OK, Managed to get it (Dol 7.07) hosted site setup at home on a test server and here is what I did.
Setup LAMP and got everything configured and confirmed it worked.
Ran mysqldump on the production DB then sucked it up into the test DB.
Downloaded and copied all my "public_html" folder contents to the /var/www folder. Make sure you take it out of the "public_html" folder or configure the server to access the folder.
Then downloaded the only Dolphin current version I could find (7.09) and moved the "install" folder to the "www" folder. The hosted site didn't have the install folder so I needed to get it from somewhere and apparently it still works with 7.07.
Followed the directions here: http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/DetailedInstall
Apparently when running the install script it cleared out the DB except for the original Admin of the site. I probably picked an incorrect option. Forum answers on how to reset the admin password didn't work but the below worked like a charm. Searched for "Lost Admin Password" in the Forums.
In phpMyAdmin run the following MySQL queries.
UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Salt` = CONV(FLOOR(RAND()*99999999999999), 10, 36) WHERE `ID`='1';
UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Password` = SHA1(CONCAT(md5('New Admin Password'), `Salt`)) WHERE `ID`='1';
Now Delete user1.php from the cache folder on the server. (This step is important.)
Thanks to "deano92964" for the above trick.
Then went to mysite/index.php and everything works. Also had to go to mysite/administration, logged in and entered my license for Dolphin.