Mobile Friendly Responsive Menu from AQB Soft

This is a support forum for our Mobile Friendly Responsive Menu module.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to post them here or contact us directly.

Best Regards AntonLV -
2 Apr 2016

AntonLV can you inbox me your email address thanks

2 Apr 2016

Now this is what Im talking about, looks like somebody is starting to get the picture around here :)


Few questions if I may:


a) how easy or difficult would it be to give us unlimited customization with this, such as the ability to EASILY change elements like font color of text, background color, icons, menu placement on middle or right side of screen, ect.,?
to easily match the colors of the rest of the will be pretty freaking boring to have the same exact white text & grey background as the other thousands of sites. 


b) Since this is originally for the menu, would you be willing to take it a step further and do the same for the footer?  It only makes more sense to have our WHOLE site as mobile friendly as possible....and easily customizable as well.


This module is a game changer & actually quite brilliant Anton.  I've been looking into something like this myself, but this would prob save a lot of time for us newbs (especially with unlimited customization). 

This "should" also keep the outrageous prices of (mobile) templates in check too

Ultra Newb reporting for duty.
3 Apr 2016

I have an issue with social inviter & mobile friendly.  With mobile friendly installed the facebook buttons on the social invite block become LARGE and distorted.  If I uninstall the mobile friendly the buttons for facebook on the social invite block return to normal.



4 Apr 2016

Hello, Michael!

Thanks you for report, we have solved the problem and updated archive and module on your site.

Best Regards AntonLV -
4 Apr 2016

Hello, JUN10R!

Default, version totally independent of Dolphin's templates. It has its own colors and html/css structure. Design may be changed via module's css files. Also it may be opened from left to right and right to left.
We will try to add ability to the next version to open menu from the bottom and top of the page.

Best Regards AntonLV -
4 Apr 2016

 Thanks for the response.

Hello, JUN10R!

Also it may be opened from left to right and right to left.
We will try to add ability to the next version to open menu from the bottom and top of the page.

 Any plans to (optionally) do the same for the footer too?  That would be super cool Cool

Ultra Newb reporting for duty.
4 Apr 2016

The template has some bugs.

1. You modified top menu to stick to top when users scroll down. But if you open some other page say for example Groups then it has its own sub menu which also stick to top when users scroll down. At that time if user clicks on More at the top menu then a horizontal slider will come up to scroll but user will not be able to slide top menu at that point because it has been overlapped by sub menu of Groups


2. Can't scroll down to see all menu items on side menu on the smaller screen. When you scroll down to see more menu item it will scroll down the page but not the menu.


3. When you enlarge the screen size while side menu is showing, the menu button vanishes and all the top menu started showing up (the default evo menu) but you can still see the side menu and there is no option to hide. Again you will have you reduce the screen size to see that menu button if you want to hide that....!

5 Apr 2016


Can we reproduce these problems on your site? provide us please with ftp and site's admin panel acces info via inbox, we will check may be you have some javascript problems on the site.

Which version of Dolphin do you have?

Best Regards AntonLV -
5 Apr 2016


Version was update.

Several corrections and new changes were added for both menu types.

For update, you just need to upload new files and recompile the cache.

Best Regards AntonLV -
7 Apr 2016



Can we reproduce these problems on your site? provide us please with ftp and site's admin panel acces info via inbox, we will check may be you have some javascript problems on the site.

Which version of Dolphin do you have?

 I haven't bought this template. I checked this on demo site found that bugs there


Your solved 2nd problem in update. 1st and 3rd problem still exits!

10 Apr 2016



Version was updated. Several new improvments and corrections were added.

For update: you just need to upload new files and recompile the cache.

Best Regards AntonLV -
12 Apr 2016

1st problem solved. Still 3rd exists!

12 Apr 2016



Problem was fixed and module was updated.

For update: you just need to upload new files and recompile the cache.

Best Regards AntonLV -
12 Apr 2016

Yes, the problems are fixed!

15 Apr 2016


The menu is slow to appear. any solution?

23 Apr 2016



The menu is slow to appear. any solution?

Yes, menu appears when a page is loaded and sometimes users may see standard menu first. We are working on it and will upload the module during 24 - 48 hours.

Best Regards AntonLV -
25 Apr 2016


25 Apr 2016

Hello i see standard menu on some pages, your menu appear on just member page or search page any solution ? thanks

26 Apr 2016



Provide us please with your site's access info via inbox, we will check it.

Best Regards AntonLV -
26 Apr 2016


2 May 2016



It almost done.

It took more time, because we also added several other improvements.

Now version will be available during 24 hours.

Thanks for you patience!

Best Regards AntonLV -
2 May 2016



Version was updated. There are few changes for menu display and translations were added. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
3 May 2016

Thx, it works better.

3 May 2016

We have a problem here.  I do have a template and unfortunately your module is not working with it. In addition to the menu failing to show properly,  I actually have it set to appear on the right and it remains left:

4 Jun 2016



It was created for default Dolphin's templates, but it may be corrected for any other templates.

Provide us please with your ftp and site's admin panel access info via inbox we will check.

Best Regards AntonLV -
4 Jun 2016

Hi! I really love your modules. Many of them are must need.

For this module, i want you to add "Set MAXIMUM screen width to show slide menu" feature.

This way, i will be able to set the horizontal menu for desktop and tablet users.

But mobile users will see the slide menu.

I am using a free android app creator "appgeyster" to make an app.
My App shows just a browser page and opens my mobile friendly site. (standart dolphins mobile friendly template)
So this will be a great feature for me. Please add this feature, then i will but it :)


11 Sep 2016



We are glad that you are like it.


We will try to incude this ability to the next version.

If you don't want to wait, we can perform it for you as custom modification, you may contact us via inbox.

Best Regards AntonLV -
12 Sep 2016

Hey Anton,

Great module but I have two problems. One it takes out the scroll to the top module. That module is outdated anyways and I can hardcode it into dolphin. But the one that get me is Modzzz's Places. It shrinks the page and if I turn your module off it looks right. Attached I have Module on and Module off.

module-on.png · 172.9K · 435 views
module-off.png · 120.3K · 415 views
3 Dec 2016

Hello TruckingSpace,


Can you please provide us with your access info via inbox, we will check it?

Best Regards AntonLV -
5 Dec 2016

Thanks Anton for getting back to me.. I ended up using a different template that has the hamburger menu. I like your menu with default dolphin template. But it was causing java conflicts with some of Modzzz modules.

6 Dec 2016

Can I check it on your site?

Best Regards AntonLV -
7 Dec 2016


Can I check it on your site?

 I just re-installed it on the site. Now it is not doing it? Seems to be working fine. If you want to look at it still let me know and I will PM you the site as well as Login info. But like I said I installed it again and now working fine? Maybe when uploading a file got messed up?

7 Dec 2016

Yes, may be some files were not fully uploaded or problems with cache files.

Best Regards AntonLV -
7 Dec 2016

how to change background color (black to other) of the menu?

28 Jan 2017

All css styles are located in modules\aqb\slide_menu\templates\base\css\ folder. You need to select css files for your current active menu and change it's styles. For simple slide-out menu you need to open modules\aqb\slide_menu\templates\base\css\slideout.css file and edit class.

Best Regards AntonLV -
28 Jan 2017

Please try fixing the multi level menu for free up down scrolling. Because the simple menu is too lengthy to use

8 May 2017


Do you mean touchscreen scrolling doesnt' work properly for you?

Best Regards AntonLV -
8 May 2017

Yes. difficult to scroll and pick menu item, it is quite annoying. u suggested me to use simple menu but it is bulky because of many modules.


Do you mean touchscreen scrolling doesnt' work properly for you?


8 May 2017



We will try to update it till the end of the week.

Best Regards AntonLV -
10 May 2017

 Thank you.



We will try to update it till the end of the week.


10 May 2017

 Please try update 



We will try to update it till the end of the week.


29 May 2017



Sorry for the silence!


We are working on menu and checking other plugins which maybe integrated to our menu.

Can you please provide us with your site's access info, we will correct it for your site.

Best Regards AntonLV -
29 May 2017

 Do you require admin access or other let me know?



Sorry for the silence!


We are working on menu and checking other plugins which maybe integrated to our menu.

Can you please provide us with your site's access info, we will correct it for your site.


30 May 2017


Please let me know kind of access u require



Sorry for the silence!


We are working on menu and checking other plugins which maybe integrated to our menu.

Can you please provide us with your site's access info, we will correct it for your site.


15 Jun 2017



Ftp and admin panel access info.

Best Regards AntonLV -
16 Jun 2017


Clicking notifications bubble after getting few notifications or clicking add + symbol in bottom menu, the box is going behind the menu bar on top. Same thing happened with breadcrumbs because of their rigidity. How to fix this?

16 Aug 2017

Just like this image. 

notification_menu.png · 9.7K · 405 views
17 Aug 2017


Thank you for the image.

Can we check and fix it on your site?

Best Regards AntonLV -
17 Aug 2017

Sent FTP and admin credentials. Currently this menu was disabled.

17 Aug 2017
19 Aug 2017
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.