My take on DU

I decided to start a new thread, one that shows the features as I and I hope others learn.

YES, DU and DC are totally different, I for one am glad of it.

The ability to create is up to the user.

My first look at the membership levels;

  • being able to set limits of storage for modules
size limits.JPG · 50K · 1087 views
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 5 Sep 2014

Being able to control the amount of files on accounts, the sizes.

This should be a welcome to you guys.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 5 Sep 2014


Being able to control the amount of files on accounts, the sizes.

This should be a welcome to you guys.

 I agree here; I brought a module (it does have more features than just setting limits though) that is flawed just for this purpose.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 5 Sep 2014

You do not understand what I was talking about. I think Dolphin U has good features, but it is the only aspect I like. We do not know if it is a community system, a CMS or something else. Without extensions (others that core and "boonex fee" modules) it is like an empty box. It is all and nothing at the same time. Many developers are not happy about Dolphin U, and we do not know if they will create something for this version.

If there will be a "fusion" between features of Dolphin U and Dolphin Classic (as Boonex announced in 2009 during Dolphin 7 development), I will be very happy.

Edit: the feature you mentioned was added to Dolphin 8 two years ago.

Quote · 5 Sep 2014


You do not understand what I was talking about. I think Dolphin U has good features, but it is the only aspect I like.

 And you do not fully understand either.

Have you set up a test site for yourself?

As Andrew stated, this is ready for something simple yes, but as I am looking, I have many ideas already.

It's funny, no one is ever completely happy. If your not happy with DU then stay with DC.

Many many members hate the "FULL" look of the menus in DC, which is hard to navigate IMO and my members.

The simplicity is what is going to help my site.

I'm sure the modules will follow.

Another funny thing I noted is HL's recent IvoryII template sure looks as simple as DU looks.

I don't think you can input unless you have installed the system and used it.


ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 5 Sep 2014

i like dolphin U ..profile page looks like google + ...but without modules its useless for me...

i think boonex should tell us what modules they gonna provide with the i can decide to wait for new dolphin U or not..




Quote · 5 Sep 2014

If you guys want to help me test and input, please join in

The site is open for joining, and I am adding content and other features to highlight as I learn them.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 5 Sep 2014


If you guys want to help me test and input, please join in

The site is open for joining, and I am adding content and other features to highlight as I learn them.

 hi..thanks man..i will join now...this website won't reset after a while..right...i don't want to join again and again..its kindda annoying..

Quote · 5 Sep 2014


hi..thanks man..i will join now...this website won't reset after a while..right...i don't want to join again and again..its kindda annoying..

 no, it will not reset

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 5 Sep 2014


Another funny thing I noted is HL's recent IvoryII template sure looks as simple as DU looks.

 What's even funnier is that I showed that template long before I ever saw DU.  I think they stole my idea

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 5 Sep 2014



hi..thanks man..i will join now...this website won't reset after a while..right...i don't want to join again and again..its kindda annoying..

 no, it will not reset

 it say email address is not confirmed...but i didn't receive any email yet..will u activate my account..

Quote · 5 Sep 2014


it say email address is not confirmed...but i didn't receive any email yet..will u activate my account..

 it is active, and no my system will not send mail, at least not to any "hotmail" services

The memberships are now set to premium for new members, it was set to a low level account.

You may have to delete that account and start over.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 5 Sep 2014



it say email address is not confirmed...but i didn't receive any email yet..will u activate my account..

 it is active, and no my system will not send mail, at least not to any "hotmail" services

The memberships are now set to premium for new members, it was set to a low level account.

You may have to delete that account and start over.

 ok..but i can't find option to delete my profile..

Quote · 5 Sep 2014




it say email address is not confirmed...but i didn't receive any email yet..will u activate my account..

 it is active, and no my system will not send mail, at least not to any "hotmail" services

The memberships are now set to premium for new members, it was set to a low level account.

You may have to delete that account and start over.

 ok..but i can't find option to delete my profile..

 ok i created new account and deleted old one...but i can see any username option to choose...

i guess username feature is not available..

Quote · 5 Sep 2014


i guess username feature is not available..

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 5 Sep 2014



i guess username feature is not available..

 i created my profile again..but still didn't receive any email for confirmation..m using gmail..

Quote · 5 Sep 2014



Another funny thing I noted is HL's recent IvoryII template sure looks as simple as DU looks.

 What's even funnier is that I showed that template long before I ever saw DU.  I think they stole my idea

 Haha, I believe you. (Just saw this.)

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 5 Sep 2014

I've joined too newton27. Awaiting confirmation. Thanks for taking the time to setup a testbed we can use to check out the features and provide feedback.

Quote · 8 Sep 2014


I've joined too newton27. Awaiting confirmation. Thanks for taking the time to setup a testbed we can use to check out the features and provide feedback.

 Cool, I do have to manually approve accounts.

I'm having a problem with editing memberships.

This is a second install and direct pull from the github project.

In my other post about how to edit memberships, AlexT post how to edit members, 

I have yet to figure out why I cannot.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 8 Sep 2014


 I'm having a problem with editing memberships.

This is a second install and direct pull from the github project.

In my other post about how to edit memberships, AlexT post how to edit members, 

I have yet to figure out why I cannot.

I can't either. So i am at a loss as to why as well.
Quote · 8 Sep 2014


I can't either. So i am at a loss as to why as well.

 Thank goodness! I mean in a good way... lol

I thought I was loosing it!

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 8 Sep 2014


I can't either. So i am at a loss as to why as well.

 from AlexT's post,

Issue created:

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 8 Sep 2014

It's the small things..

Have you ever been deep in site changes and language key updates

and sometimes might forget to "compile" all those changes?

Gone; your language key edits/additions are automatically done(compiled,) all languages.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 9 Sep 2014

Since DU is mobile friendly, the anticipation and need for progress

is so very exciting for me. I use a responsive template now but the

look of DU across all devices so far is just what I've been needing.

I've tested it a lot so far and very impressed.

As my main site is crazy mobile active.

browsers.png · 145.1K · 784 views
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 12 Sep 2014


Many developers are not happy about Dolphin U, and we do not know if they will create something for this version.

 I just noticed this.

Let's elaborate on this more.

Many of us are not happy with some developers, hence the disputes section.

The way the module development is for DU I think a lot of people are going to 

trust this method. I have many things in my basket that are useless to me, mostly

from horrible vendors when I first joined and the market was, well, I'll just say it's 

better but still so many dead modules and tricky ploys to purchase the modules.

Then be surprised by the left out directions or just plain bad programming/writing

of them, that may break your site and be down because of them not responding

for days.


With DU, I think that is all going to change.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 12 Sep 2014



Many developers are not happy about Dolphin U, and we do not know if they will create something for this version.

 I just noticed this.

Let's elaborate on this more.

Many of us are not happy with some developers, hence the disputes section.

The way the module development is for DU I think a lot of people are going to 

trust this method. I have many things in my basket that are useless to me, mostly

from horrible vendors when I first joined and the market was, well, I'll just say it's 

better but still so many dead modules and tricky ploys to purchase the modules.

Then be surprised by the left out directions or just plain bad programming/writing

of them, that may break your site and be down because of them not responding

for days.


With DU, I think that is all going to change.

There may be some improvement, but it will not stop dead modules. Once a module makes it into the market, there is nothing that will stop the developers from providing bad support, or even ignore their module. So there will be no change there.

What i object to is the requirement that modules be approved by boonex first before they get into the market. They have tried this before when they first moved away from the old mods site and moved everything here.

It did not work. Module approval was delayed, they could not keep up with things.

No. They need a different system in place where modules AND vendors can be properly rated and the modules and the vendors rating clearly shows up in the market. The buyers have to be the ones that decide how good a module is, not boonex. They just do not have the staff to do this. It will result in delays and problems as it did last time it was tried.
Quote · 12 Sep 2014

Grounded again... bummer.

Well I can only dream about a better market then.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 12 Sep 2014

Another note about the modules: For those of us who can not afford a high cost membership to be able to offer modules in the market, what are we left to do if modules must be pre-approved? And since it has been stated that you can manually upload and install a module, then there is a bypass to the approval process. For these reasons, I believe that approving modules won't be readily accepted.
Quote · 12 Sep 2014

will there be demo option for the modules in the market like wordpress..i saw many WP plugins have demo option..

this way client can rate the modules and comment too..without losing any money..

Quote · 14 Sep 2014

 A lot of module developers (the reputable ones at least) have demo sites setup so that we can test them out.

will there be demo option for the modules in the market like wordpress..i saw many WP plugins have demo option..

this way client can rate the modules and comment too..without losing any money..
Quote · 15 Sep 2014

I think Developers should be approved rather than the modules themselves. I am also using another CMS alongside Dolphin & their Developers have to be approved. I don't think it is possible to add modules without their approval. I think this is a better method as Developers only need to be approved once. If feedback falls below a certain standard or there is no response from the Developer within a particular time frame then Boonex should remove them from their approved Developers. Any modules already developed by that Developer could then be moved to an 'expired modules' area where they would still be available to Download but members are made aware that the section 'expired modules' is one that guarantees no support therefore those modules are installed witnout warranty & at your own risk.

Quote · 16 Sep 2014


It looks like a module for websites within the site.

hmm got me so curious.. 

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 16 Sep 2014

More CMS are going down that route these days. It has to be spot on though or you risk taking down the whole 'Network' of sites. I used that facility a lot under Wordpress but it soon became more hassle than it's worth to be honest. I'm not saying it isn't a good feature but when you are working with live sites, updates need to be flawless.

Quote · 16 Sep 2014

hi..any chance DU will add friends list we can create and different list and put my friends on it..

and while posting in wall we can choose who will see that post public ,friends, family ..(like facebook)..

and how about like button for profile and orgs pages..i can't see in current dolphin U..any chance to add this..


many website out there have will not be a copyright issue i guess...

Quote · 17 Sep 2014


.i can't see in current dolphin U..any chance to add this..

 Remember this is an Alpha preview, not even a beta.

Many things will surely come, I think right now it's just to get a feeling

and preview of where it is going.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 17 Sep 2014

Liking the new template.

ocean1.JPG · 76.9K · 556 views
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 5 Oct 2014
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.