This is frustrating, because I got every single module to install successfully on the first beta, and they are on the exact same server. I just went to look at the permissions for the avatars (though several mods have this same problem) and I found the permissions were identical:
/modules - 755
/modules/boonex - 777
/modules/boonex/avatar - 755
/modules/boonex/avatar/data - 777
/modules/boonex/avatar/data/images - 666
/modules/boonex/avatar/data/tmp - 666
Still, when I try to install this on my D7B2 site, I get the following:
Installation of: Avatar Failed
-- Checking permissions:
-- -- You need to change permissions for the following files and folders:
-- -- /var/www/vhosts/ - Writable
-- -- /var/www/vhosts/ - Writable
Even though it worked perfectly on the same server with the same permissions. Does anyone have a theory as to what might be going on? I am clueless.