Guys, in regards to your post, it would appear that you had a bad experience in your attempt at running a sucessful dolphin social networking site. this does not make the application "junk". as there are over 1 million users of this fine application and there are many who have made excellent business models using Dolphin as their backbone, with Terabyte Hosting Solutions being one of those entities who has created a decent business model using the Dolphin application. Now if you ran into some situations as we all have and are actuallly nothing new to the application development world, there are resources to help you overcome any and all situation. lets take microsoft as an example, they have been releasing windows now for over 20 years, they did not release a bug free environment for the first 10+ years and still havent released an entirely bug free environment.
this may not be fully understandable by some, as the engineering that goes into an application is well beyond most comprehension capabilities. however, these issues have all been addressed and worked through. there is not one, i say again, not one developer of any application that has not had issues in many areas when going public with an application. now on the private sector, there are developers who program solely for businesses, and even these niche program developers with focus on one specific task are unable to release a bug free environment.
with Dolphin still in its infancy, those of us who have struggled through the walk of this great applications maturity, have seen the evolvement of an exceptional program. yes the bugs are frustrating, but they are not the end of the world. now lets talk about a cost factor. for the money that you pay for this application, if in fact you paid for it at all, is above and beyond any and all social networking communities. even if you spent $5k a year, which is highly unlikely, other developers are selling their similar applications for $15k just to use them, and this does not include technical support or add-ons for the application.
i think that you guys that had this experience, should give Dolphin another try, and see the substantial difference that has evolved, through the input of the community, and through trial and error. guys, there is nothing perfect, no not one thing on this earth is perfect, and those of us who live in the realistic world understand this,and continue to strive to make Dolphin the greatest social networking application (open source) that is available on the internet today.
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