Modders Who Deserve Congrats!!

Hi Guys, a couple of days ago (Wednesday to be exact) I finally got off my behind and started building a site utilizing Dolphin 6.1.6 for my much better half, just to see what it could do.  I figured, why not hop in and test out the software and see how many of the mods I have from 6.1.4, developed by other modders and a couple by myself (mine are not as great as their's are) would work inside of 6.1.6 and which ones would blow up.  I also discovered which modders were happy to help adjust their mods for the new script and which ones would rather not.  So, with a ton of mods on my site, I have started a list of which ones worked straight up, which ones needed a little adjustment that the modders were happy to help out with and which ones were duds and the modders have refused to even consider anything on unless we go back and re-buy the mod, but still no guarantee that it will be made to work.  So here is the list, and I have one I have to give extra major Kudos to as he went so far with his mod that it just blew my mind when I did the install on it:


The Modder to get the major Kudos for Best Development of a Mod and maintaining it as Dolphin Updates is:


***Drum roll Please***


Aramis, come on in and accept your Award!  (Photo Gallery Deluxe)


The first time I tried to install the original version of this mod, Aramis and I were up until well after 5 AM my time going back and forth with SQL errors and it was a complete and total pain in the arse.  Then a month later he upgraded it and released a new version, that was much better but still took time and work to install.  This thing had major instructions to it.  Today, it's a different story!  The Photo Gallery Deluxe Modification by Aramis is worth far more than the $100.00 (US) that he charges and here is why:


1.  The install on it when placing inside of 6.1.6 takes less than 15 minutes.  A huge difference from the over 2 hours it took when it first came out for 6.1.4


2.  It has a DHTML Slide show that can not be competed with.  This mod will simply blow your mind when your members view the slideshow Albums, completed with bottom mirroring, auto play and also mouse control over the images.  Beautiful Album Menu at the top that does not disrupt the images.  I have never seen a cleaner, crisper album than the one Aramis has created.


3.  Aramis has enabled end users to have 2  options to upload new images.  They can use the Add Image and select images one at a time, allowing them to lable them individually and then upload up to 50 total at a time or, they can select the Add Images (Java Applet) and select hundred of photos at a time to upload simultaneously.  Currently we have been able to upload 143 images in 41 seconds.  This mod simply ROCKS and there is no way to argue it.  Awesome job on this thing Aramis, I simply wish I could comeback and comment it again for you!!! 


4.  Aramis keeps his mods available as Dolphin evolves and upgrades them without charging the members who have already paid for upgrades.  Again, at $100.00 US for this item, it is priced extremely well below it's true market value!! 


Next up as Modders who deserve kudos for developing Mods that work and maintaining them to their customers!


1.  Rayz:  What can I say about this guy, he not only develops awesome mods at a very reasonable price, but he also will come into your site and help out with any and all install issues that surround them, and many times fix other items he sees on the way through.  I have countless times used his customer service in relations to Global Videos, Radios, Games, Banner Manager and even for the RMS at times. 


2.  AntonLV:  I have a list of mods I've purchased off of AntonLV, and the great thing about Anton's mods are they are all extremely sticky while they carry great instructions.  However, you will need to read closely, as the instructions usually have many steps and one of his mods has over 80K SQL Queries you have to run.  Now, that really sucks but it's necessary to help secure your Dolphin site (Access Management is a great mod, but it will make your mouse hand sore as you run all those SQL's it comes with)


    Scamnet:  It was a seemless install to Dolphin 6.1.6 and works exactly as it's supposed to work.  I love this mod, it allows me to help occuppy spammers time (I've watched them for hours send spam out on my sites and just let them do it until they get bored and move on.  Then I get to delete it all (None ever reaches the members) and move to block them out for the next time they show up). 


    Dependent Fields:  It took a minor adjustment to it, and when I notified AntonLV (it was that simple of an adjustment that it took less than a minute to make) he was quick to advise he'll verify and correct the package for the other customers. 


   Advanced Quicksearch:  I haven't had the chance yet to test it out on 6.1.6, but as soon as I do I will let you guys know!


  Premium Profile Type Splitter:  Okay, this one I haven't discussed if a reinstall is free yet, but I'm sure he and I will work something out.  I think I've bought it 3 times now (It comes with install and allows you to create up to 30 Complete different profile types, even different templates/layouts for them and that makes it worth the money for each site you buy it for.)  I'm hoping an upgrade for each time I bought this is acceptable Anton. 


3.  Scriptologist.  I haven't had a chance to try a ton of Scriptologists paid mods, but I have tested out some and found his work to be beyond reproach.  Clear cut instructions that are very easy for anyone to follow and mods that simply integrate seamlessly.


     Upload Photo Join:  Scriptologist is not the only I have tried this mod out from, but his is the one that worked.  I'm sure that mscott's also works, just haven't tried it out.  Got burned on the first one I bought, as it simply did not work and was my mistake for buying it from an unknown modder (and it was more than Scriptologists), at the price of $15.00 this mod did and still does exactly as it's designed to do, delivers a site that is free of profiles without pics making your site much more end user friendly.  I did not even have to think as I added this into the 6.1.6 site. 


4.  This modder is a modder who went to a level with a mod 6 months or so ago that took Dolphin singlehandedly to a level all of us dreamed about and none of us had a clue how to do.  The more amazing part is that he was donating the majority of the money from the mod he was creating to help out needy kids in another country, and he's only the ripe old age of:


16.  Yes, you read it correctly, 16 years old and he developed single handedly absolutely one of the most amazing mods out there.  His name is GKCGautam, and he was the victim of individuals coming in and stealing his mod and then posting it at a reduced price.  I was one of the first to purchase off him at full price and I'm proud to say that.  He has since dealt with the theives by simply making the price for this item: 


FREE!  Unfortunately, this was at the cost of those he was trying to help.  It takes a scumbag to steal from a 16 year old developer.  But it takes a whole new level of low to steal from a kid who donates his earnings to helping out needy kids. 


Gautam, we have talked many times, and your Mobile Dolphin Mod took Dolphin to a level that made our sites accessible anywhere in the world, our members no longer need to have a laptop & connection to get on our sites, now they can literally do it from anywhere in the world and this makes your mod probably the Greatest Mod ever developed.  Almost 10,000 people have downloaded it so far and I'm sure many more will, I hope all of them have at least made a donation to you for it!!


5.  DolphinMods:  The list of mods from Dolphin Mods is as long and distinguished as the adjectives Sammie will use on you if you cross her!  So here goes:


     Ultimate Messaging Center:  This mod works great and I'll be seeing how well it integrates into 6.1.6 today and tomorrow.  I know from experience of dealing with Jerome at DolphinMods that he backs his mods and is quick to act, just remember, he's in Europe folks, so keep time tables in consideration when asking for support, he will give it.  But this mod allows you to add Auto Reply, E-Mail Templates, Multiple E-Mail Folders and many other items that all e-mail accounts should have and the majority of major sites don't have.  Awesome thinking and great mod Jerome!


     Delete Sent Message:  This mod was a no-brainer, but showed the majority of us have no-brains, because Jerome was the only one to come up with it.  Before this mod, we could only lighten our DB's by going into SQL and taking out what we wanted, Jerome made it so now the members do it for us by simply emptying their own boxes. 


     Advanced Mass Mailer:  Dolphin does not out of the box have the ability to e-mail all of it's members in 6.1.4.  I am checking out 6.1.6 to see if it does.  I believe I saw it in the Admin Panel already, which if it does will make this mod extinct in the near future, but it's still a great mod for all those running 6.1.4  This mod bridged the river between Admin and Members as it allowed Admin to communicate with them for the first time on the very sites that Admin was running.  Interesting item for Boonex to forget and great item for Jerome to pick up on.  What's more, is this site also allows Admin to comment on the members Comments as Admin, so maybe it won't be extinct as I know in 6.1.6 Admin can not comment profiles. 


     Mailbox Filter:  Jerome has done an awesome job with this mod, and it will be attempted to add to 6.1.6 along with his others, it allows your members to control who attempts to contact them, before they even try the first time, based upon habits.  Now, how cool is that.  For the first time, members can truly have a say in the types of people they network with on your sites.  This is especially useful in sites that are mainstream and open to everyone, for example dating sites where lesbians don't want guys hitting on them.  What?  It's a completely fair topic and I can already see some of you running for this item.


I could keep going, but for now I have more items to attempt the installs on and to see how well they work.  I will report back on all the items that I have listed and ALL items that I install on this new test site, it will be fun to see how well it all works and how many errors I can throw from the server as I do this!! 



Quote · 10 Jul 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.