Moving Hosted Moving Files to Test Site

OK, My last post may have looked like I was asking for Linux help but I'm not. Looking to move files from a hosted LAMP environment to a test LAMP environment at my place.

Using MINT 11.04, newest Apache2, PHP5, & MySql. They are all up and running, DB's exported from hosting site and imported to test site and test site is visible on my network and browsers


Here are my questions.


I'm FTP'ing the site files to my MINT box and want to know if I can just drop them in without a problem?


Do I need to download the www folder also?


Anything I need to watch out for?


Am I leaving anything out?


Thanks All,



Quote · 28 May 2012

Addendum: Currently I haven't moved the site files onto the test server. Currently I can see the Apache2 "It Works" message. PHP & MySQL/PHPMyAdmin are also visible.

The info I need is: Can I just drop the site files in or is there some other, better way of setting up the test server.



Quote · 28 May 2012

OK, Managed to get it (Dol 7.07) hosted site setup at home on a test server and here is what I did.

Setup LAMP and got everything configured and confirmed it worked.

Ran mysqldump on the production DB then sucked it up into the test DB.

Downloaded and copied all my "public_html" folder contents to the /var/www folder. Make sure you take it out of the "public_html" folder or configure the server to access the folder.

Then downloaded the only Dolphin current version I could find (7.09) and moved the "install" folder to the "www" folder. The hosted site didn't have the install folder so I needed to get it from somewhere and apparently it still works with 7.07.

Followed the directions here:

Apparently when running the install script it cleared out the DB except for the original Admin of the site. I probably picked an incorrect option. Forum answers on how to reset the admin password didn't work but the below worked like a charm. Searched for "Lost Admin Password" in the Forums.


In phpMyAdmin run the following MySQL queries.

UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Salt` = CONV(FLOOR(RAND()*99999999999999), 10, 36) WHERE `ID`='1';

UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Password` = SHA1(CONCAT(md5('New Admin Password'), `Salt`)) WHERE `ID`='1';

Now Delete user1.php from the cache folder on the server. (This step is important.)

Thanks to "
" for the above trick.

Then went to mysite/index.php and everything works. Also had to go to mysite/administration, logged in and entered my license for Dolphin.

Quote · 29 May 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.