I have an indian team developing all my company`s websites, and we just started a new project.

They installed Dolphin for us on the server, and it has worked fine until I started working on the site. I uninstalled the "polls" module and was so stupid to delete the "public_html/modules/boonex/poll" folder from the server :-(.

I downloaded the trial/demo version and copied the "poll" folder and uploaded it to "Boonex" modules folder, but it all got messed up.

Now it lists up

Poll version 1.1.4 by Boonex

amongst the uninstalled modules in administration panel, but when I try to reinstall it, i get a message:

INSERT INTO `sys_localization_keys`(`IDCategory`, `Key`) VALUES('77', '_sys_module_poll')
Mysql error:
Duplicate entry '_sys_module_poll' for key 'Key'.

(See attached image)

Site url is "".

Please help me with this. Is it so that we have to reinstall Dolphin, and will I in that case have to buy a new Prime license? Reinstalling is no problem since we haven`t started work on it, but it would be great to know if any of you experienced guys know a solution to this :-).

Kind regards Øyvind

Duplicate.png · 20.1K · 395 views
Quote · 23 Sep 2013

Go to the Settings => Language Settings and search for _sys_module_poll then delete it. The installation should go smooth afterwards

Paypal email is -
Quote · 23 Sep 2013

INSERT INTO `sys_modules` (`id`, `title`, `vendor`, `version`, `update_url`, `path`, `uri`, `class_prefix`, `db_prefix`, `dependencies`, `date`) VALUES

('', 'Poll', 'Boonex', '1.1.4', '', 'boonex/poll/', 'poll', 'BxPoll', 'bx_poll_', '', 1375326934);


Run that in phpmyadmin  and then log into your dolphin admin and run the uninstall again. 

After it uninstalls again run the installer and see if the error is removed.

You can uninstall dolphin as many times as you like with the same Lic. So no you don't have to buy a new one to re install. 

EDIT: Give modzzz a try first that would be the easy way to do it.

If there is more keys left in the database after that give what i posted a try. - Skype: Dolphin Techs
Quote · 23 Sep 2013

 I recommend reinstalling and you don't have to purchase any new license.

Please help me with this. Is it so that we have to reinstall Dolphin, and will I in that case have to buy a new Prime license? Reinstalling is no problem since we haven`t started work on it, but it would be great to know if any of you experienced guys know a solution to this :-).


so much to do....
Quote · 23 Sep 2013

Thank you so much for quick replies, guys :-).

I tried modzzz`tip first, and now I get this when trying to install:

INSERT INTO `sys_localization_keys`(`IDCategory`, `Key`) VALUES('77', '_bx_poll_save')
Mysql error:
Duplicate entry '_bx_poll_save' for key 'Key'

Øyvind :-)
Quote · 23 Sep 2013

Same thing as before only a different key this time.

Appears the module did not properly uninstall last time you uninstalled it. All of the modules language keys are still there. So you will either have to keep repeating this process to remove each duplicate key as it appears, or try dolphin_jays suggestion, or reinstall dolphin.
Quote · 23 Sep 2013

Thanks again :-).

I am following modzzz`tip still. I deleted all the keys, and now I get:

INSERT INTO `bx_wall_handlers`(`alert_unit`, `alert_action`, `module_uri`, `module_class`, `module_method`, `groupable`, `group_by`, `timeline`, `outline`) VALUES('bx_poll', 'add', 'poll', 'Module', 'get_wall_post', '0', '', '1', '1')
Mysql error:
Duplicate entry 'bx_poll-add-poll-Module-get_wall_post' for key 'handler'

I should start learning how to program, I guess :-p.
Quote · 23 Sep 2013

You really should give what i said a try it will remove all those entries from the database. 

If you look in your file system at:

/modules/boonex/poll/sql/uninstall.sql  you will see all the queries it has to run to uninstall the module. 

My method would basically run the uninstall.sql .... - Skype: Dolphin Techs
Quote · 23 Sep 2013

Hi, and again thanks for the reply. You guys are very helpful, and I really appreciate it!

Yes, I will try that, but I must admit that I just didn`t fully understand the method :-(. I don`t use phpmyadmin. I use cPanel X and edit files manually in the files manager.


Quote · 23 Sep 2013

If you like i can log in and do it for you.  will only take a minute.

If not phpmyadmin should be under the database block in cPanel. - Skype: Dolphin Techs
Quote · 23 Sep 2013


That would be absolutely awesome :-D.

Do I send you the login info pr private message then, and do you have a "Installation/update" package I can buy for your effort?

Quote · 23 Sep 2013

Sure, just send me a PM with info.  

No need to send me anything. - Skype: Dolphin Techs
Quote · 23 Sep 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.