Hi all, first time poster - long time reader and unity member.
Ok so I started hosting with TMD almost year ago and at the beginning it seemed fine, most tickets were answered pretty quickly. They had done a fresh clean install which as their website suggested should be bug free however the chatroom never keeps it memory, every few hours it resets the chatroom and so all rooms are lost and no-one can chat. I submitted a ticket and the reply was juggled around for over a month, they then basically said its not their server it is a script issue however evidentially this is far from the truth!
I have been waiting over 3.5 months for a reply, every 3 weeks I submit a follow up and ask whats happening and get a response saying, your ticket is in the que and will be answered shortly... a 3.5month que?? I say forget that!
I was told to submit a complaint and email it to sales@tmdhosting.com - Kinda strange really as it isn\'t a sales request, I also asked how to contact the CEO and was told it is their policy to protect the CEOs contact details.
My ticket has been there 3.5months and my complaint email to management has not been replied to and it was 1.5 months ago.
I have hosted through 17 different hosts in the last 9 years of IT and can honestly say STAY CLEAR FROM THIS MOB! They suck you in with cheap prices and the Boonex certified logo (I think Andrew needs to reassess this immediately)
Anyone had a similar experience and I am looking for a new dolphin compatible hosting service, any suggestions on a good one for price and support? Also I would prefer shared not VPS as I want to keep costs low as it is a non-profit community website.
Thanks in advance.